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(1). Law of the PRC on Commercial Banks
(2). Article 1 This law is formulated to protect the legal rights and interests of the commercial banks, depositors and other clients, standardize the behaviors of the commercial banks, improve the quality of loan assets, strengthen the supervision and management and thus ensure the sound and stable operations of the commercial banks, safeguard financial order and promote the growth of socialist market economy.
第一条 为了保护商业银行、存款人和其他客户的合法权益,规范商业银行的行为,提高信贷资产质量,加强监督管理,保障商业银行的稳健运行,维护金融秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,制定本法。
(3). Article 2 Commercial banks referred to in this law are those enterprise legal persons which are established to absorb public deposits, issue loans, arrange settlement of accounts and engage in other businesses in accordance with this law and the "Company Law of the PRC ".
第二条 本法所称的商业银行是指依照本法和《中华人民共和国公司法》设立的吸收公众存款、发放贷款、办理结算等业务的企业法人。
(4). Article 3 Commercial banks may have the following businesses in part or in whole:
第三条 商业银行可以经营下列部分或者全部业务:
(5). (2)Issue short-term, medium-term and long-term loans;
(6). (3)Arrange settlement of both domestic and overseas accounts;
(7). (4)Handle the discount of negotiable instruments;
(8). (6)Issue, cash and sell government bonds as agents;
(9). (7)Buy and sell government bonds as agents;
(10). (8)Do inter-bank lending and borrowing;
(11). (9)Buy and sell per se or as agents foreign exchanges;
(12). (10)Provide letter of credit (L/C)service and guarantee;
(13). (11)Handle receipts and payments and insurance businesses as agents;
(14). (13)Undertake other businesses approved by the People’s Bank of China.
(15). Business scopes of the banks are to be defined in the articles of association of the banks and reported to the People’s Bank of China for approval.
(16). Article 4 Commercial banks should work under the principles of efficiency, safety and fluid with full autonomy and full responsibility for their own risks, profits and losses and self-restraint.
第四条 商业银行以效益性、安全性、流动性为经营原则,实行自主经营,自担风险,自负盈亏,自我约束。
(17). Commercial banks do business in accordance with laws free from any interference by units and individuals.
(18). Commercial banks undertake civil legal liabilities independently with their all properties as legal persons.
(19). Article 5 Commercial banks follow the principles of equality, voluntariness, fair, faithfulness and credibility in their services to clients.
第五条 商业银行与客户的业务往来,应当遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则。
(20). Article 6 Commercial banks should protect the legal rights and interests of their depositors against encroachment by any unit and individual.
第六条 商业银行应当保障存款人的合法权益不受任何单位和个人的侵犯。
(21). Article 7 In issuing loans, commercial banks should made reliable checks on the creditibility of the borrowers, and provide the loans on guarantee to ensure timely recovery of the loans.
第七条 商业银行开展信贷业务,应当严格审查借款人的资信,实行担保,保障按期收回贷款。
(22). Commercial banks are protected by law in duly recovery of principal and interest of the loans they extended.
(23). Article 8 Commercial banks should abide by relevant stipulations of laws and administrative regulations in their businesses and must not do any harm to the interests of the State and the society.
第八条 商业银行开展业务,应当遵守法律、行政法规的有关规定,不得损害国家利益、社会公共利益。
(24). Article 9 Commercial banks should follow the principle of fair competition in their business and should not be engaged in unfair competition.
第九条 商业银行开展业务,应当遵守公平竞争的原则,不得从事不正当竞争。
(25). Article 10 Commercial banks accept the supervision and administration of the People’s Bank of China in accordance with laws.
第十条 商业银行依法接受中国人民银行的监督管理。
(26). Chapter II Establishment and Organization of Commercial Banks
第二章 商业银行的设立和组织机构
(27). Article 11 The establishment of commercial banks should go through the process of examination and approval by the People’s Bank of China.
第十一条 设立商业银行,应当经中国人民银行审查批准。
(28). Without the approval of the People’s Bank of China, no unit or individual is allowed to do the business of a commercial bank such as absorbing the public deposit or call itself a bank.
(29). Article 12 The establishment of a commercial bank should have the following conditions:
第十二条 设立商业银行,应当具备下列条件:
(30). (1)A set of articles of association which accord with this law and the "Company Law of the PRC ";
(31). (2)The lowest amount of the registered capital as stipulated by this law;
(32). (3)Chairman (president), general manager and other senior management personnel of the bank are available with professional knowledge and work experience;
(33). (4)A complete organizational setup and management system;
(34). (5)A business site as required accompanied with suitable safety and other relevant facilities.
(35). In approving the application for establishing a commercial bank, the People’s Bank of China should take into consideration the need of economic development and the competition in banking industry.
(36). Article 13 The minimum registered capital for setting up a commercial bank is RMB 1 billion yuan.
第十三条 设立商业银行的注册资本最低限额为十亿元人民币。
(37). The minimum registered capital for setting up an urban cooperative commercial bank is RMB 100 million yuan, and the minimum registered capital for setting up a rural cooperative commercial bank is RMB 50 million yuan.
(38). The registered capital should be the actually paid capital.
(39). The People’s Bank of China may readjust the amount of minimum registered capital in accordance with the economic development, but the amount must not be lower than that stipulated in the preceding clause.
(40). Article 14 In application for setting up a commercial bank, the following documents and data should be presented to the People’s Bank of China:
第十四条 设立商业银行,申请人应当向中国人民银行提交下列文件、资料:
(41). (1)An application completed with the name, site, amount of registered capital, and business scope of the commercial bank to be set up;
(42). (2)A feasibility study report; and
(43). (3)Other documents and data as stipulated by the People’s Bank of China.
(44). Article 15 Should an application for setting up a commercial bank have been found in a accordance with the stipulations of Article 14 through examination, the applicant should fill out an application form and present the following documents and data:
第十五条 设立商业银行的申请经审查符合本法第十四条规定的,申请人应当填写正式申请表,并提交下列文件、资料:
(45). (1)Draft articles of association;
(46). (2)Credentials of the proposed senior management personnel;
(47). (3)Certificate of capital issued by a legal capital inspection organ;
(48). (4)List of names of shareholders and the amount of capital and number of stocks they each shared;
(49). (5)Credibility certificates and relevant data of the shareholders who hold more than 10% of the registered capital;
(50). (7)Data about the business site, safety and other relevant business facilities; and
(51). (8)Other documents and data as stipulated by the People’s Bank of China.
(52). Article 16 The People’s Bank of China will issue a license to the commercial bank which has been approved to be set up and the bank concerned should register with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and get the business license.
第十六条 经批准设立的商业银行,由中国人民银行颁发经营许可证,并凭该许可证向工商行政管理部门办理登记,领取营业执照。....(please sign in for more)
(53). Article 17 The stipulations of the "Company Law of the PRC " apply to the organizational forms and setups of the commercial banks.
第十七条 商业银行的组织形式、组织机构适用《中华人民共和国公司法》的规定。....(please sign in for more)
(54). If a commercial bank, which was set up before the promulgation of this law has its organization form and setup not entirely in accordance with the stipulations of the "Company Law of the PRC ", it may continue to operate under the original form and setup, and when the stipulations of the preceding clause should be strictly applied is up to the decision of the State Council.
本法施行前设立的商业银行,其组织形式、组织机构不完全符合《中华人民共和国公司法》规定的,可以继续沿用原有的规定,适用前款规定的日期由国务院规定。....(please sign in for more)
(55). Article 18 A solely State owned commercial bank should set up a board of supervisors formed by representatives of the People’s Bank of China and relevant government departments and specialists and representatives of the Bank’s employees. The method of forming the board of supervisors is to be set by the State Council.
第十八条 国有独资商业银行设立监事会。监事会由中国人民银行、政府有关部门的代表、有关专家和本行工作人员的代表组成。监事会的产生办法由国务院规定。....(please sign in for more)
(56). The board supervises over the quality of loan assets, proportion between assets and liability, present and added values of the State assets, and the bank’s senior management personnel’s violations of laws and administrative regulations and their damages to the interests of the bank.
监事会对国有独资商业银行的信贷资产质量、资产负债比例、国有资产保值增值等情况以及高级管理人员违反法律、行政法规或者章程的行为和损害银行利益的行为进行监督。....(please sign in for more)
(57). Article 19 Commercial banks may set up branches both inside and outside of the PRC in accordance with the need of their business.
第十九条 商业银行根据业务需要可以在中华人民共和国境内外设立分支机构。....(please sign in for more)
(58). The establishment of branches must be made under the examination and approval of the People’s Bank of China.
设立分支机构必须经中国人民银行审查批准。....(please sign in for more)
(59). Branches of the commercial banks inside the PRC have no need to be set up in every administrative district.
在中华人民共和国境内的分支机构,不按行政区划设立。....(please sign in for more)
(60). The commercial banks should, according to relevant stipulations, allocate a suitable amount of operation funds to their branches which are set up inside the PRC .
商业银行在中华人民共和国境内设立分支机构,应当按照规定拨付与其经营规模相适应的营运资金额。....(please sign in for more)
(61). The aggregate sum of operation funds allocated to the branches must not exceed 60% of the total capital of the headquarters of a commercial bank.
拨付各分支机构营运资金额的总和,不得超过总行资本金总额的百分之六十。....(please sign in for more)
(62). Article 20 For setting up a branch of the commercial bank, the following documents and data should be presented to the People’s Bank of China.
第二十条 设立商业银行分支机构,申请人应当向中国人民银行提交下列文件、资料:....(please sign in for more)
(63). (1)An application clearly indicating the name, the amount of operational capital, the business scope and the site of the branch to be set up;
(一)申请书,申请书应当载明拟设立的分支机构的名称、营运资金额、业务范围、总行及分支机构所在地等;....(please sign in for more)
(64). (2)Financial and accounting statements of the applicant in the recent two years;
(二)申请人最近二年的财务会计报告;....(please sign in for more)
(65). (3)The credentials of the proposed senior management personnel;
(三)拟任职的高级管理人员的资格证明;....(please sign in for more)
(66). (4)Operational policies and plans;
(四)经营方针和计划;....(please sign in for more)
(67). (5)The business site, safety and other relevant business facilities of the branch; and
(五)营业场所、安全防范措施和与业务有关的其他设施的资料;....(please sign in for more)
(68). (6)Other documents and data as stipulated by the People’s Bank of China.
(六)中国人民银行规定的其他文件、资料。....(please sign in for more)
(69). Article 21 Upon its approval of setting up, a branch of a commercial bank should get a license from the People’s Bank of China and register itself with the license with the department of industry and commerce to get the business license.
第二十一条 经批准设立的商业银行分支机构,由中国人民银行颁发经营许可证,并凭该许可证向工商行政管理部门办理登记,领取营业执照。....(please sign in for more)
(70). Article 22 A commercial bank should exercise a financial system of unified accounting and fund control and level-to-level management in relevant to its branches.
第二十二条 商业银行对其分支机构实行全行统一核算,统一调度资金,分级管理的财务制度。....(please sign in for more)
(71). A branch of a commercial bank does not have the qualifications of a legal person and thus shall operate within the business scope entrusted by the headquarters of the commercial bank in accordance with law. Its civil liabilities are to be undertaken by the headquarters.
商业银行分支机构不具有法人资格,在总行授权范围内依法开展业务,其民事责任由总行承担。....(please sign in for more)
(72). Article 23 The approved establishment of the commercial banks and their branches will be announced by the People’s Bank of China.
第二十三条 经批准设立的商业银行及其分支机构,由中国人民银行予以公告。....(please sign in for more)
(73). The People’s Bank of China will revoke the operation licenses of a commercial bank or its branches and make an announcement of this if they fail to start their business in more than six months as from the date of getting the business licenses without justified reasons, or they stop their business for more than six consecutive months after they start their business.
商业银行及其分支机构自取得营业执照之日起无正当理由超过六个月未开业的,或者开业后自行停业连续六个月以上的,由中国人民银行吊销其经营许可证,并予以公告。....(please sign in for more)
(74). Article 24 A commercial bank should have the approval of the People’s Bank of China for one of the following changes:
第二十四条 商业银行有下列变更事项之一的,应当经中国人民银行批准:....(please sign in for more)
(75). (2)The change of its registered capital;
(二)变更注册资本;....(please sign in for more)
(76). (3)The change of the site of the headquarters or branches;
(三)变更总行或者分支行所在地;....(please sign in for more)
(77). (4)The readjustment of its business scope;
(四)调整业务范围;....(please sign in for more)
(78). (5)The change of a shareholder who holds more than 10% of the total capital or the total amount of stocks;
(五)变更持有资本总额或者股份总额百分之十以上的股东;....(please sign in for more)
(79). (6)The revision of articles of association; and
(六)修改章程;....(please sign in for more)
(80). (7)Other changes as stipulated by the People’s Bank of China.
(七)中国人民银行规定的其他变更事项。....(please sign in for more)
(81). The change of chairman (president)and general manager should be reported to the People’s Bank of China for an examination of their credentials.
更换董事长(行长)、总经理时,应当报经中国人民银行审查其任职条件。....(please sign in for more)
(82). Article 25 The separate and merge of commercial banks should follow the stipulations of the " Company Law of the PRC ".
第二十五条 商业银行的分立、合并,适用《中华人民共和国公司法》的规定。....(please sign in for more)
(83). The separate and merge of commercial banks should be made under the examination and approval of the People’s Bank of China.
商业银行的分立、合并,应当经中国人民银行审查批准。....(please sign in for more)
(84). Article 26 A commercial bank should use its operation license in accordance with the stipulations of laws and administrative regulations and is forbidden to falsify, fabricate, transfer, lease or lend the license.
第二十六条 商业银行应当依照法律、行政法规的规定使用经营许可证。禁止伪造、变造、转让、出租、出借经营许可证。....(please sign in for more)
(85). Article 27 People involved in one of the following cases cannot be senior management personnel:
第二十七条 有下列情形之一的,不得担任商业银行的高级管理人员:....(please sign in for more)
(86). (1)People who have been declared guilty or fined for corruption, bribery, encroachment upon and embezzling property or undermining social economic order, or those who have been deprived of political rights because of committing crimes;
(一)因犯有贪污、贿赂、侵占财产、挪用财产罪或者破坏社会经济秩序罪,被判处刑罚,或者因犯罪被剥夺政治权利的;....(please sign in for more)
(87). (2)People who have been chairman of directors or factory director or manager of a company or enterprise which has gone bankrupt because of poor management and are held responsible for the bankruptcy themselves;
(二)担任因经营不善破产清算的公司、企业的董事或者厂长、经理,并对该公司、企业的破产负有个人责任的;....(please sign in for more)
(88). (3)People who have been legal representatives of companies or enterprises whose business licenses had been revoked because of violations of laws and are held responsible for this themselves; and
(三)担任因违法被吊销营业执照的公司、企业的法定代表人,并负有个人责任的;....(please sign in for more)
(89). (4)People who owe comparatively large amount of debt which is overdue.
(四)个人所负数额较大的债务到期未清偿的。....(please sign in for more)
(90). Article 28 Purchase of more than 10% of the total shares of a commercial bank by any unit or individual should be made upon the approval of the People’s Bank of China in advance.
第二十八条 任何单位和个人购买商业银行股份总额百分之十以上的,应当事先经中国人民银行批准。....(please sign in for more)
(91). Chapter III Protections for the Depositors
第三章 对存款人的保护....(please sign in for more)
(92). Article 29 A commercial bank should follow the principles of voluntary deposit and free withdrawal, paying interest to depositors and keeping secret for depositors in handling individual deposits.
第二十九条 商业银行办理个人储蓄存款业务,应当遵循存款自愿、取款自由、存款有息、为存款人保密的原则。....(please sign in for more)
(93). The commercial bank has the right to refuse any unit or individual to inquire about, freeze and deduct from individual deposits except the cases as stipulated by laws.
对个人储蓄存款,商业银行有权拒绝任何单位或者个人查询、冻结、扣划,但法律另有规定的除外。....(please sign in for more)
(94). Article 30 A commercial bank has the right to refuse any unit or individual to inquire about the deposits of any other unit except the cases as stipulated by laws and administrative regulations; the commercial bank has the right to refuse any unit or individual to freeze and deduct the deposits of any other unit except the cases as stipulated by laws.
第三十条 对单位存款,商业银行有权拒绝任何单位或者个人查询,但法律、行政法规另有规定的除外;有权拒绝任何单位或者个人冻结、扣划,但法律另有规定的除外。....(please sign in for more)
(95). Article 31 A commercial bank should decide its own interest rates and announce them in accordance with the upper and lower limits for deposit interest set by the People’s Bank of China.
第三十一条 商业银行应当按照中国人民银行规定的存款利率的上下限,确定存款利率,并予以公告。....(please sign in for more)
(96). Article 32 A commercial bank should pay a certain amount of deposit reserve funds to the People’s Bank of China and keep adequate payment funds in accordance with the latter’s stipulations.
第三十二条 商业银行应当按照中国人民银行的规定,向中国人民银行交存存款准备金,留足备付金。....(please sign in for more)
(97). Article 33 A commercial bank should guarantee the payment of the principal and interest of the deposits and must not delay and refuse to pay the principal and interest of the deposits.
第三十三条 商业银行应当保证存款本金和利息的支付,不得拖延、拒绝支付存款本金和利息。....(please sign in for more)
(98). Chapter IV Basic Rules Governing Loans and Other Businesses
第四章 贷款和其他业务的基本规则....(please sign in for more)
(99). Article 34 A commercial bank should issue loans in accordance with the need of the national economy and social development and under the guidance of the State industrial policies.
第三十四条 商业银行根据国民经济和社会发展的需要,在国家产业政策指导下开展贷款业务。....(please sign in for more)
(100). Article 35 In issuing loans, a commercial bank should closely check the use of the loan by the borrower, the repayment ability of the borrowers and the mode of repayment of the loans.
第三十五条 商业银行贷款,应当对借款人的借款用途、偿还能力、还款方式等情况进行严格审查。....(please sign in for more)