
    rim 对比 margin
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Border】 , 【margin】 , 【verge】 , 【edge】 , 【rim】 , 【brim】 , brink】  mean the line or relatively narrow space which marks the limit or outermost bound of something.

    A 【border】 is the part of a surface which is just within its boundary line or it may be the boundary line itself.

    Margin】 denotes a 【border】 of definite width usually distinguished in some way from the remaining surface; it also applies to the space immediately contiguous to a body of water.

    Verge】 applies to the line or to a very narrow space which sharply marks the limit or termination of a thing (as a surface or an expanse).

    Verge】 may also be applied to the extreme limit of something with an implication that it is being approached either from within or from without.

    An 【edge】 is a sharply defined terminating line made by the converging of two surfaces (as of a blade, a dish, a plank, or a box).

    Edge】 often implies sharpness (as opposed to bluntness) and therefore power to cut.

    It is this implication that comes out strongest in extended use where it often suggests asperity, trenchancy, or keenness.

    Rim】 usually applies to the 【verge】 or 【edge】 of something circular or curving.

    Brim】 applies to the inner side of the 【rim】 of a hollow vessel or to the topmost line of the basin of a river, lake, or other body of water.

    Brink】 denotes the 【edge】 of something steep (as a precipice); thus, one would speak of the river’s brink】  when stressing the abruptness of the bank or shore but of the river’s 【brim】 when the notion of the close approach of the water to the basin’s 【rim】 is uppermost in mind.

    Brink】  may also be used of immaterial things with the implication of a possibility or risk of abrupt transition (as front one state to another).

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