
    unactive 对比 inactive
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).维基词典 unactive inactive
    Not active; inactive.
    Not active, temporarily or permanently.
    Not functioning or operating; broken down
    Retired from duty or service.
    Relatively inert.
    Showing no optical activity in polarized light.
    (2).牛津词典 unactive inactive
    not engaging in or involving any or much physical activity
    not working; inoperative
    not engaging in political or other activity
    having no chemical or biological effect
    (of a disease) not exhibiting symptoms
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 unactive inactive
    Inactive; listless.
    To render inactive or listless.
    Not active; having no power to move; that does not or can not produce results; inert; as, matter is, of itself, inactive.
    Not disposed to action or effort; not diligent or industrious; not busy; idle; as, an inactive officer.
    Not exhibiting any action or activity on polarized light; optically inactive; optically neutral; - said of isomeric forms of certain substances, in distinction from other forms which are optically active; as, racemic acid is an inactive tartaric acid.
    Lacking biological or biochemical activity; not causing a specific biological or biochemical effect; - said of substances such as enzymes which have lost their catalytic power, or of small molecules which are tested for some type of biological activity and found to lack that activity; as, after boiling for ten minutes, the enzyme was totally inactive; the methyl analog was inactive as an antibiotic.