
    unlevel 对比 level
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).维基词典 unlevel level
    Not level.
    To make no longer level; to apply a bias to.
    The same height at all places; parallel to a flat ground.
    At the same height as some reference; constructed as level with.
    Unvaried in frequency.
    Unvaried in volume.
    In the same position or rank.
    Straightforward; direct; clear.
    Well balanced; even; just; steady; impartial.
    Of even tone; without rising or falling inflection; monotonic.
    Perpendicular to a gravitational force.
    A tool for finding whether a surface is level, or for creating a horizontal or vertical line of reference.
    A distance relative to a given reference elevation.
    Degree or amount.
    Achievement or qualification.
    Distance from the root node of a tree structure.
    One of several discrete segments of a game, generally increasing in difficulty and representing different locations in the game world.
    A numeric value that quantifies a character’s experience and power.
    A floor of a multi-storey building.
    An area of almost perfectly flat land.
    A school grade or year.
    To adjust so as to make as flat or perpendicular to the ground as possible.
    To destroy by reducing to ground level; to raze.
    To progress to the next level.
    To aim or direct (a weapon, a stare, an accusation, etc).
    To direct or impose (a penalty, fine, etc) at or upon (someone).
    To make the score of a game equal.
    To bring to a common level or plane, in respect of rank, condition, character, privilege, etc.
    To adjust or adapt to a certain level.
    To speak honestly and openly with.
    (2).牛津词典 unlevel level
    a horizontal plane or line with respect to the distance above or below a given point
    a height or distance from the ground or another stated or understood base
    a floor within a multistorey building.
    a position on a scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality
    an intellectual, social, or moral standard
    a position in a hierarchy
    (in a video game) each of a series of stages of increasing difficulty through which a player may progress, completing one stage in order to reach the next
    (especially in a role-playing game) each of a number of steps in the development of a character, who progressively acquires enhanced skills and abilities within the game as the player advances by completing tasks and earning points
    an instrument marked with a line parallel to the plane of the horizon for testing whether things are horizontal.
    an instrument for giving a horizontal line of sight.
    a flat tract of land
    having a flat, horizontal surface
    (of a quantity of a dry substance) with the contents not rising above the brim of the measure
    at the same height as someone or something else
    having the same relative position; not in front of or behind
    having the same position or score in a contest
    not having risen or fallen; unchanged
    calm and steady
    give a flat and even surface to
    demolish (a building or town)
    begin to fly horizontally after climbing or diving
    (of a path, road, or incline) cease to slope
    remain at a steady level after falling or rising
    make (something, especially a score in sport) equal or similar
    increase or reduce something in order to remove a disparity.
    aim (a weapon)
    direct (a criticism or accusation)
    be frank or honest with (someone)
    ascertain differences in the height of (land).
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 unlevel level
    A line or surface to which, at every point, a vertical or plumb line is perpendicular; a line or surface which is everywhere parallel to the surface of still water; - this is the true level, and is a curve or surface in which all points are equally distant from the center of the earth, or rather would be so if the earth were an exact sphere.
    A horizontal line or plane; that is, a straight line or a plane which is tangent to a true level at a given point and hence parallel to the horizon at that point; - this is the apparent level at the given point.
    An approximately horizontal line or surface at a certain degree of altitude, or distance from the center of the earth; as, to climb from the level of the coast to the level of the plateau and then descend to the level of the valley or of the sea.
    Hence, figuratively, a certain position, rank, standard, degree, quality, character, etc., conceived of as in one of several planes of different elevation.
    A uniform or average height; a normal plane or altitude; a condition conformable to natural law or which will secure a level surface; as, moving fluids seek a level.
    An instrument by which to find a horizontal line, or adjust something with reference to a horizontal line.
    A horizontal passage, drift, or adit, in a mine.
    Even; flat; having no part higher than another; having, or conforming to, the curvature which belongs to the undisturbed liquid parts of the earth’s surface; as, a level field; level ground; the level surface of a pond or lake.
    Coinciding or parallel with the plane of the horizon; horizontal; as, the telescope is now level.
    Even with anything else; of the same height; on the same line or plane; on the same footing; of equal importance; - followed by with, sometimes by to.
    Straightforward; direct; clear; open.
    Well balanced; even; just; steady; impartial; as, a level head; a level understanding. [Colloq.]
    Of even tone; without rising or falling inflection.
    To make level; to make horizontal; to bring to the condition of a level line or surface; hence, to make flat or even; as, to level a road, a walk, or a garden.
    To bring to a lower level; to overthrow; to topple down; to reduce to a flat surface; to lower.
    To bring to a horizontal position, as a gun; hence, to point in taking aim; to aim; to direct.
    Figuratively, to bring to a common level or plane, in respect of rank, condition, character, privilege, etc.; as, to level all the ranks and conditions of men.
    To adjust or adapt to a certain level; as, to level remarks to the capacity of children.
    To be level; to be on a level with, or on an equality with, something; hence, to accord; to agree; to suit.
    To aim a gun, spear, etc., horizontally; hence, to aim or point a weapon in direct line with the mark; fig., to direct the eye, mind, or effort, directly to an object; as, he leveled a gun at the bandit and fired.