
    eat 对比 munch
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 eat munch
    1. 吃;喝,2. 腐蚀(金属等);蛀;耗完;毁坏[O]3. 【口】使烦恼;使不安,vi.1. 进食;用膳,2. 腐蚀;侵蚀;损耗;毁坏[Q]
    vt. & vi.
    扩展解释:n. 【农业】
    1. 咯吱咯吱地咀嚼;津津有味地嚼vi.1. 咯吱咯吱地咀嚼;津津有味地嚼[(+away/at/on)]
    (2).维基词典 eat munch
    To ingest; to be ingested.
    To consume (something solid or semi-solid, usually food) by putting it into the mouth and swallowing it.
    To consume a meal.
    To use up.
    To be eaten.
    To destroy, consume, or use up.
    To damage, destroy, or fail to eject a removable part or an inserted object.
    To cause (someone) to worry.
    To take the loss in a transaction.
    To corrode or erode.
    To perform oral sex.
    To consume money or (other instruents of value, such as a token) deposited or inserted by a user, while failing to either provide the intended product or service, or return the payment.
    To perform oral sex on someone.
    Something to be eaten; a meal; a food item.
    To chew with a grinding, crunching sound, and with the mouth closed — often used with on.
    To eat vigorously or with excitement.
    A location or restaurant where good eating can be expected.
    An act of eating.
    A casual meeting for those interested in BDSM, usually at a restaurant. See Munch (BDSM).
    (3).牛津词典 eat munch
    put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it
    have (a meal)
    have a meal in a restaurant
    have a meal at home rather than in a restaurant.
    perform fellatio or cunnilingus on (someone).
    light food or snacks
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 eat munch
    To chew and swallow as food; to devour; - said especially of food not liquid; as, to eat bread.
    To corrode, as metal, by rust; to consume the flesh, as a cancer; to waste or wear away; to destroy gradually; to cause to disappear.
    To take food; to feed; especially, to take solid, in distinction from liquid, food; to board.
    To taste or relish; as, it eats like tender beef.
    To make one’s way slowly.
    To chew with a grinding, crunching sound, as a beast chews provender; to chew deliberately or in large mouthfuls.