
    tardy 对比 late
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Tardy】 ,  【late】 ,  【behindhand】 ,  【overdue】  can all designate persons or things that do not arrive or take place at the time set, the time due, or the expected and usual time.

    Tardy】 implies a lack of promptness or punctuality or a coming or happening or doing after the proper or appointed moment; it need not imply slowness in movement but may suggest rather a being delayed in starting or beginning.

    Late】  implies an opposition to early and usually connotes a failure to come or take place at the time due because of procrastination, slowness of movement or growth, or the interference of obstacles; it is applied especially to persons or to things that are governed by a schedule.

    Behindhand】 usually applies either directly or indirectly to persons who are in arrears (as in the payment of debts or in the fulfillment of obligations) or who are slower than normal (as in mental progress, in the acceptance of fashions, or in taking action).

    Overdue】  is applied to things that are affected by a person’s being, or less often to a person that is, markedly 【late】 or 【behindhand】 ; thus, a person is  【behindhand】  in the payment of his rent, but the rent is  【overdue】  when such a situation occurs; a ship is  【overdue】 when it is seriously or conspicuously behind its scheduled time of arrival.

    Overdue】 also may refer to something that might logically or suitably have appeared or occurred a long time before.

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