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    (2)no damage is done to the structure of and the equipment on the vehicle;

    ( 二)防止对交通工具的结构和设备造成损害;


    (4)no damage is done to the luggage or goods.

    ( 四)防止对行李、货物造成损害。


    Article 54 The sanitization that exit or entry containers, luggage, goods or postal parcels are required to undergo shall be conducted by the health and quarantine organ.

    第五十四条 入境、出境的集装箱、行李、货物、邮包等物品需要卫生处理的,由卫生检疫机关实施。


    Any conveyance waiting for entry or exit is subject to disinfectization, deratization, deinsectization and other necessary sanitization when found to be in any one of the following conditions:



    (1)having come from a pestilence area;

    ( 一)来自检疫传染病疫区的;


    (2)being contaminated by a quarantinable epidemic disease;

    ( 二)被检疫传染病污染的;


    (3)revealing the presence of rodents which affect human health or insects which are carriers of disease and their number exceeds the state standard.

    ( 三)发现有与人类健康有关的啮齿动物或者病媒昆虫,超过国家卫生标准的。


    Article 55 Goods that are shipped from abroad and are only passing through the PRC , shall, if there is no transshipment, be exempted from sanitization except in cases where events of epidemiological significance have taken place.

    第五十五条 由国外起运经中华人民共和国境内的货物,如果不在境内换装,除发生在流行病学上有重要意义的事件,需要实施卫生处理外,在一般情况下不实施卫生处理。


    Article 56 According to the extent of contamination, the health and quarantine organ shall exercise disinfectization, deratization or insectization respectively to the used materials waiting for entry or exit and to the used transportation vehicles that were in operation at foreign ports. In case of serious contamination, the used materials or vehicles shall be destroyed.

    第五十六条 卫生检疫机关对入境、出境的废旧物品和曾行驶于境外港口的废旧交通工具,根据污染程度,分别实施消毒、除鼠、除虫,对污染严重的实施销毁。


    Article 57 Prior to the entry or exit of human remains or ashes, the shipper or the agent is required to apply for health and quarantine inspection and to present a certificate of cause of death or other related documents. If it fails to meet the hygiene requirements, it is required to undergo sanitization by the health and quarantine organ.

    第五十七条 入境、出境的尸体,骸骨托运人或者代理人应当申请卫生检疫,并出示死亡证明或者其他有关证件,对不符合卫生要求的,必须接受卫生检疫机关实施的卫生处理。


    Only with an entry or exit license issued by the health and quarantine organ can the remains or ashes be shipped in or out.



    The corpse of anyone who died from a quarantinable epidemic disease must be cremated at a nearby place.



    Article 58 In the case that a conveyance has previously undergone sanitization at another port, it is not necessary to conduct sanitization again upon its arrival unless any one of the following circumstances applies:

    第五十八条 卫生检疫机关对已在到达本口岸前的其他口岸实施卫生处理的交通工具不再重复实施卫生处理。但有下列情形之一的,仍需实施卫生处理。


    (1)when events of epidemiological significance have taken place either at the port where the conveyance underwent sanitization or on board that conveyance;

    ( 一)在原实施卫生处理的口岸或者该交通工具上,发生流行病学上有重要意义的事件,需要进一步实施卫生处理的;


    (2)when sanitization undertaken at other port proved to be practically ineffective.

    ( 二)在到达本口岸前的其他口岸实施的卫生处理没有实际效果的。


    Article 59 In the case when any rodent is found to have died of unusual or unknown cause either at the border port or on the conveyance, the border port authorities or the captain of the conveyance is required to the health and quarantine organ about the case without delay so that prompt examination and sanitization can be carried out.

    第五十九条 在国境口岸或者交通工具上发现啮齿动物有反常死亡或者死因不明的,国境口岸有关单位或者交通工具的负责人,必须立即向卫生检疫机关报告,迅速查明原因,实施卫生处理。


    Article 60 The captain of a ship of international voyage is required to apply to the health and quarantine organ for inspection of rat damage every 6 months. The health and quarantine organ shall exercise deratization or dispense with deratization according to the result of the inspection and issue a certificate of deratization or a deratization laissez-passer which shall be valid for 6 months from the day it is issued.

    第六十条 国际航行船舶的船长,必须每隔 6 个月向卫生检疫机关申请一次鼠患检查,卫生检疫机关根据检查结果实施除鼠或者免予除鼠,并且分别发给除鼠证书或者免予除鼠证书。该证书自签发之日起 6 个月内有效。


    Article 61 Only under any one of the following circumstances shall the health and quarantine organ issue a certificate of exemption of deratization after making sure that the vessel is free of rodents:

    第六十一条 卫生检疫机关只有在下列之一情况下,经检查确认船舶无鼠害的,方可签发免于除鼠证书:


    (2)when there is ballast or other goods in the hold, but these goods do not lure the mice and the layout of the goods does not hinder the inspection.

    ( 二)舱内虽然装有压舱物品或者其他物品,但是这些物品不引诱鼠类,放置情况又不妨碍实施鼠患检查。


    When an oil tanker is in full load, a certificate of exemption of deratization may be issued.


