
    particular 对比 dainty
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Nice】 ,  【dainty】 ,  【fastidious】 ,  【finicky】 ,  【finicking】 ,  【finical】 ,  【particular】 ,  【fussy】 ,  【squeamish】 ,  【persnickety】 ,  【pernickety】  can all mean exacting or displaying exacting standards (as in selection, judgment, or workmanship).

    Nice】  (see also CORRECT DECOROUS ) implies fineness of discrimination and power to distinguish the very good from the merely good; the term may connote more of intellectual quality than the other words.

    Nice】 is also applicable to questions or problems which require such powers of discrimination and subtlety or delicacy in handling if the solution is to be found.

    Dainty】  (see also CHOICE ) usually implies a tendency to select carefully what does, or to reject with more or less disdain what does not, satisfy one’s extremely delicate taste or sensibility; it usually connotes chariness or a tendency to pick and choose, especially in eating.

    Fastidious】 implies a strong aversion to something that does not satisfy one’s sense of what is right, proper, or in good taste; it may suggest the possession of ethical, artistic, social, or other standards that are so high that they impose a strain upon those who would meet them or that cause suffering to the possessor when they are not satisfied or that foster extreme care in selection from what is offered or available.

    Finicky】  and  【finicking】  as well as the less common  【finical】 imply an affected or overnice fastidiousness.

    Particular】  implies an insistence that all details or circumstances must be exactly as one wishes them or that one’s special or peculiar standards must be met. In contrast with fastidious】 , 【particular need not imply what others would call a high standard; the term usually suggests standards which the individual regards as high or exacting.

    Fussy】 is applicable not only to 【fastidious】 or 【particular】 persons and to acts that manifest a disposition to be querulous or fidgety, but also to things that are especially difficult or complicated.

    Squeamish】 implies a tendency to be easily nauseated by the sight, taste, smell, or hearing of something disagreeable. In its extended use it implies a disgust for or an aversion to anything that does not satisfy one’s standards of what is decent, delicate, or 【nice】 ; it therefore sometimes connotes extreme sensitiveness or prudishness or scrupulousness.

    Persnickety】  and  【pernickety】 convey the user’s reaction of annoyance, exasperation, or disgust toward persons who are unduly 【fussy】 or 【finical】 , or tasks or problems that are so delicate or complicated as to impose severe strain on one’s patience and good temper.

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