
    suspend 对比 exclude
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Exclude】 , 【debar】 ,  【blackball】 ,  【eliminate】 ,  【rule out】 ,  【shut out】 ,  【disbar】 ,  【suspend】  are comparable when meaning to prevent someone or something from forming part of something else as a member, a constituent, or a factor.

    Exclude】 implies a keeping out of what is already outside; it therefore suggests a prevention of entrance or admission.

    Debar】 implies the existence of a barrier which is effectual in excluding someone or something on the outside from entering into a group, body, or system, from enjoying certain privileges, powers, or prerogatives, or from doing what those not so restrained do naturally or easily.

    Blackball】 basically implies exclusion from a club or society by vote of its members (originally by putting a black ball into a ballot box). The term has some extended use, but it usually implies a deliberate decision or effort to 【exclude】 a person from social, professional, or economic intercourse.

    Eliminate】 differs from the preceding words in implying a getting rid of, or a removal of what is already in, especially as a constituent element or part.

    Rule out】 may imply either exclusion or elimination, but it usually suggests a formal or authoritative decision.

    Shut out】 may imply exclusion of something by preventing its entrance or admission or, in sports use, to prevent from scoring.

    Disbar】  (often confused with  【debar】  ) implies the elimination by a legal process of a lawyer from the group of those already admitted to practice, thereby depriving him for cause of his status and privileges.

    Suspend】 implies the elimination of a person who is a member of an organization or a student at a school or college, often for a definite period of time and, usually, because of some offense or serious infraction of the rules; the term seldom if ever implies that the case is closed or that readmission is impossible.

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