
    wet 对比 moist
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 wet moist
    扩展解释:n. 【机械】
    【医学】 【中医】
    a.1. 湿的,潮湿的,2. 雨天的,下雨的,多雨的,3. 【英】【口】懦弱的,爱哭的,4. 【美】【口】不禁酒的,n.1. 下雨(天气)[the S]2. (雨后)潮湿的地面[the S]3. 湿气,水分[the S]4. 【美】【口】反对禁酒的人[C]
    a.1. 潮湿的,微湿的;多雨的[(+with)]2. 含泪的,泪汪汪的[(+with)]3. 【医】湿性的;有分泌物的
    adj. 【化学】
    n. 【水利】
    (2).维基词典 wet moist
    Made up of liquid or moisture, usually (but not always) water.
    Of an object, etc.: covered or water.
    Of a sandwich, or other covered in a sauce.
    Of depositing a large amount of ink from the feed.
    Of a sound recording: having had effects applied.
    Of weather or a time period: rainy.
    Of a person: task; having the characteristics of a rookie.
    (of women) Sexually aroused and thus having the vulva moistened with vaginal secretions.
    Ineffectual, feeble, showing no strength of character.
    Permitting alcoholic beverages.
    Refreshed with drunk.
    Of a working with matter.
    Employing, or done by means of, water or some other liquid.
    Involving assassination or "wet work".
    Liquid or moisture.
    Rainy weather.
    Rainy season. (often capitalized)
    A moderate Conservative; especially, one who opposed the hard-line policies of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.
    An alcoholic drink.
    One who supports the consumption of alcohol and thus opposes Prohibition.
    To cover or impregnate with liquid.
    To accidentally urinate in or on.
    To make or become wet.
    To form an intermetallic bond between a solder and a metal substrate.
    To celebrate by drinking alcohol.
    misspelling of whet
    Slightly wet; characterised by the presence of moisture, not dry; damp. from 14th c.
    Of eyes: tearful, wet with tears. from 14th c.
    Of weather, climate etc.: rainy, damp. from 14th c.
    Pertaining to one of the four essential qualities formerly believed to be present in all things, characterised by wetness. from 14th c.
    Watery, liquid, fluid. 14th-17th c.
    Characterised by the presence of pus, mucus etc. from 14th c.
    Sexually lubricated (of the vagina); sexually aroused, turned on (of a woman). from 20th c.
    To moisten.
    (3).牛津词典 wet moist
    covered or saturated with water or another liquid
    (of the weather) rainy
    (of paint, ink, plaster, or a similar substance) not yet having dried or hardened
    (of a baby or young child) having urinated in its nappy or underwear
    involving the use of water or liquid
    (of a ship) liable to take in water over her bows or sides.
    showing a lack of forcefulness or strength of character; feeble
    Conservative with liberal tendencies, especially as regarded by right-wing Conservatives
    (of a country or region or of its legislation) allowing the free sale of alcoholic drink.
    (of a person) addicted to or drinking alcohol
    cover or touch with liquid; moisten
    (especially of a baby or young child) urinate in or on
    urinate involuntarily
    infuse (tea) by pouring on boiling water
    liquid that makes something damp
    rainy weather
    a drink
    a person lacking forcefulness or strength of character
    a Conservative with liberal tendencies
    a person opposed to the prohibition of alcohol.
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 wet moist
    Containing, or consisting of, water or other liquid; moist; soaked with a liquid; having water or other liquid upon the surface; as, wet land; a wet cloth; a wet table.
    Very damp; rainy; as, wet weather; a wet season.
    Employing, or done by means of, water or some other liquid; as, the wet extraction of copper, in distinction from dry extraction in which dry heat or fusion is employed.
    Refreshed with liquor; drunk.
    Water or wetness; moisture or humidity in considerable degree.
    Rainy weather; foggy or misty weather.
    A dram; a drink.
    To fill or moisten with water or other liquid; to sprinkle; to cause to have water or other fluid adherent to the surface; to dip or soak in a liquid; as, to wet a sponge; to wet the hands; to wet cloth.
    Moderately wet; damp; humid; not dry; as, a moist atmosphere or air.
    Fresh, or new.
    To moisten.