【Extend】 , 【lengthen】 , 【elongate】 , 【prolong】 , 【protract】 all mean to draw out or add to so as to increase in length.
Both 【extend】 and 【lengthen】 (opposed to shorten ) connote an increase of length either in space or in time, but 【extend】 is also used to connote increase in range (as of kinds, of influence, or of applicability); thus, a road may be extended or lengthened; one may 【extend】 or 【lengthen】 his stay; the power of a monarch, however, may be extended but not lengthened.
【Elongate】 (usually opposed to abbreviate ) denotes to increase in spatial length and has wider technical than general use.
【Prolong】 (opposed to cut short, arrest ) means to 【extend】 in duration beyond usual or normal limits.
【Protract】 (opposed to curtail ) adds to the denotation of 【prolong】 the connotations of indefiniteness, needlessness, or boredom.
The modern Olympic Games or Olympics (French: Jeux olympiques) are leading international sporting events featuring summer and winter sports competitions in ...
The modern Olympic Games or Olympics (French: Jeux olympiques) are leading international sporting events featuring summer and winter sports competitions in ...
1.Olympic Games Facts for Kids - Kids encyclopedia facts - Kiddle
Over time the Olympics have become bigger. In old times, women were not allowed, but now there are women’s events. The Winter Games were created for ice and ...
1.Olympic Games - ISSF - International Shooting Sport ...
The Olympic Programme of Shooting Sport includes 15 total events of three disciplines: Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun. Olympians compete in six men events, ...