
    spontaneous 对比 deliberate
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 spontaneous deliberate
    扩展解释:adj. 【化学】
    a.1. 自发的;非出于强制的,2. (动作等)无意识的,不由自主的,3. 自然的,4. (植物)自生的,非人工栽培的,5. (文体等)自然而优美的
    n. 【机械】
    扩展解释:v. 【法律专业】
    审议 ,故意;蓄意 ,有意
    vt. 【计算机】
    a.1. 深思熟虑的,慎重的,谨慎的,2. 故意的,蓄意的[Z]3. 不慌不忙的,从容的,vi.1. 仔细考虑,思考[(+about/on/upon)]2. 商议[(+with)]vt.1. 仔细考虑,深思熟虑;商议[+wh-]
    n. 【化学】
    (2).维基词典 spontaneous deliberate
    Self-generated; happening without any apparent external cause.
    Done by one’s own free choice, or without planning.
    Proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external or conscious constraint
    Arising from a momentary impulse
    Controlled and directed internally; self-active; spontaneous movement characteristic of living things
    Produced without being planted or without human labor; indigenous
    Sudden, without warning.
    Done on purpose; intentional.
    Of a person, weighing facts and arguments with a view to a choice or decision; carefully considering the probable consequences of a step; slow in determining.
    Formed with deliberation; carefully considered; not sudden or rash.
    Not hasty or sudden; slow.
    To consider carefully.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 spontaneous deliberate
    Proceeding from natural feeling, temperament, or disposition, or from a native internal proneness, readiness, or tendency, without constraint; as, a spontaneous gift or proposition.
    Proceeding from, or acting by, internal impulse, energy, or natural law, without external force; as, spontaneous motion; spontaneous growth.
    Produced without being planted, or without human labor; as, a spontaneous growth of wood.
    Weighing facts and arguments with a view to a choice or decision; carefully considering the probable consequences of a step; circumspect; slow in determining; - applied to persons; as, a deliberate judge or counselor.
    Formed with deliberation; well-advised; carefully considered; not sudden or rash; as, a deliberate opinion; a deliberate measure or result.
    Not hasty or sudden; slow.
    having awareness of the likely consequences; intentional.
    To weigh in the mind; to consider the reasons for and against; to consider maturely; to reflect upon; to ponder; as, to deliberate a question.
    To take counsel with one’s self; to weigh the arguments for and against a proposed course of action; to reflect; to consider; to hesitate in deciding; - sometimes with on, upon, about, concerning.