To make a brief, basic drawing.
To describe briefly and with very few details.
A rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not intended as a finished work, often consisting of a multitude of overlapping lines.
A rough design, plan, or draft, as a rough draft of a book.
A brief description of a person or account of an incident; a general presentation or outline.
A brief, light, or unfinished dramatic, musical, or literary work or idea; especially a short, often humorous or satirical scene or play, frequently as part of a revue or variety show, a skit
a brief musical composition or theme, especially for the piano
An amusing person.
A lookout; vigilant watch for something.
A humorous newspaper article summarizing political events, making heavy use of metaphor, paraphrase and caricature.
A category together with a set of limit cones and a set of colimit cones.
Sketchy, shady, questionable.
A visual representation of an area, whether real or imaginary.
A graphical representation of the relationships between objects, components or themes.
A function.
The butterfly ver=160924.
The face.
A predefined and confined imaginary area where a game session takes place.
To create a visual representation of a territory, etc. via cartography.
To inform someone of a particular idea.
To act as a function on something, taking it to something else.