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    (8)collecting, processing, analyzing and disseminating information about epidemic disease monitoring at the border port, at home and abroad;

    ( 八)国境口岸以及国内外监测传染病疫情的收集、整理、分析和传递;


    (9)undertaking physical check-up on persons subject to epidemic disease monitoring and exercising administration over victims of epidemic diseases under monitoring, suspects of such diseases, and people who have close contact with the victims.

    ( 九)对监测对象开展健康检查和对监测传染病病人、疑似病人、密切接触人员的管理。


    Article 99 The health and quarantine organ should bar foreigners who are victims of AIDS, venereal disease, leprosy, psychosis, open tuberculosis from entry.

    第九十九条 卫生检疫机关应当阻止所发现的患有艾滋病、性病、麻风病、精神病、开放性肺结核的外国人入境。


    Article 100 The people subject to entry or exit quarantine inspection are required to fill out health card as required by the quarantine physician, to present a valid certificate of inoculation against epidemic diseases, bill of health or other related certificate.

    第一百条 受入境、出境检疫的人员,必须根据检疫医师的要求,如实填报健康申明卡,出示某种有效的传染病预防接种证书、健康证明或者其他有关证件。


    Article 101 The health and quarantine organ shall exercise quarantine monitoring among the incoming or outcoming passengers staying at the hotels at the frontier port as well as the hotel workers and will either take precautionary measures or control measures according to circumstances.

    第一百零一条 卫生检疫机关对国境口岸的涉外宾馆、饭店内居住的入境、出境人员及工作人员实施传染病监测,并区别情况采取必要的预防,控制措施。


    The health and quarantine physician may give an instant clinic card to every person coming from the pestilence area of the monitoring epidemic area according to the epidemiological and medical examination results.



    When a person comes for a medical examination with an instant clinic card, the health quarantine organ and the medical and health unit are required to give him an emergency medical examination.



    If he is found to be a victim of a quarantinable infectious disease or to have been contaminated with a monitoring epidemic disease or he is suspected of being a quarantinable disease victim or



    or of having caught the monitored epidemic disease, he is required to go through necessary sanitization.



    Meanwhile, the case shall be reported to the local health and epidemic prevention station and the health and quarantine organ that issued him the instant clinic card.



    Article 102 Chinese citizens who apply to stay abroad for over one year are required to carry health certificates issued by the health and quarantine organ. The exit and entry organ for Chinese citizens shall process such an application only if it includes a health certificate issued by the health and quarantine organ.

    第一百零二条 凡申请出境居住 1 年以上的中国籍人员,必须持有卫生检疫机关签发的健康证明。中国公民出境、入境管理机关凭卫生检疫机关签发的健康证明办理出境手续。


    A Chinese citizen who has stayed abroad for over one year is, upon reentry,

    凡在境外居住 1 年以上的中国籍人员,


    required to fill out health declaration form required by the health and quarantine organ and go to the local health and quarantine organ or to the hospital at or above the county level for physical check-up within one month.

    入境时必须向卫生检疫机关申报健康情况,并在入境后 1 个月内到就近的卫生检疫机关或者县级以上的医院进行健康检查。


    The public security organ shall allow him to go through related procedures on the strength of the health certificate. A copy of his health certificate must be sent to the port health and quarantine organ for the record.



    Chinese crew members working on the means of international transport must carry their health certificates issued by the health and quarantine organ or the hospital at or above the county level. The health administrative department under the State Council of the PRC shall unify the items and form of health certificate. The term of validity is 12 months.

    国际通行交通工具上的中国籍员工,应当持有卫生检疫机关或者县级以上医院出具的健康证明。健康证明的项目、格式由国务院卫生行政部门统一规定,有效期为 12 个月。


    Article 103 When the health and quarantine organ sets up a monitoring post for epidemic diseases at the border port, the units concerned are required to offer conveniences.

    第一百零三条 卫生检疫机关在国境口岸内设立传染病监测点时,有关单位应当给予协助并提供方便。


    Article 104 The health and quarantine organ shall exercise health supervision over the sanitary conditions at frontier ports and the sanitary conditions of conveyances according to the requirements stipulated in Articles 18 and 19 of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law.

    第一百零四条 卫生检疫机关依照《国境卫生检疫法》第十八条、第十九条规定的内容,对国境口岸和交通工具实施卫生监督。


    Article 105 The sanitary requirements for a border port are as follows:

    第一百零五条 对国境口岸的卫生要求是:


    (1)the border port, the port hotels accommodating inward or outward passengers, and ship, bus and airport terminals, are required to have an effective hygiene system and necessary hygienic facilities and to maintain clean and tidy and well ventilated;

    ( 一)国境口岸和国境口岸内涉外的宾馆、生活服务单位以及候船、候车、候机厅( 室)应当有健全的卫生制度和必要的卫生设施,并保持室内外环境整洁、通风良好;


    (2)the units concerned at the border port are required to take effective measures to minimize the number of rodents or vector pests so it may not cause any harm. Warehouses and storage ground are required to be equipped with anti-rat devices;

    ( 二)国境口岸有关部门应当采取切实可行的措施,控制啮齿动物、病媒昆虫,使其数量降低到不足为害的程度,仓库、货场必须具有防鼠设施;


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