
    ride 对比 hound
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Bait】 , 【badger】 , 【heckle】 , 【hector】 , 【chivy】 , 【hound】 , ride】  mean to persist in tormenting or harassing another.

    Bait】 derives its implications from its basic reference to the action of dogs set on to bite and worry an animal (as a chained bear, boar, or bull). Both in this and in extended use it suggests wanton cruelty or malicious delight in persecution.

    Badger】 is more specific than bait】 . Basically it suggests the baiting of a 【badger】 that has been trapped in a hole or barrel and can neither escape nor adequately defend itself from attack; in reference to persons it implies pestering or persecuting that drives the victim into a hopelessly confused or frenzied state of mind.

    Heckle】 implies persistent questioning of a speaker (as a candidate for election, a legislator discussing a bill before the house, or a person advocating or condemning a movement or cause) and an attempt to bring out his weaknesses or to destroy the effect of his argument.

    It suggests an intent to harass and confuse a speaker by frequent interruptions and by inconvenient or embarrassing questions.

    Hector】 always carries a suggestion of bullying and implies a spirit-breaking scolding or maddeningly domineering treatment.

    Chivy】 and 【hound】 both stress relentless chasing and pursuing.

    Chivy】 , however, often also suggests teasing or annoying past the endurance of the victim.

    Hound】 implies persistent and long-continued persecution till the tormentor’s end is achieved or the victim acknowledges himself defeated.

    Ride】 implies persistent goading or spurring (as by unfair criticism, ridicule, or onerous impositions).

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