
    scanty 对比 meager
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Meager】 ,  【scanty】 ,  【scant】 ,  【skimpy】 ,  【scrimpy】 ,  【exiguous】 ,  【spare】 ,  【sparse】  are comparable when they mean so small (as in amount, number, or size) as to fall short of what is normal, necessary, or desirable.

    Meager】 stresses thinness: as applied to persons or animals, it suggests emaciation but as applied to things in general, it implies the absence of elements, qualities, or numbers necessary to a thing’s richness, substance, or potency.

    Scanty】 emphasizes insufficiency in amount, quantity, or extent.

    Scant】  may differ from  【scanty】 in suggesting a falling or a cutting short (as in amount or quantity) of what is desired or desirable rather than in what is necessary or essential.

    Skimpy】  and the less common  【scrimpy】  as applied to things may be quite interchangeable with  【meager】 but often they are more strongly colored by the related verbs, skimp and scrimp, and then usually suggest niggardliness or penury as the cause of the deficiency.

    Exiguous】 stresses a smallness in size, amount, extent, or capacity that is more or less inherent in the thing under consideration and makes it compare unfavorably with other things of its kind.

    Spare】  (see also LEAN SUPERFLUOUS ) implies merely a falling short of what is easily or fully sufficient; unlike  【scanty】  and meager】 , it seldom suggests resulting loss or hardship.

    Sparse】 stresses a lack of normal or desirable thickness or density; the term need not suggest insufficiency or inadequacy in numbers or in quantity, but it always connotes a thin scattering of the units.

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