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(1). The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books.
(2). I’ve found in books new friends, new societies, new words.
(3). How covers everything form the ingenious explanations of Sherlock Holmes to the discoveries of science and ways of teaching manner to children.
(4). Reading is pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader.
(5). All the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books but we must know how to avail ourselves of this treasure and how to get the most form it.
(6). I am most interested in people, in them and finding out about them. Some of the most remarkable people I’ve met existed only in a writer’s imagination, then on the pages of his book, and then, again, in my imagination.
(7). If I am interested in people, others are interested not so much in who as in how. Who in the books includes everybody from science fiction superman two hundred centuries in the future all the way back to the first figures in history.
(8). Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work.
(9). Your own imagination works along with the author’s or even goes beyond his.
(10). Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his.
(11). Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something, they are connected with each other and with other cities.
(12). The same ideas, or related ones, turn up in different places
(13). The human problems that repeat themselves in life repeat themselves in literature, but with different solutions according to different writings at different times.
(14). Books influence each other; the link the past, the present and the future and have their own generations, like families.
(15). Wherever you start reading you connect yourself with one of the families of ideas, and in the long run, you not only find out about the world and the people in it; you find out about yourself, too.
(16). Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you “ought” to read, you probably won’ t have fun.
(17). Means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time-and if you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won’t have suffered during the process.
(18). Books are to mankind what memory is to the individual. They contain the history of our race, the discoveries we have made, the accumulated knowledge and experience of ages
(19). They picture for us the marvels and beauties of nature; help us in our difficulties, comfort us in sorrow and in suffering, change hours of weariness into moments of delight
(20). Store our minds with ideas, fill them with good and happy thoughts, and lift us out of and above ourselves.
(21). When we read we may not only be kings and live in palaces, but, what is far better, we may transport ourselves to the mountains or the seashore, and visit the most beautiful parts of the earth, without fatigue, inconvenience, expense.
(22). Precious and priceless are the blessing, which the books scatter around our daily paths. We walk, in imagination, with the noblest spirits, through the most sublime and enchanting regions.
(23). Macaulay had wealth and fame, rank and power, and yet he tells us in his biography that he owed the happiest hours of his life to books.
(24). In a charming letter to a little girl, he says: “if any one would make me the greatest king that ever lived, with palaces and gardens and fine dinners, and wines and coaches, and beautiful clothes, and hundreds of servants
(25). On condition that I should not read books, I would not be a king. I would rather be a poor man in garret with plenty of books than a king who did not love reading. ”
(26). The appearance today of the first volume of a new edition of Boswell’s Johnson, edited by Augustine Birrell, reminds me once again that I have read but little of that work.
(27). Does there, I wonder, exist a being who has read all, or approximately all, that the person of average culture is supposed to have read, and that not to have read is a social son?
(28). If such a being does exist, surely he is an old, a very old man, who has read steadily that which he ought to have read 16 hours a day, from early infancy.
(29). I cannot recall a single author of whom I have read everything-even of Jane Austen. I have never never seen Susan and The Watsons, one of which I have been told is superlatively good.
(30). Then there are large tracts of Shakespeare, Bacon, Spenser, Dryden, Pope, Swift, Sterne, Johnson, Scott, Coleridge, Shelley, Byron, Edgeworth, Ferrier, Lamb, Leith Hunt, Wordsworth(nearly all)
莎士比亚、培根、斯宾塞的大部分作品我也不曾读过,乔叟的书几乎没读过;康格里夫、德莱顿、蒲柏、斯威夫特、斯特恩、约翰逊、斯科特、科勒律治、雪莱、拜伦,埃奇沃斯、兰姆、利·亨特、华兹华斯(几乎全部)、....(please sign in for more)
(31). Tennyuson, Swinbume, and Brontes, George Eliot, W. Morris, George Meredith, Thomas Hardy, Savage Landor, Thackeray, Carlyle-in fact every classical author and most good modern authors which I have never even overlooked.
丁尼生、史文朋、勃朗特姐妹、乔治·艾略特、N·毛里斯、乔治·梅瑞迪斯、托马斯,哈代、萨维奇·兰道、萨克雷、卡莱尔--事实上每一位古典作家和大多数现代作家的作品我都不曾拜读过,我未读过,我未读过的名著的....(please sign in for more)
(32). A list of the masterpieces I have not read would fill a volume. With only one author can I call myself familiar, Jane Austen. With Keats and Stevenson, I have an acquaintance. So far of English.
只有一位作家--简·奥斯丁,我可称得上熟悉。对济慈和史蒂文生我也稍微了解。英国作家仅此而已。....(please sign in for more)
(33). Of foreign authors I am familiar with Maupassant and the Goncourts. I have yet to finish Don Quixote!
至于外国作家,我只熟悉莫泊桑和龚古儿兄弟。《唐·吉诃德》还未看完。....(please sign in for more)
(34). Nevertheless I cannot accuse myself of default. I have been extremely fond of reading since I was 20, and since I was 20 I have read practically nothing (save professionally, as a literary critic)but what was “right”.
然而我不能说自己渎职,自20岁起我就酷爱读书。从那时起,我除了读“正经”书外几乎可以说什么也没读(除了文学批评家的职业所要求的)。....(please sign in for more)
(35). My leisure has been moderate, and yet in 20 years I seem scarcely to have made an impression upon the intolerable multitude of volumes which “everyone is supposed to have read.”
我有适度的空闲时间,读书欲望强烈稳定,我选择书籍的品位肯定高出常人;然而多年来,我对那些浩瀚的“人人必读”书目几乎没有什么印象。....(please sign in for more)
(36). Besides which, there is a rarer thing than truth-namely power, or deep sympathy with truth. What is the effect, for instance, upon society, of children?
除此之外,还有一种东西比真理更为神奇--那就是力量,或者说它和真理有着深刻的感应。比如说,儿童对于社会的影响是什么呢....(please sign in for more)
(37). By the pity, by the tenderness, and by the peculiar modes of admiration which connect themselves with the helplessness, with the innocence, and with the simplicity of children
由于儿童的弱小、孤独、纯朴而引起的种种特殊的赞叹怜爱之情....(please sign in for more)
(38). Not only are the primal affections strengthened and continually renewed, but the qualities which are dearest in the sight of heaven---the frailty, for instance, which appeals to forbearance, the simplicity which is most alien from the worldly
不仅使人的真性情不断地得到巩固和更新,而且因为脆弱唤醒了宽容,天真象征着天堂,纯朴远离世俗。....(please sign in for more)
(39). ---are kept up in perpetual remembrance, and their ideals are continually refreshed.
所以,这些在上帝面前最宝贵的品质也就永远保存在记忆里,而且它们的理想不断地被重温。....(please sign in for more)
(40). A purpose of the same nature is answered by the higher literature, viz, the literature of power. What do you learn from Paradise Lost? Nothing at all.
高级的文学,也就是力量的文学,同样回答了这个问题。你能从《失乐园》中学到什么知识?什么也学不到。....(please sign in for more)
(41). What do you learn from a cookery-book? Something new, something that you did not know before, in every paragraph.
你又能从一本食谱里学到什么呢?从每一段你都能学到过去所不知道的某种新知识。....(please sign in for more)
(42). But would you therefore put the wretched cookery-book on a higher level of estimation than the divine poem?
但是,你会因此就把一本微不足道的食谱看得比那部神圣的诗篇还高明吗....(please sign in for more)
(43). What you owe to Milton is not any knowledge, of which a million separate items are still but a million of advancing steps on the same earthly level
我们从弥尔顿那时学来的不是什么知识,因为即使有一百万条知识,也不过是在尘俗的地面上行走一百万次罢了。....(please sign in for more)
(44). What you owe is power-that is , exercise and expansion to your own latent capacity of sympathy with the infinite
但弥尔顿给予我们的是力量--也就是说,运用自己潜在的感应能力,向着无限的领域扩张。....(please sign in for more)
(45). Where every pulse and each separate influx is a step upward, a step ascending as upon a Jacob’s ladder from earth to mysterious altitudes above the earth.
在那时,脉搏的每一次跳动,力量的每一次汇集,都意味着上升一步,好似沿着雅各的天梯,从地面一步一步登上那奥秘莫测的苍穹。....(please sign in for more)
(46). All the steps of knowledge, from first to last, carry you further on the same plane, but could never raise you one foot above your ancient level of earth
知识的步伐,从开始到终结,只能在同一水平面上将人往前运载,但却无法使人从原来的地面上提高上步。....(please sign in for more)
(47). Whereas the very first step in power is a flight- is an ascending movement into another element where earth is forgotten.
然而,力量所迈出的第一步是飞跃,就是向另一种境界的超载--在那时,尘世的一切都会被忘却。....(please sign in for more)
(48). Education is the acquisition of the art 0f the utilization of knowledge.
教育是获得运用知识的艺术。这门艺术非常不易传授。....(please sign in for more)
(49). This is an art very,difficult to impart.Whenever a text-book is written of real educational worth,you may be quite certain that some reviewer will say that it will be difficult to teach from it.
即使是一本具有真正教育的教科书,可以断定,也会有书评家说它教起课来不容易使用。....(please sign in for more)
(50). Of course it will be difficult to teach from it.If it were easy,the book ought to be burned;for it cannot be educational.
教起课来当然不容易使用。教起来不费功夫的书是没有意义的,只配烧掉,因为它根本没有教育价值。....(please sign in for more)
(51). In education,as elsewhere,the broad primrose path leads to a nasty place.
教育就如同其他领域,宽阔的樱草路是通往绝境的。....(please sign in for more)
(52). This evil path is represented by a book or a set of lectures which will practically enable the student to learn by heart all the questions likely to be asked at the next external examination.
这条害人之路就表现在一套书或讲义上面,凭借这些资料,学生往往简单背诵可能会在考试中出现的问题便了事。....(please sign in for more)
(53). And I may say, in passing that no educational system is possible unless every question,directly asked of a pupil at any examination is either framed or modified by the actual teacher of that pupil in that subject…
我想提一下,这样的教育体制是没有任何出路的,否则就必须做到:允许授课的老师亲自去组织和修改考试中的问题,提问自己的学生……....(please sign in for more)
(54). We now return to my previous point, that theoretical ideas should always find important applications within the pupil’s curriculum.
我们再来讨论我们上面提出的观点,一定要把理论概念具体运用到学生的课程之中。....(please sign in for more)
(55). This is not an easy doctrine to apply,but a very hard one.It contains within itself the problem of keeping knowledge alive,of preventing it from becoming inert,w}lich is the central problem of all education.
这条原则在具体运用中十分困难,因为它关系到教育的中心问题,必须不断地更新知识,使知识保持生命力,防止知识僵化。....(please sign in for more)
(56). I appeal to you, as practical teachers. With good discipline, it is always possible to pump into the minds of a class a certain quantity of inert knowledge.
我呼吁那些奋斗在一线的教师要经受良好的训练。这样,把死板知识灌注到学生们的头脑当中是没问题的。....(please sign in for more)
(57). You take a text-book and make them learn it. So far, so good. The child then knows how to solve a quadratic equation.
给学生一本书就让他们学,这样就万事大吉了。于是学生就会解二次方程了。....(please sign in for more)
(58). But what is the point of teaching a child to solve a quadratic equation? There is a traditional answer to this question. It runs thus: The mind is an instrument, you first sharpen it, and then use it
但是教会他们去解二次方程的目的又何在呢?按照传统的问答就是:人的头脑就是工具,要想好好利用就必须先塑造它....(please sign in for more)
(59). The acquisition of the power of solving a quadratic equation is part of the process of sharpening the mind.
学习解二次方程就是塑造头脑这个工具的一部分。....(please sign in for more)
(60). Now there is just enough truth in this answer to have made it live through the ages.
这种观点也有道理,否则不会经历这么久远。....(please sign in for more)
(61). But for all its half-truth, it embodies a radical error which bids fair to stifle the genius of the modern world.
但是这个片面道理却包含着一个本性的错误,它抑制了天才智慧。....(please sign in for more)
(62). I do not know who was first responsible for this analogy of the mind to a dead instrument.
我不知道是谁提出头脑是一个工具的。....(please sign in for more)
(63). For aught I know, it may have been one of the seven wise men of Greece, or a committee of the whole lot of them.
对比我一无所知,也可能是希腊七智中的哪一个或者他们七个商量后共同弄出来的。....(please sign in for more)
(64). Whoever was the originator, there can be no doubt of the authority which it has acquired by the continuous approval bestowed upon it by eminent persons.
到底谁是始作俑者先不管,由于受到名流们的推崇,这种说法毫无疑问已经获得了很大的权威。....(please sign in for more)
(65). But whatever its weight of authority, whatever the high approval which it can quote, I have no hesitation in denouncing it as one of the most fatal, erroneous, and dangerous conceptions ever introduced into the theory of education.
但是不管它的权威有多大,不管它能援引的称赞有多强大,我都毫不犹豫地肯定,对教育理论而言,这就是一个最要命、最错误和最危险的观念。....(please sign in for more)
(66). The mind is never passive; it is a perpetual activity, delicate, receptive, responsive to stimulus.
头脑从来都不是被动的,它一息不停地活动,非常灵敏,富于接受事物,对刺激感觉敏锐。....(please sign in for more)
(67). You cannot postpone its life until you have sharpened it. Whatever interest attaches to your subject-matter must be evoked here and now
你不能等你反它塑造后再去使用它。不管你的题材会引起什么兴趣,这种兴趣必须此时此地就召唤起来....(please sign in for more)
(68). Whatever powers you are strengthening in the pupil, must be exercised here and now;whatever possibilities of mental life your teaching should impart, must be exhibited here and now.
不管你如何培养自己的学生,他的能力必须此时此地就能运用起;不管你会对学生的思想产生怎样的影响,这些倾向此时此地就展示出来。....(please sign in for more)
(69). That is the golden rule of education, and a very difficult ride to follow.
这就是教育上的规律,一条很最难把握的规律。....(please sign in for more)
(70). The difficulty is just this: the apprehension of general ideas, intellectual habits of mind, and pleasurable interest in mental achievement can be evoked by no form of words, however accurately adjusted.
困难就是这样:一般概念的理解,思维活动的习展惯,精神收获的愉悦,即使安排得恰如其分,也不好用语言形式确切地表达。....(please sign in for more)
(71). All practical teachers know that education is a patient process of the mastery of details, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day.
从事教学的一线教师们都懂得,教育是个耐心的过程,要掌握具体细切,一分一秒也不能中断。....(please sign in for more)
(72). There is no royal roads to learning through an airy path of brilliant generalizations.
学习不会是轻松的,这里没有精美概括的坦途。....(please sign in for more)
(73). There is a proverb about the difficulty of seeing the wood because of the trees. That difficulty is exactly the point which I am enforcing. The problem of education is to make the pupil see the wood by means of the trees.
谚语所说的“只见树木,不见树林”,这正是我们要强调的困难。教育的问题正是如何使学生通过树林而看见树木。....(please sign in for more)
(74). Again, there is not one course of study which merely gives general culture, and another which gives special knowledge.
再有不是每一门学科仅仅提供专门的知识和内容。....(please sign in for more)
(75). The subjects pursued for the sake of a general education are special subjects specially studied
大众教育也是一门专门的学科。....(please sign in for more)
(76). And, on the other hand, one of the ways of encouraging general mental activity is to foster a special devotion.
从另一方面讲,培养一种专门爱好也是进行综合教育的一条途径。....(please sign in for more)
(77). You may not divide the seamless coat of learning.
学问的综合性是毋庸置疑的。....(please sign in for more)
(78). What education has to impart is an intimate sense for the power of ideas, for the beauty of ideas, and for the structure of ideas together with a particular body of knowledge which has peculiar reference to the life of the being possessing it.
教育所传授的就是要建立对思想的力量、思想的美和思想的结构的亲密感觉,此外还要有所专长,作为谋生的手段。....(please sign in for more)
(79). The appreciation of the structure of ideas is that side of a cultured mind which can only grow under the influence of a special study.
对思维结构的理解也是智慧的一方面,只有靠学习专门知识才能培养起来。....(please sign in for more)
(80). I mean that eye for the whole chess-board, for the bearing of one set of ideas on another.
这就是那种通观全局、善于把握各类思想之间的慧眼。....(please sign in for more)
(81). Nothing but a special study can give any appreciation for the exact formulation of general ideas, for their relations when formulated, for their service in the comprehension of life.
只有学习专业知识,才能充分理解一般思想的形成,它们彼此间的关系以及对于人生的用途等。....(please sign in for more)
(82). A mind so disciplined should be both more abstract and more concrete. It has been trained in the comprehension of abstract thought and in the analysis of facts.
经受这样的训练,思维势必既能更为抽象,又能更为具体。这是在抽象思想的领会与具体事实的分析的基础上训练出来的。....(please sign in for more)
(83). Today I have read The Tempest …Among the many reasons which make me glad to have been born in England, one of the first is that I read Shakespeare in my mother tongue.
今天我读了《暴风雨》……在我因生于英国而自豪的理由中,有一个就是我能以我的母语来阅读莎士比亚的著作。....(please sign in for more)
(84). If I try to imagine myself as one who cannot know him face to face, who hears him only spreading from afar
我曾设想,如果我对于他是相识不能相见,声音在远处只是依稀可辨....(please sign in for more)
(85). And that in accents which only through the laboring intelligence can touch the living soul, there comes upon me a sense of chill discouragement, of dreary deprivation.
又要经过冥思苦想才能明白他的话语的真正含义,那我一定会饮誉受挫,若有所失了。....(please sign in for more)
(86). I am wont to think that I can read Homer, and, assuredly, if any man en1joys him, it is I; but can I for a moment dream that Homer yields me all his music
我一向自以为能读荷马,并且深信自己有欣赏荷马的能力,但是我曾梦想过荷马忆把他的全部音乐知识传授于我。....(please sign in for more)
(87). That his word is to me is to him who walked by the Hellenic shore when Hellas lived? I know that there reaches me across the vast of time no more than a faint and broken echo
对我来说,他的言语如同古希腊当时温步于海滨的人们一样深沉,我深知,经过岁用的洗涤,最终我能获得的只不过一点微弱的回声罢了。....(please sign in for more)
(88). I know that it would be fainter still, but for its blending with those memories of youth which are as a glimmer of the world’s primeval glory. Let every land have joy of its poet
我深知,这个回声会变得更加脆弱,若不是因为它和青春的书记相连,闪烁着世界古代全盛时期的容光,愿每块土地都能愉悦它的诗人。....(please sign in for more)
(89). For the poet is the land itself, all its greatness and its sweetness, all that incommunicable heritage for which men idles my full heart turn to the great Enchanter, or to the Island upon which he has laid his spell?
因为诗人就是这块土地,体现着她的伟大与芳馨,是人们为之生死的不可言传的遗产。当我合拢书卷的时间,一种爱慕与崇敬的感情深深地支配着我。我的满腔热诚都给予了这位伟人的法术,还是倾倒在被他撒下魅力的仙岛上了....(please sign in for more)
(90). I know not. I cannot think of them apart. In the love and reverence awakened by that voice of voices, Shakespeare and England are but one.
我不清楚。在我的意识中我已不能将它们分开。崇高的声音唤起了爱慕与崇敬的情感,莎士比亚与英吉利已经成为一体。....(please sign in for more)
(91). The proper force of words lies not in the words themselves, but in their application.
词汇的严格意义不在词汇本身,而在词汇的应用。....(please sign in for more)
(92). A word may be a fine sounding word, of an unusual length, and very imposing from its learning and novelty, and yet in the connection in which it is introduced may be quite pointless and irrelevant.
一个单词可能音节嘹亮,字母很多,单就它的学术价值和新奇感来说,可能是令人叹赏的,然而把它放在具体的语境中,也可能毫无意义。....(please sign in for more)
(93). It is not pomp or pretension, but the adaptation of the expression to the idea, that clenches a writer’s meaning: as it is not the size or glossiness of the materials, but their being fitted each to its place, that gives strength to the arch
不是靠词汇的华丽和夸张,而是对作者主题的贴近适用,才能表达作者的写作意图。正如在建筑中,不必在意材料的大小和光泽,只要它们用在那里砌合得完整严实,就能牢固地支撑拱门。....(please sign in for more)
(94). Or as the pegs and nails are as necessary to the support of the building as the larger timbers, and more so than the mere showy, unsubstantial ornaments.
又或是在建筑物中,大楔和钉子的支撑作用有时竟与大件木料同等重要,它的作用远远胜过那些徒有其表、不切实用的装饰部件。....(please sign in for more)
(95). I hate anything that occupies more space than it is worth. I hate to see a load of bandboxes go along the street, and I hate to see a parcel of big words without anything in them.
我讨厌那些白占地方的东西,讨厌满载一大堆空纸盒的车招摇过市,也讨厌堆砌那些大而无实际内容的词汇。....(please sign in for more)
(96). A person who dews not deliberately dimples of all his thoughts alike in cumbrous draperies and flimsy disguises may strike out twenty varieties of familiar everyday language, each coming somewhat nearer to the feeling he wants to convey
一个人写文章,只要会从熟悉的日常用语中想一二十种说法,这种语言更接近他所要表达的情感....(please sign in for more)
(97). And at last not hit upon that particular and only one which may be said to be identical with the exact impression in his mind.
最后,他就会因为不知道挑选哪种说法能更好地表达自己而发愁!....(please sign in for more)
(98). This would seem to show that Mr. Cobalt is hardly right in saying that the first word that occurs is always the best.
这样看来,考拜特先生所谓的第一印象就是最好的说法未必可靠。....(please sign in for more)
(99). It may be a very good one; and yet a better may present itself on reflection of from time to time. It may be suggested naturally, however, and spontaneously, form a fresh and lively conception of the subject.
这样出现的字眼也许很好,可是经过一次次推敲,就会发现更地的字眼。这种字眼,也许来源于自然的暗示,但经过对主题的清新活泼的观念思维,会自然而然地想到。....(please sign in for more)
(100). A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of books as well as of men; and one should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men.
与什么书伴,就像与什么人为伴一样,都能体现一个人的品格,有以人为伴的,也有以书为伴的,无论是书或朋友,我们都应该慎重选择,与佳为伴。....(please sign in for more)