
    puppet 对比 doll
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 puppet doll
    [C]1. 木偶;玩偶,2. 傀儡,受他人操纵的人(或集团)
    n. 【法律专业】
    傀儡 ,伪
    vt. & vi.
    穿戴漂亮的时装(与 up 或 out 连用);
    [C]1. 玩偶,洋娃娃,2. 美貌却不聪明的女人,3. 【俚】俊妞儿,甜姐儿,4. 【美】【俚】逗人爱的孩子,小宝贝,vt.1. 【口】把...打扮得花枝招展,2. 【口】打扮得漂漂亮亮
    n. 【地质学】
    (2).维基词典 puppet doll
    Any small model of a person or animal able to be moved by strings or rods, or in the form of a glove.
    A person, country, etc, controlled by another.
    A poppet; a small image in the human form; a doll.
    The upright support for the bearing of the spindle in a lathe.
    A toy in the form of a human.
    A woman.
    A term of endearment: darling, sweetheart.
    a good-natured, cooperative or helpful girl
    The smallest or pet pig in a litter.
    (3).牛津词典 puppet doll
    a small model of a human figure, typically one of a baby or girl, used as a child’s toy.
    an attractive young woman.
    a generous or considerate person
    a temporary barrier on a racecourse or gallop.
    dress someone smartly and attractively
    place a barrier in front of (a jump or other part of the course that is to be omitted from a race)
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 puppet doll
    A small image in the human form; a doll.
    A similar figure moved by the hand or by a wire in a mock drama; a marionette; a wooden actor in a play.
    One controlled in his action by the will of another; a tool; - so used in contempt.
    The upright support for the bearing of the spindle in a lathe.
    a small, usually flexible figure representing a human being, especially a toy baby for a little girl; a child’s puppet.
    an attractive woman or girl.