a large beer or wine cask.
a brewer’s fermenting vat.
an imperial measure of capacity, equal to 4 hogsheads.
a large marine mollusc which has a rounded shell with broad spirals.
store (wine or other alcoholic drinks) in a tun.
a percussion instrument sounded by being struck with sticks or the hands, typically cylindrical, barrel-shaped, or bowl-shaped, with a taut membrane over one or both ends
a drum kit
the percussion section of a band or orchestra.
a sound made by or resembling that of a drum
a military drummer.
a cylindrical container or receptacle
a rotating cylindrical part in a washing machine, in which the washing is placed.
a cylindrical part in certain other appliances.
the circular vertical wall supporting a dome.
a stone block forming part of a column.
a tramp’s bundle of belongings.
a house or flat.
an evening or afternoon tea party of a kind that was popular in the late 18th and early 19th century
a piece of reliable inside information
a long, narrow hill, especially one separating two parallel valleys.
a fish that makes a drumming sound by vibrating its swim bladder, found mainly in estuarine and shallow coastal waters.
play on a drum
make a continuous rhythmic noise
beat (the fingers, feet, etc.) repeatedly on a surface, especially as a sign of impatience or annoyance
(of a woodpecker) strike the bill rapidly on a dead trunk or branch, especially as a sound indicating a territorial claim
(of a snipe) vibrate the outer tail feathers in a diving display flight, making a throbbing sound
give (someone) reliable information or a warning