
    flip 对比 flippant
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
    (1).中国译典 flip flippant
    Single-rotation toe jump with takeoff from the back inside edge and landing on the opposite foot; th...
    交换;翻转;= Film Library Instantaneous Presentation,胶卷文库立即显示; = FLoating Indexed point arithmetic, 浮点变址运算; = FLoating point Interpretive Program, 浮点解释程序; = Format-directed LIst Processor, 格式控制表处理机
    vt. 【化学】
    1. 轻率的;不认真的;无礼的
    (2).维基词典 flip flippant
    A maneuver which rotates an object end over end.
    A complete change of direction, decision, movement etc.
    A slingshot.
    A sticks out
    A mixture of beer, spirit, etc., stirred and heated by a hot iron (a flip dog).
    To throw (as in to turn over).
    To put into a quick revolving motion through a snap of the thumb and index finger.
    To win a state (or county) won by another party in the preceding elections
    To go berserk or crazy.
    To buy an asset (usually a house), improve it and sell it quickly for profit.
    To invert a bit (binary digit), changing it from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0.
    used to express annoyance, especially when the speaker has made an error.
    Having the quality of playfulness, or lacking seriousness of purpose.
    glib; speaking with ease and rapidity
    nimble; limber.
    Showing disrespect through a casual attitude, levity, and a lack of due seriousness; pert.
    (3).韦伯斯特词典 flip flippant
    A mixture of beer, spirit, etc., stirred and heated by a hot iron.
    To toss (an object) into the air so as make it turn over one or more times; to fillip; as, to flip up a cent.
    To turn (a flat object) over with a quick motion; as, to flip a card over; to flip a pancake.
    To cause (a person) to turn against former colleagues, such as to become a witness for the state, in a criminal prosecution in which the person is a defendant.
    To resell (an asset) rapidly to make a quick profit.
    To become insane or irrational; - often used with out; as, seeing her mother killed made the girl flip out.
    Of smooth, fluent, and rapid speech; speaking with ease and rapidity; having a voluble tongue; talkative.
    Speaking fluently and confidently, without knowledge or consideration; empty; trifling; inconsiderate; pert; petulant.
    A flippant person.