

    音标:[fər'bɪd] 现在分词:forbidding
    过去式:forbade|forbad|forbid 过去分词:forbidden|forbid
    第三人称单数:forbids 词频:高频常用词
    详解 词库 双语句典 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    He forbids smoking during office hours.
    The law forbids building on this land.
    The law forbids stealing and roBBery.
    The prosecuting attorney cannot question the accused, as the US Constitution forbids self-incrimination



    形容词 变体/同根词

    Appearing to be threatening, unfriendly or potentially unpleasant.
    There was something severe and forbidding about her face.
    Scotland, despite that forbidding losing margin, did finally find the performance we had been waiting for all season and Ireland looked unlikely championship material as their visitors got stuck in with scant regard to reputation.
    Capable of being forbidden.

    动词 变体/同根词

    Here may ye seen that nat only the dede of this sinne is forboden, but eek the desyr to doon that sinne.
    I suffered from an affection of the sight, which forbade all use of the eyes for purposes of study.
    The Venetian republic forbade its citizen nobles from assuming titles such as prince, duke, marquis, or count.
    He had already moved against the clergy with accusations of praemunire and in 1532 forbade the payment of Annates or first fruits to Rome.
    This was the feeling which forbad him to retreat from his suicidal purpose.
    But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?
    Was this an assenting answer, or was it the hand of death which forbad an answer?
    And because it is so, S. Peter in his first canonicall or generall epistle, forbiddeth that women should appeare, shew, and sett out themselues by theyr apparayle and neatnes.
    The Church’s ban is not upon me, but it forbiddeth you to be here, and she will deal with you with a heavy hand an word come to her of your trespass.
    In Connecticut, a 1949 ordinance forbids the storing of town records in any place where liquor is sold.
    And though Thai Buddhism forbids the taking of life, the interpretation is loose and the diet is not strictly vegetarian.
    This theme is reflected in the Torah, which forbids the mixing of distinct plant and animal species.