【Suggest】 , 【imply】 , 【hint】 , 【intimate】 , 【insinuate】 can all mean to convey an idea or the thought of something by indirect means.
【Suggest】 emphasizes a putting into the mind as the result of an association of ideas, an awakening of a desire, or an initiating of a train of thought.
【Imply】 (see also INCLUDE ) is in general opposed to express ; the term stresses a suggesting, or putting into the mind, of an idea, a thought, or a meaning that is involved in a statement, an action, a situation, or a word and forms a part, but not necessarily an obvious part, of its full signification or significance.
Very often the difference between 【suggest】 and 【imply】 is not clear, though 【suggest】 often connotes the necessity of delicate perception and 【imply】 connotes the need of inference.
【Hint】 implies the use of a remote or covert suggestion and often also connotes lack of candor, frankness, or straightforwardness.
【Intimate】 frequently implies a lighter or more elusive suggestion than 【hint】 but it connotes delicacy of approach rather than lack of candor or frankness.
【Insinuate】 (see INTRODUCE 2 ) implies an artful hinting or a conveying, especially of an unpleasant or depreciative suggestion, in an underhanded or devious manner.