
    snipe 对比 hunt
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 snipe hunt
    鹬, 足以轻蔑的人物, 香烟屁股;
    [C]1. 【鸟】沙锥,鹬,2. 狙击,冷枪,3. 【美】【俚】烟蒂,烟屁股,vi.1. 狙击,打冷枪[(+at)]2. 猎鹬,3. 诽谤,中伤[(+at)]
    扩展解释:vt. 【化学】
    1. 追猎,猎取,2. 在...中狩猎;驱使...行猎,3. 搜索;寻找,I’m hunting a job.,我在找工作。,4. 追捕,vi.1. 打猎,2. (兽类等)猎食,3. 搜寻[(+for/after)]n.[C]1. 打猎,2. 猎队[G]3. 猎区,4. 搜索,搜寻[(+for)]
    n. 【机械】
    (2).维基词典 snipe hunt
    Any of various limicoline game birds of the genera Gallinago, Lymnocryptes and Coenocorypha in the family Scolopacidae, having a long, slender, nearly straight beak.
    A fool; a blockhead.
    A shot fired from a concealed place.
    A member of the engineering department on a ship.
    A goal.
    A cigarette butt.
    An animated promotional logo during a television show.
    A strip of copy announcing some late breaking news or item of interest, typically placed in a print advertisement in such a way that it stands out from the ad.
    A bottle of wine measuring 0.1875 liters, one fourth the volume of a standard bottle; a quarter bottle or piccolo.
    A sharp, clever answer; sarcasm.
    To hunt snipe.
    To shoot at individuals from a concealed place.
    To shoot with a sniper rifle.
    To watch a timed online auction and place a winning bid against (the current high bidder) at the last possible moment.
    To nose (a log) to make it drag or slip easily in skidding.
    To score a goal.
    To make malicious, underhand remarks or attacks.
    To find or search for an animal in the wild with the intention of killing the animal for its meat or for sport.
    To try to find something; search (for).
    To drive; to chase; with down, from, away, etc.
    To use or manage (dogs, horses, etc.) in hunting.
    To use or traverse in pursuit of game.
    To move or shift the order of (a bell) in a regular course of changes.
    To shift up and down in order regularly.
    To be in a state of instability of movement or forced oscillation, as a governor which has a large movement of the balls for small change of load, an arc-lamp clutch mechanism which moves rapidly up and down with variations of current, etc.; also, to seesaw, as a pair of alternators working in parallel.
    The act of hunting.
    A hunting expedition.
    An organization devoted to hunting, or the people belonging to it.
    A pack of hunting dogs.
    (3).牛津词典 snipe hunt
    a wading bird of marshes and wet meadows, with brown camouflaged plumage, a long straight bill, and typically a drumming display flight.
    shoot at someone from a hiding place, especially accurately and at long range
    make a sly or petty verbal attack
    (in an online auction) place a bid judged to be high enough to win an item just before the bidding is scheduled to close
    outbid (another bidder in an online auction) just before the bidding is scheduled to close
    pursue and kill (a wild animal) for sport or food
    pursue (a wild animal, especially a fox or deer) on horseback using hounds
    use (a hound or a horse) for hunting
    (of an animal) chase and kill (its prey)
    search determinedly for someone or something
    (of the police) search for (a criminal)
    search for and capture someone
    (of a device or system) oscillate about a desired speed, position, or state
    (of an aircraft or rocket) oscillate about a mean flight path.
    (in change-ringing) move the place of a bell in a simple progression.
    an act of hunting wild animals or game
    an association of people who meet regularly to hunt, especially with hounds.
    an area where hunting takes place.
    a search
    an oscillating motion about a desired speed, position, or state.
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 snipe hunt
    Any one of numerous species of limicoline game birds of the family Scolopacidæ, having a long, slender, nearly straight beak.
    A fool; a blockhead.
    To shoot or hunt snipe.
    To shoot at detached men of an enemy’s forces at long range, esp. when not in action; - often with at.
    To shoot at (detached men of an enemy’s force) at long range, esp. when not in action.
    To nose (a log) to make it drag or slip easily in skidding.
    To search for or follow after, as game or wild animals; to chase; to pursue for the purpose of catching or killing; to follow with dogs or guns for sport or exercise; as, to hunt a deer.
    To search diligently after; to seek; to pursue; to follow; - often with out or up; as, to hunt up the facts; to hunt out evidence.
    To drive; to chase; - with down, from, away, etc.; as, to hunt down a criminal; he was hunted from the parish.
    To use or manage in the chase, as hounds.
    To use or traverse in pursuit of game; as, he hunts the woods, or the country.
    To move or shift the order of (a bell) in a regular course of changes.
    To follow the chase; to go out in pursuit of game; to course with hounds.
    To seek; to pursue; to search; - with for or after.
    To be in a state of instability of movement or forced oscillation, as a governor which has a large movement of the balls for small change of load, an arc-lamp clutch mechanism which moves rapidly up and down with variations of current, or the like; also, to seesaw, as a pair of alternators working in parallel.
    To shift up and down in order regularly.
    The act or practice of chasing wild animals; chase; pursuit; search.
    The game secured in the hunt.
    A pack of hounds.
    An association of huntsmen.
    A district of country hunted over.