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    60.4 Be liable for other practices against this Code.



    Article 61 The persons engaged in occupational health supervision/law-enforcement should gain the qualification approval.

    第六十一条 职业卫生监督执法人员应当依法经过资格认定。


    The public health authority should strengthen the team building, elevate the political and operation-related qualification of the occupational health supervision/law-enforcement personnel, establish/improve the in-house supervision system according to this Code and other applicable laws and regulations, and supervise/inspect the enforcement of the laws, regulations and disciplines.



    The construction organization liable for one of the following practices will be warned by the competent public health authority for correction within the specified period;



    failure to correct the concerned practices within the specified period is subject to a fine between …; severe illegal practices are subject to the compulsory discontinuation of the occupational-disease-inductive operation



    or discontinuation/shut-up of the operation by the competent people’s government according to the authority granted by the State Council:



    62.1 Fail to make pre-assessment of occupational-disease-inductive factors or submit the pre-assessment report of occupational-disease-inductive factors as regulated, or start the operation without having the pre-assessment report of occupational-disease-inductive factors approved by the competent public health authority;



    62.2 The occupational-disease-prevention facilities are not put into operation together with the main body of the project as regulated;



    62.3 The design of the occupational-disease-prevention facilities of the Construction Project severely harmful to occupational health fails to comply with the applicable standard and requirement of the occupational health;



    62.4 Use occupational-disease-prevention facilities without assessing the occupational-health-harm control effect of the occupational-disease-prevention facilities or without/failing the inspection of the public health authority;



    Article 63 The organization or individual liable for one of the following practices will be warned by the competent public health authority for correction within the specified period; failure to correct the concerned practices within the specified period is subject to a fine of RMB 20,000 yuan:

    第六十三条 违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由卫生行政部门给予警告,责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处二万元以下的罚款:


    63.1 Fail to record, report and release the inspection and assessment result of the workplace occupational-disease-inductive factors;



    63.2 Fail to take the occupational-disease-prevention measures according to Article 19 hereunder;



    63.3 Fail to publicize the regulations, operating rules, contingency measures upon occupational-disease-inductive accidents in connection with occupational-disease prevention as regulated;



    63.4 Fail to deliver occupational health training to laborers or fail to make instruction and supervision to ensure the adoption of individual-used occupational-disease-prevention measures;



    63.5 For any occupational-disease-inductive chemical that is used or imported for the first time in China, the responsible organization fails to submit the toxicity appraisal report, related registration documents or import permit to the competent authorities.



    Article 64 The Employer liable for one of the following practices will be warned by the competent public health authority for correction within the specified period in addition to a fine between RMB 20,000 yuan and RMB 50,000 yuan:

    第六十四条 用人单位违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由卫生行政部门责令限期改正,给予警告,可以并处二万元以上五万元以下的罚款:


    64.1 Fail to faithfully and promptly declare the occupational-disease-inductive factors to the competent public health authorities;



    64.2 Fail to carry out the routine monitoring of the occupational-disease-inductive factors charged by designated employee, or fail to ensure the normal operation of the monitoring system;



    64.3 Fail to inform the laborers of the true effect of the occupational-disease-inductive factors at conclusion or modification of labor contracts;


