1 | 当他被证实是富翁时,一般“社会贤达”都向他致敬,在城里,大家还称他为马德兰先生,他的那些工人和一般孩子却仍叫他马德兰伯伯,那是一件使他最高兴的事。 | he was called, in town, Monsieur Madeleine,his workmen and the children continued to call him Father Madeleine, and that was what was most adapted to make him smile | |
2 | 对于这几句说得极其温婉有礼的话,马尔塞夫夫人答道:“我的儿子真是幸运极了,阁下,他竟能结识您这样一位朋友,我感谢上帝促成了这件事。” | At these words, uttered with the most exquisite sweetness and politeness, Madame de Morcerf replied. "It is very fortunate for my son, monsieur , that he found such a friend, and I thank God that things are thus." | |
3 | 而那位漂亮的饭店老板蓬巴达凭着这三百十七个脱阿斯,却只卖你们四法郎五十生丁!” | and Monsieur Bombarda, the magnificent eating-house keeper, gives you those three hundred and seventeen fathoms for four francs and fifty centimes." | |
4 | 看Musee Guimet那样的法国人比我更熟悉中国的陶器艺术,我感到无地自容,他比我更早就认识中国文化和艺术。 | Enthralled by its extensive Chinese ceramic collection, I felt thoroughly ashamed that the French man, Monsieur Guimet had preceded me, a Chinese, in the thirst for knowledge about Chinese culture and art. | |
5 | 况且,根据继承法,您也不能剥夺我的继承权,至少不能剥夺我的全部继承权,--我之所以要特别提出这一点,因为这也是一种强迫我嫁人的力量。 | Besides, the provident law has deprived you of the power to disinherit me, at least entirely, as it has also of the power to compel me to marry Monsieur This or Monsieur That | |
6 | 勒格朗先生. | monsieur (M. or Mons.) Legrann | |
7 | 路路通话匣子一打开就没个完。 | A family watch, monsieur , which has come down from my great-grandfather! | |
8 | 那封信是寄到巴黎去的,上面写着这样的字:“呈警署署长先生的秘书夏布耶先生”。 | It was addressed to Paris, and the superscription ran: To Monsieur Chabouillet, Secretary of Monsieur le Prefet of Police | |
9 | 您瞧,我从没有故意害过人,确是这样,沙威先生,并且我处处都看见许多女人,她们都比我坏,又都比我快乐。 | You see that I did not do wrong deliberately--truly, Monsieur Javert,and everywhere I behold women who are far more wicked than I, and who are much happier | |
10 | 您想想吧,沙威先生,他听了那厂里一些胡说八道的娼妇的话,把我撵了出来。 | Just imagine, Monsieur Javert, he turned me out,all because of a pack of rascally women, who gossip in the workroom | |
11 | 仁慈的夫人,请您代求贵戚红衣主教先生为我们祷告。 | Good Madame, recommend us to the prayers of your sainted relative, Monsieur the Cardinal | |
12 | 神甫先生,他是一个十岁左右的孩子,他有一只田鼠笼子,我想,还有一把摇琴。 | Monsieur le Cure, he was a little lad, about ten years old, with a marmot, I think, and a hurdy-gurdy | |
13 | 市长先生必须同意,用我的那辆小车上路。” | Monsieur le Maire must consent to travel in a little tilbury that I own." | |
14 | 是这个婊子先跳上去打巴马达波先生的,巴马达波先生是选民,并且是公园角上那座石条砌的有阳台的三层漂亮公馆的主人。 | This woman flung herself on Monsieur Bamatabnois, who is an elector and the proprietor of that handsome house with a balcony, which forms the corner of the esplanade, three stories high and entirely of cut stone | |
15 | 我不会再闹事了,沙威先生! | I won’t do it again, Monsieur Javert! | |
16 | 我叫做一无所有伯爵,元老院元老。 | I call myself Monsieur le Comte nought, senator | |
17 | 我听着呢,我倒很想知道你要对我说些什么。 | I will listen, monsieur , for I am most curious to hear what explanation you will give | |
18 | 我也一点不反对,但为我自己,我还是要留下我的内戎先生。 | I oppose no objection to that,but I reserve Monsieur Naigeon for myself | |
19 | 我在巴黎做过造车工人,并且是在巴陆先生家中。 | That I have been a wheelwright in Paris, and that it was with Monsieur Baloup | |
20 | 先生,我自信还是个诚实人,但是说实在话我干过很多种行业了。 | I believe I’m honest, monsieur , but, to be outspoken, I’ve had several trades | |
21 | 象你的父亲梅尼特先生一样,这位绅士在巴黎是有名望的。 | Like Monsieur Manette, your father, the gentleman was of repute in Paris | |
22 | 也许,先生,您又得做些计算了。政府方面很想找回丢失的珠宝。” | Perhaps, monsieur , you would make some more calculations. The authorities are very anxious to recover this stolen property." | |
23 | 因此,当我们那套房间的门被人推开,迎进了我们的老相识,巴黎警察局长G先生的时候,我认为这也是一种巧合。 | I looked upon it, therefore, as something of a coincidence, when the door of our apartment was thrown open and admitted our old acquaintance, Monsieur G the Prefect of the Parisian police | |
24 | 在蓬塔利埃,您,冉阿让先生,将要去的那地方,有一种历史悠久而极有趣的实业,我的妹妹,这就是他们叫做果品厂的那些乳酪厂。’ | They have, in the country of Pontarlier, whither you are going, Monsieur Valjean, a truly patriarchal and truly charming industry, my sister,it is their cheese-dairies, which they call fruiterer.’ | |
25 | 执达吏接了那张纸,瞟了一眼,便遵命照办了。 | "Take this to Monsieur le President,"The usher took the paper, cast a glance upon it, and obeyed | |
26 | 执达吏停了一会又说:“在庭长先生的背后还有两三个位子,但是庭长先生只允许公家的官员进去坐。” | The usher added after a pause: "There are, to tell the truth, two or three extra places behind Monsieur le President, but Monsieur le President only admits public functionaries to them." | |
27 | 教师:“您好,先生。(法语)” | TEACHER: "Bonjour, monsieur ." | |
28 | 甚至还有被称为“先生”的耻辱,就好像他们是殖民者一样。 | or even with the steady humiliation of being called “Monsieur ”, as if they were colonialists. | |
29 | “贝尔图乔先生,”伯爵说,“你曾有一次告诉过我,说你在法国旅行过的吗?” | "Monsieur Bertuccio, " said the count, "did you never tell me that you had travelled in France? " | |
30 | “老爷,”巴斯克说,“有人把少爷送回来了,他到街垒里去了,而且……” | "Sir, " said Basque, "Monsieur has just been brought back. He went to the barricade, and . . . " |