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(1). Pilotless aircraft.
(2). Giving drones a thumbs up.
(3). How to integrate the control of piloted and pilotless aircraft.
(4). 1:DECK officers on American aircraft carriers use hand gestures to guide planes around their vessels.
2:These signals are fast, efficient and perfect for a noisy environment.
3:Unfortunately, they work only with people.
4:They are utterly lost on robotic drones-and even if a drone is under the control of a remote pilot deep in the bowels of the ship, that pilot often has difficulty reading them.
5:Since drones are becoming more and more important in modern warfare, this is a nuisance.
6:Life would be easier for all if drones were smart enough to respond directly to a deck officer’s gesticulations.
(5). Making them that smart is the goal of Yale Song, a computer scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is not there yet but, as he reports in ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, he and his colleagues David Demirdjian and Randall Davis have developed a promising prototype.
让无人机具备这样的智能是麻省理工学院计算机科学家Yale Song的目标。这个目标虽尚未达成,不过正如他在《美国计算机学会交互式智能系统学报》所报告的,他和他的同事David Demirdjian和Randall Davis已开发了一个很有前景的原型系统。
(6). 1:To try teaching drones the language of hand signals Mr Song and his colleagues made a series of videos in which various deck officers performed to camera a set of 24 commonly used gestures.
2:They then fed these videos into an algorithm of their own devising that was designed to analyse the position and movement of a human body, and told the algorithm what each gesture represented.
3:The idea was that the algorithm would learn the association and, having seen the same gesture performed by different people, would be able to generalise what was going on and thus recognise gestures performed by strangers.
1:为了让无人机读懂手语,Yale Song和他的同事制作了一系列视频,视频记录了多位甲板指挥员对着摄象机摆出的24个常用手势。
(7). Unfortunately, it did not quite work out like that. In much the same way that spoken language is actually a continuous stream of sound (perceived gaps between words are, in most cases, an audio illusion), so the language of gestures to pilots is also continuous, with one flowing seamlessly into the next. And the algorithm could not cope with that.
(8). The result is a system that gets it right three-quarters of the time. Obviously that is not enough: you would not entrust the fate of a multi-million-dollar drone to such a system. But it is a good start. If Mr Song can push the accuracy up to that displayed by a human pilot, then the task of controlling activity on deck should become a lot easier.
他们最终做出了一个正确率为75%的系统。显然,那样是不够的:你不会将一架价值数百万美元的无人机交给这样的系统。但这是个好的开始。若Yale Song能将无人机识别手势的正确率提高至与真人飞行员相当,那么在甲板指挥无人机会容易得多。