
    stumble 对比 lumber
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Stumble】 , 【trip】 ,  【blunder】 ,  【lurch】 ,  【flounder】 ,  【lumber】 ,  【galumph】 ,  【lollop】 ,  【bumble】  can mean to move unsteadily, clumsily, or with defective equilibrium (as in walking, in doing, or in proceeding).

    Stumble】  ,  【trip】  ,  【blunder】  , lurch】 , and  【flounder】  as applied to physical movement or gait usually suggest a departure from the normal and imply some extraneous influence to be responsible for such departure.

    Stumble】 characteristically implies striking an obstacle or impediment which hinders free movement or direct progress and therefore usually suggests a fall or a check or a cause of embarrassment or perplexity.

    Occasionally  【stumble】 implies nothing more than accidental discovery or a coming upon without design.

    Trip】  definitely implies a loss of footing or of something comparable to a loss of footing, often on account of the interposition of an unseen obstacle; therefore in extended use  【trip】 often connotes a falling into a trap, a lapsing in speech, or making a wrong move.

    Blunder】 stresses awkward confusion in movement or in proceeding that may suggest blindness, aimlessness, clumsiness, ignorance, or a failure to perceive where one is going or what is to be accomplished.

    Lurch】 suggests the heavy, ungainly rolling or swaying movement of a ship in a storm or of a drunken man; when applied more generally to persons, it usually implies loss of muscular control or extreme clumsiness.

    Flounder】 stresses stumbling, struggling, or sprawling rather than rolling and usually implies an effort to proceed when one is out of one’s element (as a fish out of water or a horse in the mire) or when one does not know the road or the way.

    In its extended use 【flounder】 usually implies the confusion of mind and the uncertainty of one who is completely muddled or at a loss but nevertheless proceeds.

    Lumber】  ,  【galumph】  ,  【lollop】  , and  【bumble】  by contrast with the foregoing terms tend to suggest clumsiness, irregularity, or heaviness as a natural or usual manner of movement or gait.

    Lumber】 implies a ponderousness or clumsiness in movement (as of one heavily burdened or of great weight).

    In extended use it implies comparable ponderousness or clumsiness in proceeding or accomplishing.

    Galumph】  adds to  【lumber】 the suggestion of a thumping, bumping, weighty gait.

    The notion of thumping or of heavy, lurching irregularity is often prominent in extended use, but sometimes it retains an earlier implication of gaily clumsy prancing.

    Lollop】 is more likely to suggest bounding irregularity than clumsiness or heaviness.

    Bumble】 suggests a blundering, haphazard progress and, especially in its extended use, may carry more than a suggestion of floundering and blundering.

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