
    quiescent 对比 dormant
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Latent】 , 【dormant】 ,  【quiescent】 ,  【potential】 ,  【abeyant】  are comparable when meaning not now manifest or not evincing signs of existence or activity.

    Latent】 implies concealment and is applied to what is present without showing itself.

    Dormant】 usually suggests sleeping and is applied to something which has once been active but now is inactive though not incapable of future activity.

    Quiescent】 emphasizes the fact of inactivity without necessary implications either of causes or of past or future activity. Sometimes it connotes immobility.

    Potential】 applies to something which at a time in question does not possess such being, nature, or effect as is expressed but which is likely to have or capable of having such being, nature, or effect at some future time.

    Abeyant】  (more often, predicatively, in abeyance ) implies a suspension of activity or active existence <in Mr. Brooke the hereditary strain of Puritan energy was clearly in abeyance —George Eliot >  It usually connotes expectancy of revival.

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