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(1). The Legislation Law of the PRC
(2). Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution in order to standardize lawmaking activities, to perfect state legislative institution, to establish and perfect our socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, to safeguard and develop socialist democracy, to promote the governance of the country through legal mechanism, and to build a socialist country under the rule of law.
(3). Article 2 The enactment, amendment and repeal of any national law, administrative regulation, local decree, autonomous decree and special decree shall be governed by this Law.
(4). The enactment, amendment and repeal of administrative rules promulgated by agencies under the State Council and local rules promulgated by local governments shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Law.
(5). Article 3 Lawmaking shall adhere to the basic principles of the Constitution, and shall be centered around economic development, and shall adhere to the socialist road, adhere to the democratic dictatorship by the people, adhere to the leadership by the Chinese Communist Party, and adhere to the theory of Marxism, Leninism and Mao Zedong thoughts and Dengxiaoping theory, and adhere to the reform and opening to the outside world.
(6). Article 4 Lawmaking shall comply with legally prescribed scope of authority and procedure, and shall serve the national interests and safeguard the uniformity and dignity of our socialist legal system.
(7). Article 5 Lawmaking shall reflect the will of the people, promote socialist democracy, and ensure that people are able to participate in the lawmaking process through various channels.
(8). Article 6 Lawmaking shall be based on actual circumstances, and shall, in a scientific and reasonable manner, prescribe the rights and obligations of citizens, legal persons and other organizations, and the powers and duties of state organs.
(9). Article 7 The National People’s Congress and Standing Committee thereof shall exercise state legislative power.
(10). The National People’s Congress enacts and amends criminal, civil, and state organic laws and other basic laws.
(11). The Standing Committee of National People’s Congress enacts and amends laws other than those to be enacted by the National People’s Congress; while the National People’s Congress is not in session, the Standing Committee thereof partially amends and supplements national law enacted by the National People’s Congress, provided that any amendment or supplement may not contravene the basic principles of such national law.
(12). Article 8 Only national law may be enacted in respect of matters relating to:
第八条 下列事项只能制定法律:
(13). (ii)the establishment, organization and authority of various people’s congresses, people’s governments, people’s courts and people’s procuratorates;
( 二)各级人民代表大会、人民政府、人民法院和人民检察院的产生、组织和职权;
(14). (iii)autonomy system of ethnic regions, system of special administrative region, and system of autonomy at the grass-root level;
( 三)民族区域自治制度、特别行政区制度、基层群众自治制度;
(15). (iv)crimes and criminal sanctions;
( 四)犯罪和刑罚;
(16). (v)the deprivation of the political rights of a citizen, or compulsory measures and penalties involving restriction of personal freedom;
( 五)对公民政治权利的剥夺、限制人身自由的强制措施和处罚;
(17). (vi)expropriation of non-state assets;
( 六)对非国有财产的征收;
(18). (vii)fundamental civil institutions;
( 七)民事基本制度;
(19). (viii)fundamental economic system and basic fiscal, tax, customs, financial and foreign trade systems;
( 八)基本经济制度以及财政、税收、海关、金融和外贸的基本制度;
(20). (ix)litigation and arbitration system;
( 九)诉讼和仲裁制度;
(21). (x)other matters the regulation of which must be carried out through enactment of national law by the National People’s Congress or the Standing Committee thereof.
( 十)必须由全国人民代表大会及其常务委员会制定法律的其他事项。
(22). Article 9 In the event that no national law has been enacted in respect of a matter enumerated in Article 8 hereof,
(23). the National People’s Congress and the Standing Committee thereof have the power to make a decision to enable the State Council to enact administrative regulations in respect of part of the matters concerned for the time being,
(24). except where the matter relates to crime and criminal sanctions, the deprivation of a citizen’s political rights, compulsory measure and penalty restricting the personal freedom of a citizen, and the judicial system.
(25). Article 10 An enabling decision shall specify the objective and scope of the authorization.
第十条 授权决定应当明确授权的目的、范围。
(26). The enabled body shall exercise such power in strict compliance with the objectives and scope of authorization.
(27). The enabled body may not re-delegate its authority to any other body.
(28). Article11 For a matter covered by an enabling decision, if the conditions are ripe for the enactment of a national law, the National People’s Congress or the Standing Committee thereof shall enact a national law in a timely manner. Upon enactment of the national law, the relevant authority for lawmaking in respect of the matter shall be terminated.
(29). Section Two The Legislative Process of the National People’s Congress
第二节 全国人民代表大会立法程序
(30). Article 12 The presidium of the National People’s Congress may introduce a bill to the National People’s Congress for deliberation in its current session.
(31). The State Council, the Central Military Committee, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, and the various special committees of the National People’s Congress may introduce a bill to the National People’s Congress, which shall be put onto the agenda of the current session by a decision of the presidium.
(32). Article 13 A delegation, or delegates of at least 30 people acting jointly, may introduce a bill to the National People’s Congress, and the presidium shall decide whether to put such bill onto the agenda of the current session, or whether to refer such bill to the relevant special committee for deliberation, and such special committee shall make a recommendation as to whether such bill shall be put onto the agenda of the current session, whereupon the presidium shall decide whether to do so.
(33). In the course of deliberation of the bill, the special committee may invite the bill sponsor to the deliberation session to give comments.
(34). Article 14 While the National People’s Congress is in recess, a bill to be introduced to it may first be submitted to the Standing Committee thereof, which shall such bill to the National People’s Congress by way of a decision after it has deliberated on it in accordance with the relevant procedures set forth in Section 3 of Chapter 2 hereof, and the Standing Committee or the bill sponsor shall brief the plenary session.
(35). Article 15 For a bill which the Standing Committee has decided to submit to the upcoming session of the National People’s Congress for deliberation, the draft law shall be distributed to the delegates one month prior to the commencement of the session.
(36). Article 16 For a bill which has been put on the agenda of the current session of the National People’s Congress, the plenary session shall be briefed by the bill sponsor, whereupon the delegations shall begin deliberation.
第十六条列入全国人民代表大会会议议程的法律案,大会全体会议听取提案人的说明后,由各代表团进行审议。....(please sign in for more)
(37). In the course of deliberation of the bill by the delegations, the bill sponsor shall send representatives to hear comments and answer questions.
各代表团审议法律案时,提案人应当派人听取意见,回答询问。....(please sign in for more)
(38). In the course of deliberation of the bill by the delegations, upon request by a delegation, the relevant agency or organization shall send representatives to brief the delegation.
各代表团审议法律案时,根据代表团的要求,有关机关、组织应当派人介绍情况。....(please sign in for more)
(39). Article 17 A bill which has been put on the agenda of the current session of the National People’s Congress shall be deliberated by the relevant special committee, which shall submit its deliberation opinions to the presidium, and such opinions shall be printed and distributed to the delegates attending the session.
第十七条列入全国人民代表大会会议议程的法律案,由有关的专门委员会进行审议,向主席团提出审议意见,并印发会议。....(please sign in for more)
(40). Article 18 For a bill which has been put on the agenda of the current session of the National People’s Congress, after gathering the deliberation opinions delivered by the delegations and the relevant special committee, the Legislative Committee
第十八条列入全国人民代表大会会议议程的法律案,由法律委员会根据各代表团和有关的专门委员会的审议意见,....(please sign in for more)
(41). shall conduct a uniform deliberation, and afterwards shall deliver to the presidium a deliberation report and the amended draft law, and the deliberation report shall contain explanations of the major differences of opinions,
对法律案进行统一审议,向主席团提出审议结果报告和法律草案修改稿,对重要的不同意见应当在审议结果报告中予以说明,....(please sign in for more)
(42). and after the presidium has deliberated and passed the deliberation report and the amended draft law, they shall be printed and circulated to the delegates attending the session.
经主席团会议审议通过后,印发会议。....(please sign in for more)
(43). Article 19 For a bill which has been put on the agenda of the current session of the National People’s Congress, where necessary, the executive chairman of the presidium may call a session of the delegation leaders to hear the deliberation opinions of the various delegations on major matters covered by the bill and conduct discussions, and shall report to the presidium the status of the discussion and the opinions expressed.
第十九条列入全国人民代表大会会议议程的法律案,必要时,主席团常务主席可以召开各代表团团长会议,就法律案中的重大问题听取各代表团的审议意见,进行讨论,并将讨论的情况和意见向主席团报告。....(please sign in for more)
(44). The executive chairman of the presidium may also call a session of the relevant delegates elected by various delegations to discuss major special issues involved in the bill, and shall report to the presidium the status of the discussion and the opinions expressed.
主席团常务主席也可以就法律案中的重大的专门性问题,召集代表团推选的有关代表进行讨论,并将讨论的情况和意见向主席团报告。....(please sign in for more)
(45). Article 20 If before a bill which has been put on the agenda of the current session of the National People’s Congress is brought to a vote, its sponsor requests for its withdrawal, the bill sponsor shall explain the reason for the withdrawal, and subject to consent by the presidium, a report shall be made to the plenary session, whereupon deliberation on the bill shall terminate.
第二十条列入全国人民代表大会会议议程的法律案,在交付表决前,提案人要求撤回的,应当说明理由,经主席团同意,并向大会报告,对该法律案的审议即行终止。....(please sign in for more)
(46). Where in the course of deliberating a bill, major issues are encountered, upon motion brought by the presidium and decided upon by the plenary session,
法律案在审议中有重大问题需要进一步研究的,经主席团提出,由大会全体会议决定,....(please sign in for more)
(47). the Standing Committee may be authorized to conduction further deliberation based on the opinions of the delegates, and the Standing Committee shall report its decision to the next session of the National People’s Congress;
可以授权常务委员会根据代表的意见进一步审议,作出决定,并将决定情况向全国人民代表大会下次会议报告....(please sign in for more)
(48). the Standing Committee may also be authorized to conduct further deliberation and prepare an amendment plan, to be submitted to the next session of the National People’s Congress for deliberation and decision.
也可以授权常务委员会根据代表的意见进一步审议,提出修改方案,提请全国人民代表大会下次会议审议决定。....(please sign in for more)
(49). Article 22 After deliberation by the delegations, the amended draft law shall be further amended by the Legislative Committee based on the deliberating opinions of the delegations, and the Legislative Committee shall present a voting version of the draft law to be submitted by the presidium to the plenary session for voting, and such version shall be adopted if it receives affirmative votes from more than half of all delegates.
第二十二条法律草案修改稿经各代表团审议,由法律委员会根据各代表团的审议意见进行修改,提出法律草案表决稿,由主席团提请大会全体会议表决,由全体代表的过半数通过。....(please sign in for more)
(50). Article 23 A national law enacted by the National People’s Congress shall be promulgated by way of a presidential order signed by the state president.
第二十三条全国人民代表大会通过的法律由国家主席签署主席令予以公布。....(please sign in for more)
(51). Section Three The Legislative Process of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress
第三节 全国人民代表大会常务委员会立法程序....(please sign in for more)
(52). Article 24 The Chairman’s Committee may introduce a bill to the Standing Committee for deliberation during its current session.
第二十四条委员长会议可以向常务委员会提出法律案,由常务委员会会议审议。....(please sign in for more)
(53). The State Council, the Central Military Committee, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the various special committees of the Standing Committee may introduce a bill to the Standing Committee,
国务院、中央军事委员会、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、全国人民代表大会各专门委员会,可以向常务委员会提出法律案,....(please sign in for more)
(54). and the Chairman’s Committee shall make a decision to put the bill on the agenda of the upcoming session of the Standing Committee, or first refer it to the relevant special committee for deliberation,
由委员长会议决定列入常务委员会会议议程,或者先交有关的专门委员会审议、....(please sign in for more)
(55). and a report on it shall be submitted by the special committee, whereupon the Chairman’s Committee will decide to put it on the agenda of the upcoming session of the Standing Committee.
提出报告,再决定列入常务委员会会议议程。....(please sign in for more)
(56). If the Chairman’s Committee is of the opinion that there are material issues outstanding in respect of the bill which require further study, it may advise that the bill sponsor revise and improve the bill before it is introduced to the Standing Committee.
如果委员长会议认为法律案有重大问题需要进一步研究,可以建议提案人修改完善后再向常务委员会提出。....(please sign in for more)
(57). Article 25 Ten or more members of the Standing Committee acting jointly, may introduce a bill to the Standing Committee, and the Chairman’s Committee shall decide whether to put it on the agenda of the Standing Committee’s session,
第二十五条常务委员会组成人员十人以上联名,可以向常务委员会提出法律案,由委员长会议决定是否列入常务委员会会议议程,....(please sign in for more)
(58). or whether to refer it to the relevant special committee for deliberation and recommendation before deciding to put it on the agenda.
或者先交有关的专门委员会审议、提出是否列入会议议程的意见,再决定是否列入常务委员会会议议程。....(please sign in for more)
(59). Where such bill is not put on the agenda of the Standing Committee session, the Chairman’s Committee shall make a report to the Standing Committee session or give an explanation to the bill sponsor.
不列入常务委员会会议议程的,应当向常务委员会会议报告或者向提案人说明。....(please sign in for more)
(60). In the course of deliberation, the special committee may invite the bill sponsor to the session to give comments.
专门委员会审议的时候可以邀请提案人列席会议,发表意见。....(please sign in for more)
(61). Article 26 For a bill which has been put on the agenda of the session of the Standing Committee, unless special circumstances arise, the draft law shall be distributed to the members of the Standing Committee seven days prior to commencement of the session.
第二十六条列入常务委员会会议议程的法律案,除特殊情况外,应当在会议举行的七日前将法律草案发给常务委员会组成人员。....(please sign in for more)
(62). Article 27 A bill which has been put on the agenda of the Standing Committee session shall in general be deliberated three times in the current session of the Standing Committee before being voted on.
第二十七条列入常务委员会会议议程的法律案,一般应当经三次常务委员会会议审议后再交付表决。....(please sign in for more)
(63). During the first deliberation of the bill at the current Standing Committee session, the bill sponsor shall brief the plenary session, whereupon preliminary deliberation shall be conducted by divided group sessions.
常务委员会会议第一次审议法律案,在全体会议上听取提案人的说明,由分组会议进行初步审议。....(please sign in for more)
(64). During the second deliberation of the bill at the current Standing Committee session, the Legislative Committee shall brief the plenary session on the status of amendment and major issues in respect of the draft law, whereupon further deliberation shall be conducted by divided group sessions.
常务委员会会议第二次审议法律案,在全体会议上听取法律委员会关于法律草案修改情况和主要问题的汇报,由分组会议进一步审议。....(please sign in for more)
(65). During the third deliberation of the bill at the current Standing Committee session, the Legislative Committee shall give a report to the plenary session on the result of the deliberation on the draft law, whereupon deliberation on the amended draft law shall be conducted by divided group sessions.
常务委员会会议第三次审议法律案,在全体会议上听取法律委员会关于法律草案审议结果的报告,由分组会议对法律草案修改稿进行审议。....(please sign in for more)
(66). In the course of deliberation, if necessary, the Standing Committee may convene a joint group session or a plenary session to discuss the major issues of the draft law.
常务委员会审议法律案时,根据需要,可以召开联组会议或者全体会议,对法律草案中的主要问题进行讨论。....(please sign in for more)
(67). Article 28 For a bill which has been put on the agenda of the session of the Standing Committee, if a preponderant consensus is formed, it may be brought to a vote after two deliberations by the session of the Standing Committee; for a bill which partially amends a national law, if a preponderant consensus is formed, it may be brought to a vote after one deliberation by the session of the Standing Committee.
第二十八条列入常务委员会会议议程的法律案,各方面意见比较一致的,可以经两次常务委员会会议审议后交付表决;部分修改的法律案,各方面的意见比较一致的,也可以经一次常务委员会会议审议即交付表决。....(please sign in for more)
(68). Article 29 In the course of deliberation by the subgroups of the Standing Committee, the bill sponsor shall send representatives to the deliberating sessions to hear comments and answer questions.
第二十九条常务委员会分组会议审议法律案时,提案人应当派人听取意见,回答询问。....(please sign in for more)
(69). In the course of deliberation by the subgroups of the Standing Committee, if requested by a subgroup, the relevant agency or organization shall send representatives to brief the subgroup.
常务委员会分组会议审议法律案时,根据小组的要求,有关机关、组织应当派人介绍情况。....(please sign in for more)
(70). Article 30 A bill which has been put on the agenda of the Standing Committee session shall be deliberated by the relevant special committee, which shall present its deliberation opinions, which shall be printed and distributed to members attending the Standing Committee session.
第三十条列入常务委员会会议议程的法律案,由有关的专门委员会进行审议,提出审议意见,印发常务委员会会议。....(please sign in for more)
(71). In the course of deliberation, the relevant special committee may invite members of other special committees to the session to give comments.
有关的专门委员会审议法律案时,可以邀请其他专门委员会的成员列席会议,发表意见。....(please sign in for more)
(72). Article 31 For a bill which has been put on the agenda of the session of the Standing Committee, t
第三十一条列入常务委员会会议议程的法律案,....(please sign in for more)
(73). the Legislative Committee shall conduct uniform deliberation based on the opinions expressed by the members of the Standing Committee, the deliberation opinions delivered by the relevant special committee and concerned constituents,
由法律委员会根据常务委员会组成人员、有关的专门委员会的审议意见和各方面提出的意见,对法律案进行统一审议,....(please sign in for more)
(74). and thereafter it shall give a report on the status of amendment or deliver a deliberation result report and the amended draft law, and the status report or deliberation result report shall contain notes on the major difference of opinions.
提出修改情况的汇报或者审议结果报告和法律草案修改稿,....(please sign in for more)
(75). Where a major deliberation opinion by a relevant special committee has not bee adopted, the Legislative Committee shall give an explanation in its status report or deliberation result report.
对重要的不同意见应当在汇报或者审议结果报告中予以说明。....(please sign in for more)
(76). If a major deliberation opinion expressed by a relevant special committee is not adopted, the Legislative Committee shall also report back to the special committee.
对有关的专门委员会的重要审议意见没有采纳的,应当向有关的专门委员会反馈。....(please sign in for more)
(77). In the course of deliberation, the Legislative Committee may invite members of the relevant special committee to the session to give comments.
法律委员会审议法律案时,可以邀请有关的专门委员会的成员列席会议,发表意见。....(please sign in for more)
(78). Article 32 In the course of deliberation, a special committee shall convene a plenary session to conduct the deliberation, and where necessary, it may request that the relevant agency or organization send its relevant person in charge to brief the session.
第三十二条专门委员会审议法律案时,应当召开全体会议审议,根据需要,可以要求有关机关、组织派有关负责人说明情况。....(please sign in for more)
(79). Article 33 Where there is a difference of opinion among the special committees on a major matter covered by the draft law, they shall report such difference to the Chairman’s Committee.
第三十三条专门委员会之间对法律草案的重要问题意见不一致时,应当向委员长会议报告。....(please sign in for more)
(80). Article 34 For a bill which has been put on the agenda of the session of the Standing Committee, the relevant special committee and the office of operation of the Standing Committee shall hear the opinions of the concerned constituents. In gathering opinions, various methods may be adopted, such as panel discussion, feasibility study meeting, hearing, etc.
第三十四条列入常务委员会会议议程的法律案,法律委员会、有关的专门委员会和常务委员会工作机构应当听取各方面的意见。听取意见可以采取座谈会、论证会、听证会等多种形式。....(please sign in for more)
(81). The Standing Committee’s office of operation shall distribute the draft law to the relevant agency, organization and experts for comments, and shall compile such comments and present them to the Legislative Committee and the relevant special committee, and where necessary, it shall distribute them to the current session of the Standing Committee.
常务委员会工作机构应当将法律草案发送有关机关、组织和专家征求意见,将意见整理后送法律委员会和有关的专门委员会,并根据需要,印发常务委员会会议。....(please sign in for more)
(82). Article 35 For a major bill which has been put on the agenda of the session of the Standing Committee, upon decision by the Chairman’s Committee, the draft law may be presented to the public for comments. The comments presented by the various agencies, organizations and citizens shall be submitted to the office of operation of the Standing Committee.
第三十五条列入常务委员会会议议程的重要的法律案,经委员长会议决定,可以将法律草案公布,征求意见。各机关、组织和公民提出的意见送常务委员会工作机构。....(please sign in for more)
(83). Article 36 For a bill which has been put on the agenda of the session of the Standing Committee, the office of operation of the Standing Committee shall collect and compile the comments made by the subgroups during deliberation, as well as comments made by concerned constituents, and where necessary, it shall distribute them to the current session of the Standing Committee.
第三十六条列入常务委员会会议议程的法律案,常务委员会工作机构应当收集整理分组审议的意见和各方面提出的意见以及其他有关资料,分送法律委员会和有关的专门委员会,并根据需要,印发常务委员会会议。....(please sign in for more)
(84). Article 37 If the sponsor of a bill which has been put on the agenda of the session of the Standing Committee requests for withdrawal of such bill before it is brought to a vote, the bill sponsor shall give an explanation, and subject to consent by the Chairman’s Committee, a report shall be made to the Standing Committee, whereupon the deliberation on the bill shall terminate.
第三十七条列入常务委员会会议议程的法律案,在交付表决前,提案人要求撤回的,应当说明理由,经委员长会议同意,并向常务委员会报告,对该法律案的审议即行终止。....(please sign in for more)
(85). Article 38 If, after three deliberations by the Standing Committee session, a bill still has major issues which require further study, upon a motion brought by the Chairman’s Committee, and upon approval by the joint group session or the plenary session, voting on the bill may be postponed, whereupon the bill shall be submitted to the Legislative Committee and the relevant special committee for further deliberation.
第三十八条法律案经常务委员会三次会议审议后,仍有重大问题需要进一步研究的,由委员长会议提出,经联组会议或者全体会议同意,可以暂不付表决,交法律委员会和有关的专门委员会进一步审议。....(please sign in for more)
(86). Article 39 For a bill which has been put on the agenda of the session of the Standing Committee,
第三十九条列入常务委员会会议审议的法律案,....(please sign in for more)
(87). if deliberation on the bill has been postponed for two years due to major differences among the concerned constituents on major issues such as the necessity or feasibility of enacting such bill,
因各方面对制定该法律的必要性、可行性等重大问题存在较大意见分歧搁置审议满两年的,....(please sign in for more)
(88). or voting was postponed and the bill has not been put on the agenda of the session of the Standing Committee for two years, the Chairman’s Committee shall make a report to the Standing Committee, whereupon deliberation on the bill shall terminate.
或者因暂不付表决经过两年没有再次列入常务委员会会议议程审议的,由委员长会议向常务委员会报告,该法律案终止审议。....(please sign in for more)
(89). Article 40 Upon deliberation of the draft law by the Standing Committee session, the Legislative Committee shall make further amendment based on the comments made during deliberation by members of the Standing Committee,
第四十条法律草案修改稿经常务委员会会议审议,由法律委员会根据常务委员会组成人员的审议意见进行修改,....(please sign in for more)
(90). and shall present a voting version of the draft law,
提出法律草案表决稿,....(please sign in for more)
(91). and the Chairman’s Committee shall bring the draft law for a vote by the plenary session of the Standing Committee, whereupon such bill shall be enacted if more than half of the votes cast by the members of the Standing Committee are affirmative.
由委员长会议提请常务委员会全体会议表决,由常务委员会全体组成人员的过半数通过。....(please sign in for more)
(92). Article 41 A national law passed by the National People’s Congress shall be promulgated by way of a presidential order signed by the state president.
第四十一条常务委员会通过的法律由国家主席签署主席令予以公布。....(please sign in for more)
(93). Article 42 The power to interpret a national law shall vest in the Standing Committee of National People’s Congress.
第四十二条法律解释权属于全国人民代表大会常务委员会。....(please sign in for more)
(94). The Standing Committee of National People’s Congress shall give interpretation to a national law in any of the following circumstances:
法律有以下情况之一的,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会解释:....(please sign in for more)
(95). (i)the specific meaning of a provision of such legislation requires further clarification;
( 一)法律的规定需要进一步明确具体含义的;....(please sign in for more)
(96). (ii)a new situation arises after enactment of such legislation, thereby requiring clarification of the basis of its application.
( 二)法律制定后出现新的情况,需要明确适用法律依据的。....(please sign in for more)
(97). Article 43 The State Council, the Central Military Committee, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the various special committees of the Standing Committee and the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of various provinces, autonomous regions and municipality directly under the central government may make a request for legislative interpretation to the Standing Committee of National People’s Congress.
第四十三条国务院、中央军事委员会、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院和全国人民代表大会各专门委员会以及省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会常务委员会可以向全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出法律解释要求。....(please sign in for more)
(98). Article 44 The office of operation of the Standing Committee shall research and prepare draft legislative interpretation, and shall be put on the agenda of the upcoming session of the Standing Committee upon decision by the Chairman’s Committee.
第四十四条常务委员会工作机构研究拟订法律解释草案,由委员长会议决定列入常务委员会会议议程。....(please sign in for more)
(99). Article 45 After deliberation by the session of the Standing Committee, the draft legislative interpretation shall be deliberated and amended by the Legislative Committee based on comments made by members of the Standing Committee, and it shall submit a voting version of the draft legislative interpretation.
第四十五条法律解释草案经常务委员会会议审议,由法律委员会根据常务委员会组成人员的审议意见进行审议、修改,提出法律解释草案表决稿。....(please sign in for more)
(100). Article 46 The voting version of the draft legislative interpretation shall be adopted if affirmed by more than half of all members of the Standing Committee, and shall be promulgated by the Standing Committee by way of a public announcement.
第四十六条法律解释草案表决稿由常务委员会全体组成人员的过半数通过,由常务委员会发布公告予以公布。....(please sign in for more)