
    royalty 对比 loyalty
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    (1).中国译典 royalty loyalty
    ① [U]王位,王权;
    1. (总称)皇族或王族(成员)[U][G]2. 王位;王权;王威[U]3. 堂皇;庄严;高贵[U]4. 王的特权[P]5. 【古】王的领土,王国[C]6. (国王授予私人或公司等对石油、矿山等的)开采权[C]7. 专利权税;版税;矿区使用费[C]
    n. 【法律专业】
    版权费 ,技术使用费,上演税,使用费,提成费, 提成
    n. 【化学】
    n. 【能源工程】
    ①[U] 忠诚;忠心,忠贞;
    1. 忠诚;忠心[U][(+to)]2. 忠诚的行为[P]
    (2).维基词典 royalty loyalty
    The rank, status, power or authority of a monarch.
    People of royal rank, plus their families, treated as a group.
    A royal right or prerogative, such as the exploitation of a natural resource; the granting of such a right; payment received for such a right.
    The payment received by an owner of real property for exploitation of mineral rights in the property.
    Payment made to a writer, composer, inventor etc for the sale or use of intellectual property, invention etc.
    Someone in a privileged position.
    A king and a queen as a starting hand in Texas hold ’em.
    The bounds of a royal burgh.
    The state of being loyal; fidelity.
    Faithfulness or devotion to some person, cause or nation.
    (3).牛津词典 royalty loyalty
    people of royal blood or status
    a member of a royal family
    the status or power of a king or queen
    the most successful, famous, or highly regarded members of a particular group
    a sum paid to a patentee for the use of a patent or to an author or composer for each copy of a book sold or for each public performance of a work
    a royal right (now especially over minerals) granted by the sovereign to an individual or corporation.
    a payment made by a producer of minerals, oil, or natural gas to the owner of the site or of the mineral rights over it.
    the quality of being loyal
    a strong feeling of support or allegiance
    (4).韦伯斯特词典 royalty loyalty
    The state of being royal; the condition or quality of a royal person; kingship; kingly office; sovereignty.
    The person of a king or sovereign; majesty; as, in the presence of royalty.
    An emblem of royalty; - usually in the plural, meaning regalia.
    Kingliness; spirit of regal authority.
    Domain; province; sphere.
    That which is due to a sovereign, as a seigniorage on gold and silver coined at the mint, metals taken from mines, etc.; the tax exacted in lieu of such share; imperiality.
    A share of the product or profit (as of a mine, forest, etc.), reserved by the owner for permitting another to use the property.
    Hence (Com.), a duty paid by a manufacturer to the owner of a patent or a copyright at a certain rate for each article manufactured; or, a percentage paid to the owner of an article by one who hires the use of it.
    The state or quality of being loyal; fidelity to a superior, or to duty, love, etc.