
    purpose 对比 mean
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Intend】 , 【mean】 ,  【design】 ,  【propose】 ,  【purpose】  signify to have in mind as an aim, end, or function.

    Intend】 implies that the mind is directed to some definite accomplishment or to the achievement of a definite end or is bent upon some person or thing (as an invention or a writing) serving a certain 【purpose】 or use, or fulfilling a certain destiny.  【Intend】 often implies an aim to express a definite idea by a given word or phrase.

    Mean】  often carries a denotation close to that of  【intend】 , but it does not convey so clear an implication of determination to effect one’s end as does  【intend】 and, sometimes, it implies little more than volition or decision.

    Design】  (see also under PLAN ) usually stresses forethought and deliberation in arriving at an intention. Often, the term also implies scheming or contriving, especially by underhand means, in an attempt to effect what is designed.

    Propose】 implies a declaration of one’s intention or a setting it clearly before oneself or others. It therefore usually connotes clear definition or open avowal.

    Purpose】  differs little from  【propose】 except in carrying a somewhat stronger implication of determination to effect or achieve one’s intention and in occasionally connoting clearer definition in one’s own mind.

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