
    projection 对比 displacement
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 projection displacement
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    投影, 射影
    1. 设计,规划[U][C],2. 投掷,发射[U],3. 凸出[U],4. 凸出物[C],5. 投射;投影;放映[U],6. 投影图[C],7. 【心】投射[U][C],8. 预测,推测;估计[C]
    n. 【医学】 【医学】
    Gap in relation to the mean position.
    扩展解释:【医学】 【中医】
    1. 移位;置换;取代[U]2. 撤换,免职[U]3. (船的)排水量[U][S1]4. 【地】断层;位移[U]5. 【心】移位;情感转移[U] 6.【机】(泵、汽缸)排量、工作容积
    (2).维基词典 projection displacement
    Something which projects, protrudes, juts out, sticks out, or stands out.
    The action of projecting or throwing or propelling something.
    The display of an image by devices such as movie projector, video projector, overhead projector or slide projector.
    A forecast or prognosis obtained by extrapolation
    A belief or assumption that others have similar thoughts and experiences as oneself
    The image that a translucent object casts onto another object.
    Any of several systems of intersecting lines that allow the curved surface of the earth to be represented on a flat surface. The set of mathematics used to calculate coordinate positions.
    An image of an object on a surface of fewer dimensions.
    An idempotent linear transformation which maps vectors from a vector space onto a subspace.
    A transformation which extracts a fragment of a mathematical object.
    A morphism from a categorical product to one of its (two) components.
    The act of displacing, or the state of being displaced; a putting out of place.
    The quantity of anything, as water, displaced by a floating body, as by a ship, the weight of the displaced liquid being equal to that of the displacing body.
    The process of extracting soluble substances from organic material and the like, whereby a quantity of saturated solvent is displaced, or removed, for another quantity of the solvent.
    Moving the target to dodging.
    A vector quantity which denotes distance with a directional component.
    The capability of a communication system to refer to things that are not present (that existed or will exist at another time, or that exist at another location).
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 projection displacement
    The act of throwing or shooting forward.
    A jutting out; also, a part jutting out, as of a building; an extension beyond something else.
    The act of scheming or planning; also, that which is planned; contrivance; design; plan.
    The representation of something; delineation; plan; especially, the representation of any object on a perspective plane, or such a delineation as would result were the chief points of the object thrown forward upon the plane, each in the direction of a line drawn through it from a given point of sight, or central point; as, the projection of a sphere. The several kinds of projection differ according to the assumed point of sight and plane of projection in each.
    Any method of representing the surface of the earth upon a plane.
    The act of displacing, or the state of being displaced; a putting out of place.
    The quantity of anything, as water, displaced by a floating body, as by a ship, the weight of the displaced liquid being equal to that of the displacing body.
    The process of extracting soluble substances from organic material and the like, whereby a quantity of saturated solvent is displaced, or removed, for another quantity of the solvent.