
    train 对比 direct
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Direct】 , 【aim】 , 【point】 , 【level】 , 【train】 , 【lay】 are comparable when they mean to turn something toward its appointed or intended mark or goal.

    One directs something or someone to its or his destination or objective when he heads it or him toward the proper course or guides it or him along that course.

    One aims a weapon or something used as a weapon when he by careful calculation or estimation of counterinfluences turns it toward the exact spot or the object he designs to hit.

    One points something at or less often to or toward a person or thing when he turns its 【point】 or tip toward a particular spot (as in indicating or directing).

    One levels a weapon (as a spear, a lance, or a rifle) or something which serves as a weapon at or against something when he brings it to the position or line (often a horizontal position or line) where it will do its most deadly or most effective work.

    One trains or lays a firearm (as a cannon) when he sets it in a position pointed directly at its mark.

    One trains something (as a telescope or a camera) but rarely if ever lays other things than firearms.

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