【Period】 , 【epoch】 , 【era】 , 【age】 , 【aeon】 all denote a portion or division of time; 【epoch】 and 【era】 can also denote an event regarded as the beginning of a portion or division of time.
【Period】 is the generic term, designating an extent of time of any length for whatever purpose delimited.
【Epoch】 can denote the starting point of a new 【period】 , especially as marked by striking or remarkable changes or events or it may apply to such a new 【period】 .
【Era】 applies to a 【period】 characterized especially by some new order of things.
【Age】 , usually interchangeable with but possibly more specific than 【era】 , is frequently used of a 【period】 dominated by some central figure or clearly marked feature.
【Aeon】 applies to an immeasurably or indefinitely long 【period】 of time.