
    structure 对比 edifice
    分析 词典对比 组词对比
  • Building】 , 【edifice】 , 【structure】 , 【pile】 are comparable when they mean a construction (as of wood, brick, or stone) intended to house a family, a business, or an institution.

    Building】 is the common and in most cases the adequate term.

    Edifice】 usually applies to large and elegant buildings.

    Structure】 retains more frequently than the others the sense of something constructed, often in a particular way.

    Like edifice】 , 【structureis often used of buildings of some size or magnificence.

    Pile】 is a somewhat literary term for a very large  【building】 or sometimes a cluster of buildings especially of stone; it usually suggests a public or official 【structure】  (as a palace, a cathedral, or a government 【building】 .

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