
    resonance 对比 dissonance
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 resonance dissonance
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    谐振(传感器的)[ 沿传感器轴向施加振动时,从输出端可观察到的传感器件在窄频带范围内]
    n. 【地质学】
    1. 共鸣;反响;【电】共振
    扩展解释:n. 【化学】
    (2).维基词典 resonance dissonance
    The quality of being resonant.
    A resonant sound, echo, or reverberation, such as that produced by blowing over the top of a bottle.
    The sound produced by a hollow body part such as the chest cavity upon auscultation, especially that produced while the patient is speaking.
    Something that evokes an association, or a strong emotion.
    The increase in the amplitude of an oscillation of a system under the influence of a periodic force whose frequency is close to that of the system’s natural frequency.
    A short-lived subatomic particle or state of atomic excitation that results from the collision of atomic particles.
    An increase in the strength or duration of a musical tone produced by sympathetic vibration.
    The property of a compound that can be visualized as having two structures differing only in the distribution of electrons; mesomerism.
    A influence of the gravitational forces of one orbiting object on the orbit of another, causing periodic perturbations.
    The condition where the inductive and capacitive reactances have equal magnitude.
    A harsh, discordant combination of sounds.
    Conflicting notes that are not overtones of the note or chord sounding.
    A state of disagreement or conflict.
    (3).牛津词典 resonance dissonance
    lack of harmony among musical notes
    lack of agreement or harmony between people or things
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 resonance dissonance
    The act of resounding; the quality or state of being resonant.
    A prolongation or increase of any sound, either by reflection, as in a cavern or apartment the walls of which are not distant enough to return a distinct echo, or by the production of vibrations in other bodies, as a sounding-board, or the bodies of musical instruments.
    A phenomenon in which a vibration or other cyclic process (such as tide cycles) of large amplitude is produced by smaller impulses, when the frequency of the external impulses is close to that of the natural cycling frequency of the process in that system.
    An electric phenomenon corresponding to that of acoustic resonance, due to the existance of certain relations of the capacity, inductance, resistance, and frequency of an alternating circuit; the tuning of a radio transmitter or receiver to send or detect waves of specific frequencies depends on this phenomenon.
    A mingling of discordant sounds; an inharmonious combination of sounds; discord.
    Want of agreement; incongruity.