
    proportion 对比 frequency
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 proportion frequency
    比例 ,比率,部分
    1. 比例;比率[U][C][(+of/to)]2. 调和;均衡,相称[U][P1]3. 部分,份儿[C][(+of)]4. 大小;面积;容积[P]5. 【数】比例[U]vt.1. 使成比例;使平衡;使相称[(+to)]2. 分摊
    n. 【机械】
    n. 【化学】
    1. 频繁,屡次[U]2. 频率,次数[C]3. 【物】频率;周率[C][U]
    n. 【医学】 【医学】
    n. 【机械】
    (2).维基词典 proportion frequency
    A quantity of something that is part of the whole amount or number.
    Harmonious relation of parts to each other or to the whole.
    Proper or equal share.
    The relation of one part to another or to the whole with respect to magnitude, quantity, or degree.
    A statement of equality between two ratios.
    To set or render in proportion.
    The rate of occurrence of anything; the relationship between incidence and time period.
    The property of occurring often rather than infrequently.
    number of times an event occurred in an experiment (absolute frequency)
    (3).牛津词典 proportion frequency
    a part, share, or number considered in comparative relation to a whole
    the relationship of one thing to another in terms of quantity, size, or number; ratio
    the comparative measurements or size of different parts of a whole
    dimensions; size
    the correct, attractive, or ideal relationship between one thing and another or between the parts of a whole
    adjust or regulate (something) so that it has a particular or suitable relationship to something else
    the rate at which something occurs over a particular period of time or in a given sample
    the fact or state of being frequent or happening often.
    the rate per second of a vibration constituting a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light)
    the particular waveband at which radio signals are broadcast or transmitted
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 proportion frequency
    The relation or adaptation of one portion to another, or to the whole, as respect magnitude, quantity, or degree; comparative relation; ratio; as, the proportion of the parts of a building, or of the body.
    Harmonic relation between parts, or between different things of the same kind; symmetrical arrangement or adjustment; symmetry; as, to be out of proportion.
    The portion one receives when a whole is distributed by a rule or principle; equal or proper share; lot.
    A part considered comparatively; a share.
    The equality or similarity of ratios, especially of geometrical ratios; or a relation among quantities such that the quotient of the first divided by the second is equal to that of the third divided by the fourth; - called also geometrical proportion, in distinction from arithmetical proportion, or that in which the difference of the first and second is equal to the difference of the third and fourth.
    The rule of three, in arithmetic, in which the three given terms, together with the one sought, are proportional.
    To adjust in a suitable proportion, as one thing or one part to another; as, to proportion the size of a building to its height; to proportion our expenditures to our income.
    To form with symmetry or suitableness, as the parts of the body.
    To divide into equal or just shares; to apportion.
    The condition of returning frequently; occurrence often repeated; common occurence; as, the frequency of crimes; the frequency of miracles.
    A crowd; a throng.