
    shaft 对比 gaff
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 shaft gaff
    Symbol of a wind blowing at a speed lower than 3?mph.
    [C]1. 箭杆,箭;矛柄,矛,2. (工具的)手柄,把手,3. 【机】轴4. 【矿】矿井;竖井,5. 井状通道;通风井;(电梯的)升降机井,6. (光、闪电等的)一道[(+of)]7. 【美】讽刺话[(+of)]8. 【美】苛刻(或不公平的)待遇[the S]9. 【美】【俚】(人的)大腿[P]
    n. 【化学】
    鱼叉, 斜桁, 鸡脚上的铁爪;
    用鱼叉捉, 用鱼钩拖上来
    Diagonal yard aft of a mast and supporting the top part of a sail.
    扩展解释:n. 【法律专业】
    1. 鱼叉,2. 【海】斜桁,vt.1. 用鱼叉捉
    (2).维基词典 shaft gaff
    The entire body of a long weapon, such as an arrow.
    The long, narrow, central body of a spear, arrow, or javelin.
    Anything cast or thrown as a spear or javelin.
    Any long thin object, such as the handle of a tool, one of the poles between which an animal is harnessed to a vehicle, the driveshaft of a motorized vehicle with rear-wheel drive, an axle, etc.
    A beam or ray of light.
    The main axis of a feather.
    The long narrow body of a lacrosse stick.
    A long, narrow passage sunk into the earth, either natural or for artificial.
    A vertical passage housing a lift or elevator; a liftshaft.
    A ventilation or heating conduit; an air duct.
    Any column or pillar, particularly the body of a column between its capital and pedestal.
    The main cylindrical part of the penis.
    The chamber of a blast furnace.
    To fuck over; to cause harm to, especially through deceit or treachery.
    To equip with a shaft.
    To fuck; to have sexual intercourse with.
    A tool consisting of a large metal hook with a handle or pole, especially the one used to pull large fish aboard a boat.
    A minor error or faux pas, a gaffe.
    A trick or con.
    The upper spar used to control a gaff-rigged sail.
    A garment worn to hide the genitals.
    Rough or harsh treatment; criticism.
    A place of residence.
    To use a gaff, especially to land a fish.
    To cheat or hoax.
    To gamble.
    (3).牛津词典 shaft gaff
    a stick with a hook or barbed spear, for landing large fish.
    a spar to which the head of a fore-and-aft sail is bent
    rough treatment or criticism
    reveal a plot or secret
    a house, flat, or other building, especially as being a person’s home
    seize or impale with a gaff
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 shaft gaff
    The slender, smooth stem of an arrow; hence, an arrow.
    The long handle of a spear or similar weapon; hence, the weapon itself; (Fig.) anything regarded as a shaft to be thrown or darted; as, shafts of light.
    That which resembles in some degree the stem or handle of an arrow or a spear; a long, slender part, especially when cylindrical.
    The handle or helve of certain tools, instruments, etc., as a hammer, a whip, etc.
    A humming bird (Thaumastura cora) having two of the tail feathers next to the middle ones very long in the male; - called also cora humming bird.
    A rod at the end of a heddle.
    A well-like excavation in the earth, perpendicular or nearly so, made for reaching and raising ore, for raising water, etc.
    A long passage for the admission or outlet of air; an air shaft.
    The chamber of a blast furnace.
    A barbed spear or a hook with a handle, used by fishermen in securing heavy fish.
    The spar upon which the upper edge of a fore-and-aft sail is extended.
    Same as Gaffle, 1.
    To strike with a gaff or barbed spear; to secure by means of a gaff; as, to gaff a salmon.