
    spirited 对比 fiery
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  • Spirited】 , 【high-spirited】 ,  【mettlesome】 ,  【spunky】 ,  【fiery】 ,  【peppery】 ,  【gingery】  mean having or manifesting a high degree of vitality, spirit, and daring.

    Spirited】 implies not only fullness of life but such signs of excellent physical, or sometimes mental, health as ardor, animation, energy, and enthusiasm; the term’s implications vary widely, but it usually carries a suggestion of vigorous vitality, exaltation, or stimulation.

    High-spirited】  can add to  【spirited】 a strong suggestion of dashing vigor and even of a temperamental unwillingness to accept guidance and control.

    Mettlesome】  differs little from  【high-spirited】 except in its tendency to stress fearlessness and vigor more than restiveness.

    Spunky】  often implies qualities similar to those suggested by  【high-spirited】  and  【mettlesome】 but it carries a stronger implication of quickness in taking fire and of an incapacity for being downed or daunted; also, the term is often applied to unlooked-for courage in persons or animals.

    Fiery】 , peppery】 , and  【gingery】  are used as synonyms of the preceding terms when one prefers a more concrete term.

    Fiery】 , suggesting the heat of flame or fire, implies impetuousness, passionateness, or sometimes irascibility in addition to spiritedness.

    Peppery】  adds to  【spirited】 suggestions of a hotness or pungency characteristic of pepper and often distinctively connotes asperity or excitability.

    Gingery】 carries a heightened suggestion of a zest, spiciness, or snap associated with ginger.

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