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(1). Rules for the Implementation of Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the PRC
(2). Article 1 These Implementation Rules are formulated in accordance with the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the PRC (hereinafter referred to as "the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law).
第一条 根据《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》( 以下称《国境卫生检疫法》)的规定,制定本细则。
(3). Article 2 For the purpose of the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law and these Implementation Rules, the definitions of the following terms are:
第二条 《国境卫生检疫法》和本细则所称:
(4). Inspection" means that the Frontier Health and Quarantine Organ (hereinafter referred to as the "Health and Quarantine Organ")carries out medical inspection and sanitary inspection.
查验 指国境卫生检疫机关( 以下称卫生检疫机关)实施的医学检查和卫生检查。
(5). Quarantinable Epidemic Victim means a person who suffers from quarantinable infectious disease or a person who has been proved through primary diagnosis by the Health and Quarantine organ to have caught the quarantinable infectious disease or have become an incubation carrier.
染疫人 指正在患检疫传染病的人,或者经卫生检疫机关初步诊断,认为已经感染检疫传染病或者已经处于检疫传染病潜伏期的人。
(6). Quarantinable Epidemic Suspect means a person who has been exposed to the quarantinable epidemic environment and may transmit quarantinable infectious diseases.
染疫嫌疑人 指接触过检疫传染病的感染环境,并且可能传播检疫传染病的人。
(7). Isolation" means that a person affected by a quarantinable epidemic disease is being detained in a designated place for medical treatment until there is no longer any risk of spreading the disease.
隔离 指将染疫人收留在指定的处所,限制其活动并进行治疗,直到消除传染病传播的危险。
(8). Check-up detention" means that a suspect carrier of a quarantinable epidemic disease is being detained in a designated place for diagnosis and check-up.
留验 指将染疫嫌疑人收留在指定的处所进行诊察和检验。
(9). On-site clinical check-up" means that a person is required to go to the nearest health and quarantine organ or medical treatment unit for diagnosis and check-up within a specific period of time set by the health and quarantine organ or that the person is visited by people either from the health and quarantine organ or from the medical treatment unit for diagnosis and check-up.
就地诊验 指一个人在卫生检疫机关指定的期间,到就近的卫生检疫机关或者其他医疗卫生单位去接受诊察和检验;或者卫生检疫机关、其他医疗卫生单位到该人员的居留地,对其进行诊察和检验。
(10). Transportation facility" means cargo containers.
运输设备 指货物集装箱。
(11). Sanitization" means both medical measures, including isolation, check-up detention and on-site clinical check-up; and "sanitary measures" including disinfection, deratization, and deinsectization.
卫生处理 指隔离、留验和就地诊验等医学措施,以及消毒、除鼠、除虫等卫生措施。
(12). To monitor epidemic diseases" means to carry out survey in a specific environment and among specific groups of people on matters relating to epidemiology, serology, etiology, and clinical symptoms; and to make prognostication of the incidence, development and spread of an epidemic disease.
传染病监测 指对特定环境、人群进行流行病学、血清学、病原学、临床症状以及其他有关影响因素的调查研究,预测有关传染病的发生、发展和流行。
(13). Health supervision" means the sanitary inspection, identification, evaluation and sampling conducted in the implementation of the health law and hygienic standard.
卫生监督 指执行卫生法规和卫生标准所进行的卫生检查、卫生鉴定、卫生评价和采样检验。
(14). Conveyance means vessels, aircraft, trains and other motor vehicles.
(15). Frontier ports means international seaports, airports, railway or bus terminals on the border, and ports of entry at land frontiers and boundary rivers.
国境口岸 指国际通航的港口、机场、车站、陆地边境和国界江河的关口。
(16). Article 3 Duty range for health and quarantine organs on the frontier shall cover those hotels, restaurants and clubs on the frontier and those units that provide food or services for the incoming or outgoing conveyance and those places where quarantine inspection, sanitary monitoring and health supervision on the incoming or outgoing persons, conveyance, containers and goods are carried out.
第三条 卫生检疫机关在国境口岸工作的范围,是指为国境口岸服务的涉外宾馆、饭店、俱乐部,为入境、出境交通工具提供饮食、服务的单位和对入境、出境人员、交通工具、集装箱和货物实施检疫、监测、卫生监督的场所。
(17). Article 4 All persons, conveyance and containers, as well as articles such as baggage, goods, postal parcels that may transmit quarantinable diseases are subject to quarantine inspection upon entering or exiting the country in accordance with these Rules, and entry and exit shall be allowed to them only after an approval is issued by the health and quarantine office.
第四条 入境、出境的人员、交通工具和集装箱,以及可能传播检疫传染病的行李、货物、邮包等,均应当按照本细则的规定接受检疫,经卫生检疫机关许可,方准入境或者出境。
(18). Article 5 When a quarantinable epidemic victim is discovered by the health and quarantine organ, measures must be taken promptly in accordance with the rules stipulated in Chapter VIII of these Rules to place him in isolation and prevent other persons from being infected.
第五条 卫生检疫机关发现染疫人时,应当立即将其隔离,防止任何人遭受感染,并按照本细则第八章的规定处理。
(19). When a quarantinable epidemic suspect is found by the health and quarantine organ, he shall be dealt with in accordance with the rules stipulated in Chapter VIII.
(20). As for those suspects suffering from contagious diseases other than plague, cholera and yellow fever as defined in Chapter VIII of these Rules, they shall be subject to on-site clinical check-up or check-up detention as well as other measures of sanitization for a period of time not exceeding the longest incubation period of that contagious counting from the day they left the infected environment.
(21). Article 6 Health and quarantine organs are required to bar any quarantinable epidemic victims or suspects from exit, with the exception of those who come from abroad and have undergone on-site clinical checked up on arrival.
第六条 卫生检疫机关应当阻止染疫人、染疫赚疑人出境,但是对来自国外并且在到达时接受就地诊验的人,
(22). These persons can leave the port if they wish to; if they leave in conveyance, quarantine physicians are required to annotate and comment on their Exit Quarantine Certificates
(23). and to inform the person in charge of the conveyance to take the necessary precautionary measures.
(24). Article 7 When a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm is discovered at a frontier port, the corpse shall be subject to quarantine inspection and only after an entry or exit permit is granted can the corpse be removed.
第七条 在国境口岸以及停留在该场所的入境、出境交通工具上,所有非因意外伤害而死亡并死因不明的尸体,必须经卫生检疫机关查验,并签发尸体移运许可证后,方准移运。
(25). Article 8 When a quarantine infectious disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable or a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm is discovered on conveyance from a domestic pestilence area or in the course of a domestic voyage, the persons in charge of the conveyance are required to make a report to the health and quarantine organ on arrival at the frontier port and undergo preliminary quarantine inspection.
第八条 来自国内疫区的交通工具,或者在国内航行中发现检疫传染病,疑似检疫传染病,或者有人非因意外伤害而死亡并死因不明的,交通工具负责人应当向到达的国境口岸卫生检疫机关报告,接受临时检疫。
(26). Article 9 In times when quarantinable infectious diseases are prevailing at home or abroad, the administrative department of health under the State Council shall report the situation to the State Council for decisions on taking the following precautionary measures, partially or totally, in quarantine inspection:
第九条 在国内或者国外检疫传染病大流行的时候,国务院卫生行政部门应当立即报请国务院决定采取下列检疫措施的一部或者全部:
(27). (1)giving orders to blockade relevant sections of the border and frontier water course;
( 一)下令封锁陆地边境、国界江河的有关区域;
(28). (2)giving orders that certain articles must be disinfected or treated with insecticides before they are allowed in or out of the country;
( 二)指定某些物品必须经过消毒、除虫,方准由国外运进或者由国内运出;
(29). (3)giving orders to prohibit shipment, in or out, of certain articles;
( 三)禁止某些物品由国外运进或者由国内运出;
(30). (4)giving orders to designate the primary sea-ports and airports. Those vessels or aircraft from foreign pestilence areas, without going through quarantine inspection at the primary sea-port or airport, shall not be permitted to get into any other sea-port or airport, with the exception of cases of accidents or other special reasons.
( 四)指定第一入境港口、降落机场。对来自国外疫区的船舶、航空器,除因遇险或者其他特殊原因外,没有经第一入境港口、机场检疫的,不准进入其他港口和机场。
(31). Article 10 Upon the arrival of containers, goods, or discarded used materials at the port ready for shipping in or out, the shipper, the carrier’s agent or the consignor is required to report to the health and quarantine organ for inspection.
第十条 入境、出境的集装箱,货物,废旧物等物品在到达口岸的时候,承运人、代理人或者货主,必须向卫生检疫机关申报并接受卫生检疫;
(32). Containers, goods, or used materials that come from pestilence area or have been contaminated by an epidemic disease or are likely to spread quarantinable epidemic diseases or are found to have carried rodents which affect human health and vectors are required to undergo disinfection, deratization, deinsectization and other necessary sanitization process.
对来自疫区的、被传染病污染的以及可能传播检疫传染病或者发现与人类健康有关的啮齿动物和病媒昆虫的集装箱、货物、废旧物等物品,应当实施消毒,除鼠、除虫或者其他必要的卫生处理。....(please sign in for more)
(33). If the owner of the containers, goods or discarded used materials asks to go through quarantine inspection or sanitization in other places, the health and quarantine organ shall provide convenience and carry out the task in accordance with regulations.
集装箱、货物、废旧物等物品的货主要求在其他地方实施卫生检疫、卫生处理的,卫生检疫机关可以给予方便,并按规定办理。....(please sign in for more)
(34). The Customs office shall let them pass after checking the sanitization certificate issued by the health and quarantine organ.
海关凭卫生检疫机关签发的卫生处理证明放行。....(please sign in for more)
(35). Article 11 Special articles which enter or leave the country such as microzoaria, human tissue, biological, blood and hemoproducts shall be subject to health and quarantine inspection. The carrier, the shipper or the parcel sender of the above mentioned articles is required to declare at the health and quarantine organ for inspection. Without permission by the health and quarantine organ, there shall be no entry or exit of such articles.
第十一条 入境、出境的微生物、人体组织、生物制品、血液及其制品等特殊物品的携带人、托运人或者邮递人,必须向卫生检疫机关申报并接受卫生检疫,未经卫生检疫机关许可,不准入境、出境。....(please sign in for more)
(36). The Customs office shall let them pass after checking the Certificate of Approval for Special Articles issued by the health and quarantine organ.
海关凭卫生检疫机关签发的特殊物品审批单放行。....(please sign in for more)
(37). Article 12 Luggage and other articles carried along by incoming or outgoing passengers or staff members or by means of registered shipment that may spread quarantinable epidemic diseases, are required to undergo hygienic examination. The health and quarantine organ shall exercise sanitization or destruction of the foods, drinks and aquatic products that come from the pestilence area or have been contaminated with epidemic diseases and issue a sanitization certificate.
第十二条 入境、出境的旅客、员工个人携带或者托运可能传播传染病的行李和物品,应当接受卫生检查。卫生检疫机关对来自疫区或者被传染病污染的各种食品、饮料、水产品等应当实施卫生处理或者销毁,并签发卫生处理....(please sign in for more)
(38). Article 13 When the health and quarantine organ conducts health examination and sanitization of the registered parcels, the postal unit is required to offer cooperation. Without permission by the health and quarantine organ, the postal unit may not ship the parcels.
第十三条 卫生检疫机关对应当实施卫生检疫的邮包进行卫生检查和必要的卫生处理时,邮政部门应予配合。未经卫生检疫机关许可,邮政部门不得运递。....(please sign in for more)
(39). Article 14 The health administrative department under the State Council is the organ of authority for making the various kinds of health and quarantine forms, certificates as well as for their issuance.
第十四条 卫生检疫单、证的种类、式样和签发办法,由国务院卫生行政部门规定。....(please sign in for more)
(40). Article 15 On discovering at, or on a conveyance at a frontier port a quarantinable infectious disease, a disease suspected to be quarantinable or a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm, the relevant departmentat the frontier port and the person in charge of the conveyance must report immediately to the health and quarantine office.
第十五条 在国境口岸以及停留在国境口岸的交通工具上,发现检疫传染病、疑似检疫传染病,或者有人非因意外伤害而死亡并死因不明时,国境口岸有关单位以及交通工具的负责人,应当立即向卫生检疫机关报告。....(please sign in for more)
(41). Article 16 When the health and quarantine organ has discovered any quarantinable epidemic cases or monitored epidemic diseases or any disease suspected to be quarantinable, it must inform the local health administrative unit and the epidemic prevention unit. When a quarantinable disease is discovered, it must be promptly reported to the health administrative department under the State Council.
第十六条 卫生检疫机关发现检疫传染病、监测传染病、疑似检疫传染病时,应当向当地卫生行政部门和卫生防疫机构通报;发现检疫传染病时,还应当用最快的办法向国务院卫生行政部门报告。....(please sign in for more)
(42). On the other hand, if the local epidemic prevention unit has discovered any quarantinable epidemic cases or monitored epidemic diseases, it must keep the health and quarantine organ informed about the matter.
当地卫生防疫机构发现检疫传染病、监测传染病时,应当向卫生检疫机关通报。....(please sign in for more)
(43). Article 17 At the time when any quarantinable epidemic disease is prevalent in certain regions at home or abroad, the health administrative department under the State Council may declare the regions as pestilence areas.
第十七条 在国内或者国外某一地区发生检疫传染病流行时,国务院卫生行政部门可以宣布该地区为疫区。....(please sign in for more)
(44). Chapter III Health and Quarantine Organs
第三章 卫生检疫机关....(please sign in for more)
(45). Article 18 The health and quarantine organ may set up its agent organ if necessary. The setting up, amalgamation or dissolution of any health and quarantine organ shall be decided by the health administrative department under the State Council.
第十八条 卫生检疫机关根据工作需要,可以设立派出机构。卫生检疫机关的设立、合并或者撤销,由国务院卫生行政部门决定。....(please sign in for more)
(46). Article 19 The studies of the health and quarantine organ are as follows:
第十九条 卫生检疫机关的职责:....(please sign in for more)
(47). (1)enforce "The Frontier Health and Quarantine Law" and the rules for implementation of this law as well as other state regulations concerning public health;
( 一)执行《国境卫生检疫法》及其实施细则和国家有关卫生法规;....(please sign in for more)
(48). (2)collect, analyze information and report about the occurrence, prevalence and the cessation of quarantinable epidemic diseases at the frontier port or abroad;
( 二)收集、整理、报告国际和国境口岸传染病的发生、流行和终息情况;....(please sign in for more)
(49). (3)exercise sanitary supervision at the frontier port and conduct quarantine inspection, epidemic disease monitoring, sanitary control and sanitization to the conveyances, passengers, containers, corpses, human bones as well as luggage, goods, postal parcels that may spread quarantinable epidemic diseases;
( 三)对国境口岸的卫生状况实施卫生监督,对入境、出境的交通工具、人员、集装箱、尸体、骰骨以及可能传播检疫传染病的行李、货物、邮包等实施检疫查验、传染病监测、卫生监督和卫生处理;....(please sign in for more)
(50). (4)carry out health and quarantine inspection of any special articles such as exported or imported microzoaria, biological, human tissue, blood and hemoproducts as well as some animals that may spread human epidemic diseases;
( 四)对入境、出境的微生物、生物制品、人体组织、血液及其制品等特殊物品以及能传播人类传染病的动物,实施卫生检疫;....(please sign in for more)
(51). (5)offer services in preventive inoculation, physical check-up, medical treatment, consultancy on hygiene and health for international travellers;
( 五)对入境、出境人员进行预防接种、健康检查、医疗服务、国际旅行健康咨询和卫生宣传;....(please sign in for more)
(52). (6)issue health and quarantine certificates;
( 六)签发卫生检疫证件;....(please sign in for more)
(53). (7)make epidemiological survey and carry out scientific experiments;
( 七)进行流行病学调查研究,开展科学实验;....(please sign in for more)
(54). (8)fulfil other tasks assigned to it by the health administrative department under the State Council.
( 八)执行国务院卫生行政部门指定的其他工作。....(please sign in for more)
(55). Article 20 Duties of the frontier health supervisor:
第二十条 国境口岸卫生监督员的职责:....(please sign in for more)
(56). (1)exercise sanitary control and carry out publicity on hygiene and health to the conveyances at the frontier port or parked on the border waiting for exit or entry;
( 一)对国境口岸和停留在国境口岸的入境、出境交通工具进行卫生监督和卫生宣传;....(please sign in for more)
(57). (2)give technical guidance in sanitization, such as disinfection, deratization and deinsectization;
( 二)在消毒、除鼠、除虫等卫生处理方面进行技术指导;....(please sign in for more)
(58). (3)make investigation into the cases that has caused the spread of epidemic diseases and the proliferation of rodent, vector insects, food-poisoning and food-borne contamination, and suggest control measures.
( 三)对造成传染病传播、啮齿动物和病媒昆虫扩散、食物中毒、食物污染等事故进行调查,并提出控制措施。....(please sign in for more)
(59). Article 21 When performing its duties, the health and quarantine inspector and border health supervisor are required to wear their quarantine uniform and their quarantine budges. Their conveyances at work are required to bear quarantine flags.
第二十一条 卫生检疫机关工作人员、国境口岸卫生监督员在执行任务时,应当穿着检疫制服,佩戴检疫标志;卫生检疫机关的交通工具在执行任务期间,应当悬挂检疫旗帜。....(please sign in for more)
(60). The design of quarantine uniform, sign and flag and their uses shall be determined jointly by the health administrative department under the State Council and other departments concerned, subject to ratification by the State Council.
检疫制服、标志、旗帜的式样和使用办法由国务院卫生行政部门会同有关部门制定,报国务院审批。....(please sign in for more)
(61). Article 22 Quarantine inspection for incoming vessels must be carried out at
第二十二条 船舶的入境检疫,必须在港口的检疫锚地或者经卫生检疫机关同意的指定地点实施。....(please sign in for more)
(62). quarantine anchorage or at the designated place approved by the health and quarantine organ. Quarantine anchorage shall be decided jointly by the harbour superintendency administration and the health and quarantine organ. A report about the decision shall be presented to the transportation department and the health administration department under the State Council for the record.
检疫锚地由港务监督机关和卫生检疫机关会商确定,报国分院交通和卫生行政部门备案。....(please sign in for more)
(63). Article 23 Prior to the arrival of the vessel subject to entry quarantine inspection, the shipping agent is required to inform the health and quarantine organ at the earliest possible time of the following matters:
第二十三条 船舶代理应当在受入境检疫的船舶到达以前,尽早向卫生检疫机关通知下列事项:....(please sign in for more)
(64). (1)name and nationality of the vessel, scheduled date and time of arrival at the quarantine anchorage;
( 一)船名、国籍、预定到达检疫锚地的日期和时间;....(please sign in for more)
(65). (2)port of departure and port of last call;
( 二)发航港、最后寄港;....(please sign in for more)
(66). (3)number of crew and passengers;
( 三)船员和旅客人数;....(please sign in for more)
(67). (4)type of cargo.
( 四)货物种类。....(please sign in for more)
(68). The harbour superintendency administration must inform the health and quarantine organ at the earliest possible time of the scheduled arrival date and time of the vessel at the quarantine anchorage.
港务监督机关应当将船舶确定到达检疫锚地的日期和时间尽早通知卫生检疫机关。....(please sign in for more)
(69). Article 24 In the course of navigation, if a quarantinable epidemic disease, a disease suspected to be quarantinable, or a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm is discovered, the captain must make a prompt report to the health and quarantine organ about the following matters:
第二十四条 受入境检疫的船舶,在航行中,发现检疫传染病、疑似检疫传染病,或者有人非因意外伤害而死亡并死因不明的,船长必须立即向实施检疫港口的卫生检疫机关报告下列事项:....(please sign in for more)
(70). (2)port of departure and port of final call;
发航港、最后寄港;....(please sign in for more)
(71). (5)name of disease or principal symptoms, number of cases and deaths;
( 五)病名或者主要症状、患病人数、死亡人数;....(please sign in for more)
(72). (6)whether there are any vessel doctors on board the vessel.
( 六)船上有无船医。....(please sign in for more)
(73). Article 25 All vessels subject to entry quarantine inspection are required to hoist quarantine signals ready for inspection. Without getting an Entry Quarantine Permit issued by the health and quarantine organ, the quarantine signals shall not be lowered.
第二十五条 受入境检疫的船舶,必须按照下列规定悬挂检疫信号等候查验,在卫生检疫机关发给入境检疫证前,不得降下检疫信号。....(please sign in for more)
(74). In the day time, an international signal flag shall be put up at a conspicuous place on the vessel:
昼间在明显处所悬挂国际通语信号旗:....(please sign in for more)
(75). (1)The "Q" sign flag means that the vessel is free from quarantinable epidemic diseases, and is applying for an Entry Quarantine Permit;
( 一)"Q’ 字旗表示:本船没有染疫,请发给入境检疫证;....(please sign in for more)
(76). (2)The "QQ" sign flag means that the vessel has on board a quarantinable epidemic disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable and asks for instant quarantine sanitization.
( 二)"QQ" 字旗表示:本船有染疫或者染疫嫌疑,请即刻实施检疫。....(please sign in for more)
(77). During the night, a light-signal shall be put up vertically at a conspicuous place on the vessel:
夜间在明显处所垂直悬挂灯号:....(please sign in for more)
(78). (1)Three red lights indicate that the vessel is free from quarantinable epidemic disease and is applying for an Entry Quarantine Permit;
( 一)红灯 3 盏表示:本船没有染疫,请发给入境检疫证;....(please sign in for more)
(79). (2)Four lights in the order of Red-Red-White-Red indicate that the vessel has been contaminated by a quarantinable epidemic disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable and asks for instant quarantine sanitization.
( 二)红、红、白、红灯 4 盏表示:本船有染疫或者染疫嫌疑,请即刻实施检疫。....(please sign in for more)
(80). Article 26 No persons other than navigation pilot and those approved by the health and quarantine organ shall be allowed to get on board the vessel(s)with quarantine flag or light signal(s);
第二十六条 悬挂检疫信号的船舶,除引航员和经卫生检疫机关许可的人员外,其他人员不准上船,....(please sign in for more)
(81). no unloading of luggage, cargo, postal parcels shall be allowed; no other vessel shall be allowed to get close; no crew member shall be allowed to leave the vessel without the approval by the health and quarantine organ, unless the vessel is in distress.
不准装卸行李、货物、邮包等物品,其他船舶不准靠近;船上的人员,除因船舶遇险外,未经卫生检疫机关许可,不准离船;....(please sign in for more)
(82). he navigation pilot shall not guide the vessel(s)away from the quarantine anchorage.
引航员不得将船引离检疫锚地。....(please sign in for more)
(83). Article 27 Vessel(s)applying for quarantine inspection by telecommunication must first submit an application to the health and quarantine organ. A sanitary certificate shall be issued to the qualified vessel(s)which may apply for telecommunicated quarantine inspection within 12 months as of the issuance of the certificate.
第二十七条 申请电讯检疫的船舶,首先向卫生检疫机关申请卫生检查,合格者发给卫生证书,该证书自签发之日起 12 个月内可以申请电讯检疫。....(please sign in for more)
(84). Article 28 The vessel with valid sanitary certificate must make a report, twenty-four hours prior to its arrival, to the health and quarantine organ about the following matters:
第二十八条 持有效卫生证书的船舶在入境前 24 小时,应当向卫生检疫机关报告下列事项:....(please sign in for more)
(85). (3)number of crew and passengers and their state of health;
( 三)船员和旅客人数及健康状况;....(please sign in for more)
(86). (5)date of issuance and number of the vessel’s sanitary certificate; date and port of issuance of the deratization certificate or a deratization laissez-passer, as well as other sanitary documents.
( 五)船舶卫生证书的签发日期和编号、除鼠证书或者免予除鼠证书的签发日期和签发港,以及其他卫生证件。....(please sign in for more)
(87). Upon approval of the above report, the vessel(s)may enter the port.
经卫生检疫机关对上述报告答复同意后,即可进港。....(please sign in for more)
(88). Article 29 Entry quarantine inspection of vessel(s)shall be conducted between sunrise and sunset. Round-the-clock quarantine inspection shall be conducted on vessel(s)at the port which have night navigation conditions for docking and unloading of cargo. No night-time quarantine inspection shall be conducted on vessel(s)from pestilence areas.
第二十九条 对船舶的入境检疫,在日出后到日落前的时间内实施;凡具备船舶夜航条件,夜间可靠离码头和装卸作业的港口口岸,应实行 24 小时检疫。对来自疫区的船舶,不实行夜间检疫。....(please sign in for more)
(89). Article 30 The captain of the entry vessel is required to show the quarantine physician on board the vessel health declaration, crew member list, passenger manifest and cargo declaration, signed by the captain or the vessel physician, and a deratization certificate or a deratization laissez-passer.
第三十条 受入境检疫船舶的船长,在检疫医师到达船上时,必须提交由船长签字或者有船医附签的航海健康申报书、船员名单、旅客名单、载货申报单,并出示除鼠证书或者免予除鼠证书。....(please sign in for more)
(90). During the inspection, the quarantine physician has the right to read the deck logbook and other related documents; he may ask for detailed information about the sanitary situation of the vessel during its navigation course, if he considers it necessary and the captain or the vessel physician must give the true facts. The answers in written form must bear the signature of the captain and that of the vessel physician.
在查验中,检疫医师有权查阅航海日志和其他有关证件;需要进一步了解船舶航行中卫生情况时,检疫医师可以向船长、船医提出询问,船长、船医必须如实回答。用书面回答时,须经船长签字和船医附签。....(please sign in for more)
(91). Article 31 After completion of entry quarantine inspection of the vessel, the quarantine physician is required to sign and issue an Entry Quarantine Permit without delay; if the vessel needs to go through sanitization or is subject to certain restrictions, a footnote and signature must be made on
第三十一条 船舶实施入境查验完毕以后,对没有染疫的船舶,检疫医师应当立即签发入境检疫证:如果该船有受卫生处理或者限制的事项,应当在入境检疫证上签注,并按照签注事项办理。对染疫船舶、染疫嫌疑船舶,除通....(please sign in for more)
(92). Article 32 Before departure of an exit vessel, the shipping agent is required to inform the health and quarantine organ at the earliest possible time of the following matters:
第三十二条 船舶代理应当在受出境检疫的船舶启航以前,尽早向卫生检疫机关通知下列事项:....(please sign in for more)
(93). (1)name and nationality of vessel and scheduled date and time of departure;
( 一)船名、国籍、预定开航的日期和时间;....(please sign in for more)
(94). (2)destination port and primary departure port;
( 二)目的港、最初寄港;....(please sign in for more)
(95). (3)crew member list and passenger manifest;
( 三)船员名单和旅客名单;....(please sign in for more)
(96). The harbour superintendency administration is required to notify the health and quarantine organ at the earliest possible time of the fixed date and time of departure of the exit vessel(s).
港务监督机关应当将船舶确定开航的日期和时间尽早通知卫生检疫机关。....(please sign in for more)
(97). If there is no change in crew members and passengers, the vessel receiving entry and exit quarantine inspections at the same port may get a P.W.E. If there is a change in crew members or passengers, revised manifest shall be required.
船舶的入境、出境检疫在同一港口实施时,如果船员、旅客没有变动,可以免报船员名单和旅客名单;有变动的,报变动船员、旅客名单。....(please sign in for more)
(98). Article 33 The captain of the vessel receiving exit quarantine inspection is required to show the deratization certificate or the deratization laissez-passer and other related quarantine documents to the health and quarantine organ.
第三十三条 受出境检疫的船舶,船长应当向卫生检疫机关出示除鼠证书或者免于除鼠证书和其他有关检疫证件,....(please sign in for more)
(99). The quarantine physician may ask the captain or the vessel physician for further details about the state of health of the crew members and the passengers as well as the sanitary situation on the vessel;
检疫医师可以向船长、船医提出有关船员、旅客健康情况和船上卫生情况的询问,....(please sign in for more)
(100). the captain and the vessel physician are required to give true-to-fact answers.
船长、船医对上述询问应当如实回答。....(please sign in for more)