
    rai 对比 mustard
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 rai mustard
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    1. 芥末;芥子[U]2. 芥菜[U][C]3. 芥末色,深黄色[U]4. 【俚】(酒等的)热辣劲;热情[U]
    n. 【农业】
    (2).维基词典 rai mustard
    stone money
    A plant of certain species of the genus Brassica, or of related genera (especially Sinapis alba, in the family Brassicaceae, with yellow flowers, and linear seed pods.
    Powder or paste made from seeds of the mustard plant, and used as a condiment or a spice.
    The leaves of the mustard plant, used as a salad.
    Dark colour, the colour of mustard.
    The tomalley of a crab, which resembles the condiment.
    Of a dark yellow colour.
    (3).牛津词典 rai mustard
    a hot-tasting yellow or brown paste made from the crushed seeds of certain plants, typically eaten with meat or used as a cooking ingredient
    the yellow-flowered Eurasian plant of the cabbage family whose seeds are used to make mustard.
    used in names of related plants, only some of which are used to produce mustard for the table, e.g. hedge mustard.
    a brownish yellow colour
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 rai mustard
    The name of several cruciferous plants of the genus Brassica (formerly Sinapis), as white mustard (Brassica alba), black mustard (Brassica Nigra), wild mustard or charlock (Brassica Sinapistrum).
    A powder or a paste made from the seeds of black or white mustard, used as a condiment and a rubefacient. Taken internally it is stimulant and diuretic, and in large doses is emetic.