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    Article 54 In case an occupational poisoning accident occurs, or the evidence proves that the situation of occupational poisoning hazards is likely to cause an accident, the administrative departments for public health shall have the rights to take the following provisional controlling measures:

    第五十四条 发生职业中毒事故或者有证据证明职业中毒危害状态可能导致事故发生时,卫生行政部门有权采取下列临时控制措施:


    (1)to order suspension of operations causing occupational poisoning accidents;



    (2)to seal up and keep substances that have caused or are likely to cause occupational poisoning accidents; and



    (3)to organize the control over the occupational poisoning accident sites.



    Upon the effective control over occupational poisoning accidents or hazards, the administrative departments for public health shall remove such measures in time.



    Article 55 When the law enforcement officials of the administrative departments for public health fulfill their duties according to law, the inspected units shall be subject to the inspection, give necessary support and cooperation, and shall not refuse or hinder the inspection.

    第五十五条 卫生行政部门执法人员依法执行职务时,被检查单位应当接受检查并予以支持、配合,不得拒绝和阻碍。


    Article 56 The administrative departments for public health shall strengthen the team building, improve the law enforcement officials’ political and professional qualifications, establish and improve the internal supervisory system in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations, and supervise and inspect the execution of laws and regulations by law enforcement officials as well as their observation of disciplines.

    第五十六条 卫生行政部门应当加强队伍建设,提高执法人员的政治、业务素质,依照本条例的规定,建立、健全内部监督制度,对执法人员执行法律、法规和遵守纪律的情况进行监督检查。


    Article 57 The functionaries of the administrative departments for public health who commit any of the following acts, thus causing any occupational poisoning accident, shall be investigated for criminal liability according to the provisions of the criminal law on the crime of abuse of power, the crime of neglect of duty or other crimes;

    第五十七条 卫生行政部门的工作人员有下列行为之一,导致职业中毒事故发生的,依照刑法关于滥用职权罪、玩忽职守罪或者其他罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任;


    where they cause occupational poisoning hazards but do not cause any occupational poisoning accident, and criminal punishments are too severe to apply to them, they shall be imposed such administrative sanctions as degrading, dismissal from their posts, or discharge from public employment in light of different circumstances:



    (1)approving operations involving the use of toxic substances that fail to meet the conditions specified in these Regulations;



    (2)failing to lay a ban on the employing units’ operations in which toxic substances are used without authorization upon discovery thereof;



    (3)failing to fulfill the duties of supervision and inspection over the employing units that are approved according to law, or failing to withdraw the original approval granted to the employing units that no longer satisfy the conditions specified in these Regulations or failing to investigate into and handle other acts in violation of these Regulations upon discovery of such non-satisfaction or violation; or



    (4)failing to take prompt controlling measures according to law against occupational poisoning hazards existing in the employing units which are likely to cause occupational poisoning accidents upon discovery of such hazards.



    Article 58 An employing unit that, in violation of the provisions of these Regulations, comes under one of the following circumstances shall be given a warning and ordered to make corrections within a specified time limit, and shall be imposed a fine of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan by the administrative department for public health;

    第五十八条 用人单位违反本条例的规定,有下列情形之一的,由卫生行政部门给予警告,责令限期改正,处10万元以上50万元以下的罚款;


    if it fails to make corrections within the specified time limit, a request shall be made to the relevant people’s government to order it to stop the construction or shut it down within the limits of authority vested by the State Council;



    where it causes any serious occupational poisoning hazard or causes any occupational poisoning accident, the person in charge who is responsible therefor and other directly responsible persons shall be investigated for criminal liability according to the provisions of the criminal law on the crime of causing a serious labor security accident or other crimes:



    (1)without authorization, starting the operation of a construction project that is likely to cause any occupational poisoning hazard in case that no pre-assessment of occupational poisoning hazards has been carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, or such pre-assessment fails to pass the examination and obtain approval of the administrative department for public health;



    (2)failing to design, construct, and put into production and utilization the safeguards for the occupational health simultaneously with the principal part of the project;



    (3)without authorization, putting into use a completed construction project in case that no assessment of effect in the control over occupational poisoning hazards has been carried out, or the project fails to participate in or pass the inspection for acceptance by the administrative department for public health; or



    (4)commencing construction without authorization before the design of safeguards for a construction project involving the operations in which high toxic substances are used is examined and approved by the administrative department for public health.


