
    segment 对比 fragment
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 segment fragment
    vt. & vi.
    Part of a citrus fruit surrounded by a thin membrane containing the pulp and seeds; each derives fr...
    扩展解释:n. 【机械】
    n. 【化学】
    [C]1. 部分;部门;切片,断片,2. 【数】线段;弓形;球缺,3. 【语】语流中的一个音素(或单个音),4. 【生】体节,节,vt.1. 分割,切割,vi.1. 分割成部分;切成片(或段等)
    扩展解释:n. 【机械】
    [C]1. 碎片,破片;断片,2. (文艺作品等的)未完成部分,vt.1. 使成碎片,vi.1. 成碎片
    【医学】 【中医】
    (2).维基词典 segment fragment
    A length of some object.
    One of the parts into which any body naturally separates or is divided; a part divided or cut off; a section; a portion.
    A portion.
    A straight path between two points that is the shortest distance between them.
    The part of a circle between its circumference and a chord (usually other than the diameter).
    The part of a sphere cut off by a plane.
    A portion.
    Any of the pieces that constitute an order tree.
    A discrete unit of speech: a consonant or a vowel.
    A portion of an organ whose cells are derived from a single cell within the primordium from which the organ developed.
    A part of a broadcast program, devoted to a topic.
    An Ethernet bus.
    A region of memory or a fragment of an executable file designated to contain a particular part of a program.
    A portion of an itinerary: it may be a flight or train between two cities, or a car or hotel booked in a particular city.
    A bearing representing only one part of a rounded object.
    To divide into segments or sections.
    A part broken off; a small, detached portion; an imperfect part, either physically or not
    A sentence not containing a subject or a predicate.
    An incomplete portion of code.
    To break apart.
    To cause to be broken into pieces.
    To break up and disperse (a file) into non-contiguous areas of a disk.
    (3).牛津词典 segment fragment
    each of the parts into which something is or may be divided
    a portion of time allocated to a particular broadcast item on radio or television
    a part of a figure cut off by a line or plane intersecting it.
    the part of a circle enclosed between an arc and a chord.
    the part of a line included between two points.
    the part of a sphere cut off by any plane not passing through the centre.
    each of the series of similar anatomical units of which the body and appendages of some animals are composed, such as the visible rings of an earthworm’s body.
    the smallest distinct part of a spoken utterance, especially with regard to vowel and consonant sounds rather than stress or intonation.
    divide (something) into separate parts or sections
    divide into separate parts or sections
    (of a cell) undergo cleavage; divide into many cells.
    a small part broken off or separated from something
    an isolated or incomplete part of something
    break or cause to break into fragments
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 segment fragment
    One of the parts into which any body naturally separates or is divided; a part divided or cut off; a section; a portion; as, a segment of an orange; a segment of a compound or divided leaf.
    A part cut off from a figure by a line or plane; especially, that part of a circle contained between a chord and an arc of that circle, or so much of the circle as is cut off by the chord; as, the segment acb in the Illustration.
    A piece in the form of the sector of a circle, or part of a ring; as, the segment of a sectional fly wheel or flywheel rim.
    One of the cells or division formed by segmentation, as in egg cleavage or in fissiparous cell formation.
    To divide or separate into parts in growth; to undergo segmentation, or cleavage, as in the segmentation of the ovum.
    A part broken off; a small, detached portion; an imperfect part; as, a fragment of an ancient writing.