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第一章 任务和基本原则
第八章 期间、送达
第二节 讯问犯罪嫌疑人
第六节 扣押物证、书证
第十节 人民检察院对直接受理的案件的侦查
第二章 第一审程序
第三章 第二审程序
第四章 死刑复核程序
第五章 审判监督程序
(11). Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution and for the purpose of ensuring correct enforcement of the Criminal Law, punishing crimes, protecting the people, safeguarding State and public security and maintaining socialist public order.
第一条 为了保证刑法的正确实施,惩罚犯罪,保护人民,保障国家安全和社会公共安全,维护社会主义社会秩序,根据宪法,制定本法。
(12). The aim of the Criminal Procedure Law of P.R.C.is: to ensure accurate and timely ascertainment of facts about crimes, correct application of law, punishment of criminals and
(13). protection of the innocent against being investigated for criminal responsibility; to enhance the citizens’ awareness of the need to abide by law and to fight vigorously against criminal acts in order to safeguard the socialist legal system,
(14). to protect the citizens’ personal rights; their property rights, democratic rights and other rights; and to guarantee smooth progress of the cause of socialist development.
(15). The public security organs shall be responsible for investigation, detention, execution of arrests and preliminary inquiry in criminal cases.
(16). The People’s Procuratorates shall be responsible for procuratorial work, authorizing approval of arrests, conducting investigation and initiating public prosecution of cases directly accepted by the procuratorial organs.
(17). The People’s Courts shall be responsible for adjudication. Except as otherwise provided by law, no other organs, organizations or individuals shall have the authority to exercise such powers.
(18). In conducting criminal proceedings, the People’s Courts, the People’s Procuratorates and the public security organs must strictly observe this Law and any relevant stipulations of other laws.
(19). Article 4 State security organs shall, in accordance with law, handle cases of crimes that endanger State security, performing the same functions and powers as the public security organs.
第四条 国家安全机关依照法律规定,办理危害国家安全的刑事案件,行使与公安机关相同的职权。
(20). Article 5 The People’s Courts shall exercise judicial power independently in accordance with law and the People’s Procuratorates shall exercise procuratorial power independently in accordance with law, and they shall be free from interference by any administrative organ, public organization or individual.
第五条 人民法院依照法律规定独立行使审判权,人民检察院依照法律规定独立行使检察权,不受行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。
(21). Article 6 In conducting criminal proceedings, the People’s Courts, the People’s Procuratorates and the public security organs must rely on the masses, base themselves on facts and take law as the criterion.
第六条 人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关进行刑事诉讼,必须依靠群众,必须以事实为根据,以法律为准绳。
(22). The law applies equally to all citizens and no privilege whatsoever is permissible before law.
(23). Article 7 In conducting criminal proceedings, the People’s Courts, the People’s Procuratorates and the public security organs shall divide responsibilities, coordinate their efforts and check each other to ensure the correct and effective enforcement of law.
第七条 人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关进行刑事诉讼,应当分工负责,互相配合,互相制约,以保证准确有效地执行法律。
(24). Article 8 The People’s Procuratorates shall, in accordance with law, exercise legal supervision over criminal proceedings.
第八条 人民检察院依法对刑事诉讼实行法律监督。
(25). Article 9 Citizens of all nationalities shall have the right to use their native spoken and written languages in court proceedings.
第九条 各民族公民都有用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。
(26). The People’s Courts, the People’s Procuratorates and the public security organs shall provide translations for any party to the court proceedings who is not familiar with the spoken or written language commonly used in the locality.
(27). Where people of a minority nationality live in a concentrated community or where a number of nationalities live together in one area, court hearings shall be conducted in the spoken language commonly used in the locality, and judgments, notices and other documents shall be issued in the written language commonly used in the locality.
(28). Article 10 In trying cases, the People’s Courts shall apply the system whereby the second instance is final.
第十条 人民法院审判案件,实行两审终审制。
(29). Article 11 Cases in the People’s Courts shall be heard in public, unless otherwise provided by this Law.
第十一条 人民法院审判案件,除本法另有规定的以外,一律公开进行。
(30). A defendant shall have the right to defence, and the People’s Courts shall have the duty to guarantee his defence.
(31). Article 12 No person shall be found guilty without being judged as such by a People’s Court according to law.
第十二条 未经人民法院依法判决,对任何人都不得确定有罪。
(32). Article 13 In trying cases, the People’s Courts shall apply the system of people’s assessors taking part in trials in accordance with this Law.
第十三条 人民法院审判案件,依照本法实行人民陪审员陪审的制度。
(33). Article 14 The People’s Courts, the People’s Procuratorates and the public security organs shall safeguard the procedural rights to which participants in proceedings are entitled according to law.
第十四条 人民法院、人民检察院和公安机关应当保障诉讼参与人依法享有的诉讼权利。
(34). In cases where a minor under the age of 18 commits a crime, the criminal suspect and the legal representative of the defendant may be notified to be present at the time of interrogation and trial.
(35). Participants in proceedings shall have the right to file charges against judges, procurators and investigators whose acts infringe on their citizen’s procedural rights or subject their persons to indignities.
(36). Article 15 In any of the following circumstances, no criminal responsibility shall be investigated; if investigation has already been undertaken, the case shall be dismissed, or prosecution shall not be initiated, or the handling shall be terminated, or innocence shall be declared:
第十五条 有下列情形之一的,不追究刑事责任,已经追究的,应当撤销案件,或者不起诉,或者终止审理,或者宣告无罪:
(37). (1)if an act is obviously minor, causing no serious harm, and is therefore not deemed a crime;
(38). (2)if the limitation period for criminal prosecution has expired;
(39). (3)if an exemption of criminal punishment has been granted in a special amnesty decree;
(40). (4)if the crime is to be handled only upon complaint according to the Criminal Law, but there has been no complaint or the complaint has been withdrawn;
(41). (5)if the criminal suspect or defendant is deceased; or
(42). (6)if other laws provide an exemption from investigation of criminal responsibility.
(43). Article 16 Provisions of this Law shall apply to foreigners who commit crimes for which criminal responsibility should be investigated.
第十六条 对于外国人犯罪应当追究刑事责任的,适用本法的规定。
(44). If foreigners with diplomatic privileges and immunities commit crimes for which criminal responsibility should be investigated, those cases shall be resolved through diplomatic channels.
(45). Article 17 In accordance with the international treaties which the PRC has concluded or acceded to or on the principle of reciprocity, the judicial organs of China and that of other countries may request judicial assistance from each other in criminal affairs.
第十七条 根据中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则,我国司法机关和外国司法机关可以相互请求刑事司法协助。
(46). Article 18 Investigation in criminal cases shall be conducted by the public security organs, except as otherwise provided by law.
第十八条 刑事案件的侦查由公安机关进行,法律另有规定的除外。
(47). Crimes of embezzlement and bribery, crimes of dereliction of duty committed by State functionaries, and crimes involving violations of a citizen’s personal rights such as illegal detention, extortion of confessions by torture, retaliation, frame-up and illegal search and crimes involving infringement of a citizen’s democratic rights--committed by State functionaries by taking advantage of their functions and powers--shall be placed on file for investigation by the People’s Procuratorates.
贪污贿赂犯罪,国家工作人员的渎职犯罪,国家机关工作人员利用职权实施的非法拘禁、刑讯逼供、报复陷害、非法搜查的侵犯公民人身权利的犯罪以及侵犯公民民主权利的犯罪,由人民检察院立案侦查。....(please sign in for more)
(48). If cases involving other grave crimes committed by State functionaries by taking advantage of their functions and powers need be handled directly by the People’s Procuratorates, they may be placed on file for investigation by the People’s Procuratorates upon decision by the People’s Procuratorates at or above the provincial level.
对于国家机关工作人员利用职权实施的其他重大的犯罪案件,需要由人民检察院直接受理的时候,经省级以上人民检察院决定,可以由人民检察院立案侦查。....(please sign in for more)
(49). Cases of private prosecution shall be handled directly by the People’s Courts.
自诉案件,由人民法院直接受理。....(please sign in for more)
(50). Article 19 The Primary People’s Courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over ordinary criminal cases; however, those cases which fall under the jurisdiction of the People’s Courts at higher levels as stipulated by this Law shall be exceptions.
第十九条 基层人民法院管辖第一审普通刑事案件,但是依照本法由上级人民法院管辖的除外。....(please sign in for more)
(51). Article 20 The Intermediate People’s Courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over the following criminal cases:
第二十条 中级人民法院管辖下列第一审刑事案件:....(please sign in for more)
(52). (1)counterrevolutionary cases and cases endangering State security;
(一)反革命案件、危害国家安全案件;....(please sign in for more)
(53). (2)ordinary criminal cases punishable by life imprisonment or the death penalty; and
(二)可能判处无期徒刑、死刑的普通刑事案件;....(please sign in for more)
(54). (3)criminal cases in which the offenders are foreigners.
(三)外国人犯罪的刑事案件。....(please sign in for more)
(55). Article 21 The Higher People’s Courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over major criminal cases that pertain to an entire province (or autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government).
第二十一条 高级人民法院管辖的第一审刑事案件,是全省(自治区、直辖市)性的重大刑事案件。....(please sign in for more)
(56). Article 22 The Supreme People’s Court shall have jurisdiction as the court of first instance over major criminal cases that pertain to the whole nation.
第二十二条 最高人民法院管辖的第一审刑事案件,是全国性的重大刑事案件。....(please sign in for more)
(57). Article 23 When necessary, People’s Courts at higher levels may try criminal cases over which People’s Courts at lower levels have jurisdiction as courts of first instance;
第二十三条上级人民法院在必要的时候,可以审判下级人民法院管辖的第一审刑事案件;....(please sign in for more)
(58). If a People’s Court at a lower level considers the circumstances of a criminal case in the first instance to be major or complex and to necessitate a trial by a People’s Court at a higher level, it may request that the case be transferred to the People’s Court at the next higher level for trial.
下级人民法院认为案情重大、复杂需要由上级人民法院审判的第一审刑事案件,可以请求移送上一级人民法院审判。....(please sign in for more)
(59). Article 24 A criminal case shall be under the jurisdiction of the People’s Court in the place where the crime was committed. If it is more appropriate for the case to be tried by the People’s Court in the place where the defendant resides, then that court may have jurisdiction over the case.
第二十四条 刑事案件由犯罪地的人民法院管辖。如果由被告人居住地的人民法院审判更为适宜的,可以由被告人居住地的人民法院管辖。....(please sign in for more)
(60). Article 25 When two or more People’s Courts at the same level have jurisdiction over a case, it shall be tried by the People’s Court that first accepted it.
第二十五条 几个同级人民法院都有权管辖的案件,由最初受理的人民法院审判。....(please sign in for more)
(61). When necessary the case may be transferred for trial to the People’s Court in the principal place where the crime was committed.
在必要的时候,可以移送主要犯罪地的人民法院审判。....(please sign in for more)
(62). Article 26 A People’s Court at a higher level may instruct a People’s Court at a lower level to try a case over which jurisdiction is unclear and may also instruct a People’s Court at a lower level to transfer the case to another People’s Court for trial.
第二十六条 上级人民法院可以指定下级人民法院审判管辖不明的案件,也可以指定下级人民法院将案件移送其他人民法院审判。....(please sign in for more)
(63). Article 27 The jurisdiction over cases in special People’s Courts shall be stipulated separately.
第二十七条 专门人民法院案件的管辖另行规定。....(please sign in for more)
(64). Article 28 In any of the following situations, a member of the judicial, procuratorial or investigatory personnel shall voluntarily withdraw, and the parties to the case and their legal representatives shall have the right to demand his withdrawal:
第二十八条 审判人员、检察人员、侦查人员有下列情形之一的,应当自行回避,当事人及其法定代理人也有权要求他们回避:....(please sign in for more)
(65). (1)if he is a party or a near relative of a party to the case;
(一)是本案的当事人或者是当事人的近亲属的;....(please sign in for more)
(66). (2)if he or a near relative of his has an interest in the case;
(二)本人或者他的近亲属和本案有利害关系的;....(please sign in for more)
(67). (3)if he has served as a witness, expert witness, defender or agent ad litem in the current case; or
(三)担任过本案的证人、鉴定人、辩护人、诉讼代理人的;....(please sign in for more)
(68). (4)if he has any other relations with a party to the case that could affect the impartial handling of the case.
(四)与本案当事人有其他关系,可能影响公正处理案件的。....(please sign in for more)
(69). Article 29 Judges, procurators or investigators shall not accept invitations to dinner or presents from the parties to a case or the persons entrusted by the parties and shall not in violation of regulations meet with the parties to a case or the persons entrusted by the parties.
第二十九条 审判人员、检察人员、侦查人员不得接受当事人及其委托的人的请客送礼,不得违反规定会见当事人及其委托的人。....(please sign in for more)
(70). Any judge, procurator or investigator who violates the provisions in the preceding paragraph shall be investigated for legal responsibility.
审判人员、检察人员、侦查人员违反前款规定的,应当依法追究法律责任。....(please sign in for more)
(71). The parties to the case and their legal representatives shall have the right to request him to withdraw.
当事人及其法定代理人有权要求他们回避。....(please sign in for more)
(72). Article 30 The withdrawal of a judge, procurator and investigator shall be determined respectively by the president of the court, the chief procurator, and the head of a public security organ;
第三十条 审判人员、检察人员、侦查人员的回避,应当分别由院长、检察长、公安机关负责人决定;....(please sign in for more)
(73). the withdrawal of the president of the court shall be determined by the court’s judicial committee; and the withdrawal of the chief procurator or the head of a public security organ shall be determined by the procuratorial committee of the People’s Procuratorate at the corresponding level.
院长的回避,由本院审判委员会决定;检察长和公安机关负责人的回避,由同级人民检察院检察委员会决定。....(please sign in for more)
(74). An investigator may not suspend investigation of a case before a decision is made on his withdrawal.
对侦查人员的回避作出决定前,侦查人员不能停止对案件的侦查。....(please sign in for more)
(75). If a decision has been made to reject his application for withdrawal, the party or his legal representative may apply for reconsideration once.
对驳回申请回避的决定,当事人及其法定代理人可以申请复议一次。....(please sign in for more)
(76). Article 31 The provisions of Articles 28, 29 and 30 of this Law shall also apply to court clerks, interpreters and expert witnesses.
第三十一条 本法第二十八条、第二十九条、第三十条的规定也适用于书记员、翻译人员和鉴定人。....(please sign in for more)
(77). Article 32 In addition to exercising the right to defend himself, a criminal suspect or a defendant may entrust one or two persons as his defenders. The following persons may be entrusted as defenders:
第三十二条 犯罪嫌疑人、被告人除自己行使辩护权以外,还可以委托一至二人作为辩护人。下列的人可以被委托为辩护人:....(please sign in for more)
(78). (2)persons recommended by a public organization or the unit to which the criminal suspect or the defendant belongs; and
(二)人民团体或者犯罪嫌疑人、被告人所在单位推荐的人;....(please sign in for more)
(79). (3)guardians or relatives and friends of the criminal suspect or the defendant.
(三)犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的监护人、亲友。....(please sign in for more)
(80). Persons who are under criminal punishment or whose personal freedom is deprived of or restricted according to law shall not serve as defenders.
正在被执行刑罚或者依法被剥夺、限制人身自由的人,不得担任辩护人。....(please sign in for more)
(81). Article 33 A criminal suspect in a case of public prosecution shall have the right to entrust persons as his defenders from the date on which the case is transferred for examination before prosecution.
第三十三条 公诉案件自案件移送审查起诉之日起,犯罪嫌疑人有权委托辩护人。....(please sign in for more)
(82). A defendant in a case of private prosecution shall have the right to entrust persons as his defenders at any time.
自诉案件的被告人有权随时委托辩护人。....(please sign in for more)
(83). A People’s Procuratorate shall, within three days from the date of receiving the file record of a case transferred for examination before prosecution, inform the criminal suspect that he has the right to entrust persons as his defenders.
人民检察院自收到移送审查起诉的案件材料之日起三日以内,应当告知犯罪嫌疑人有权委托辩护人。....(please sign in for more)
(84). A People’s Court shall, within three days from the date of accepting a case of private prosecution, inform the defendant that he has the right to entrust persons as his defenders.
人民法院自受理自诉案件之日起三日以内,应当告知被告人有权委托辩护人。....(please sign in for more)
(85). Article 34 If a case is to be brought in court by a public prosecutor and the defendant involved has not entrusted anyone to be his defender due to financial difficulties or other reasons, the People’s Court may designate a lawyer that is obligated to provide legal aid to serve as a defender.
第三十四条 公诉人出庭公诉的案件,被告人因经济困难或者其他原因没有委托辩护人的,人民法院可以指定承担法律援助义务的律师为其提供辩护。....(please sign in for more)
(86). If the defendant is blind, deaf or mute, or if he is a minor, and thus has not entrusted anyone to be his defender, the People’s Court shall designate a lawyer that is obligated to provide legal aid to serve as a defender.
被告人是盲、聋、哑或者未成年人而没有委托辩护人的,人民法院应当指定承担法律援助义务的律师为其提供辩护。....(please sign in for more)
(87). If there is the possibility that the defendant may be sentenced to death and yet he has not entrusted anyone to be his defender, the People’s Court shall designate a lawyer that is obligated to provide legal aid to serve as a defender.
被告人可能被判处死刑而没有委托辩护人的,人民法院应当指定承担法律援助义务的律师为其提供辩护。....(please sign in for more)
(88). Article 35 The responsibility of a defender shall be to present, according to the facts and law, materials and opinions proving the innocence of the criminal suspect or defendant, the pettiness of his crime and the need for a mitigated punishment or exemption from criminal responsibility, thus safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of the criminal suspect or the defendant.
第三十五条 辩护人的责任是根据事实和法律,提出证明犯罪嫌疑人、被告人无罪、罪轻或者减轻、免除其刑事责任的材料和意见,维护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权益。....(please sign in for more)
(89). Article 36 Defence lawyers may, from the date on which the People’s Procuratorate begins to examine a case for prosecution, consult, extract and duplicate the judicial documents pertaining to the current case and the technical verification material, and may meet and correspond with the criminal suspect in custody.
第三十六条 辩护律师自人民检察院对案件审查起诉之日起,可以查阅、摘抄、复制本案的诉讼文书、技术性鉴定材料,可以同在押的犯罪嫌疑人会见和通信。....(please sign in for more)
(90). Other defenders, with permission of the People’s Procuratorate, may also consult, extract and duplicate the above-mentioned material, meet and correspond with the criminal suspect in custody.
其他辩护人经人民检察院许可,也可以查阅、摘抄、复制上述材料,同在押的犯罪嫌疑人会见和通信。....(please sign in for more)
(91). Defence lawyers may, from the date on which the People’s Court accepts a case, consult, extract and duplicate the material of the facts of the crime accused in the current case, and may meet and correspond with the defendant in custody. Other defenders, with permission of the People’s Court, may also consult, extract and duplicate the above-mentioned material, and may meet and correspond with the defendant in custody.
辩护律师自人民法院受理案件之日起,可以查阅、摘抄、复制本案所指控的犯罪事实的材料,可以同在押的被告人会见和通信。其他辩护人经人民法院许可,也可以查阅、摘抄、复制上述材料,同在押的被告人会见和通信。....(please sign in for more)
(92). Article 37 Defence lawyers may, with the consent of the witnesses or other units and individuals concerned, collect information pertaining to the current case from them and they may also apply to the People’s Procuratorate or the People’s Court for the collection and obtaining of evidence, or request the People’s Court to inform the witnesses to appear in court and give testimony.
第三十七条 辩护律师经证人或者其他有关单位和个人同意,可以向他们收集与本案有关的材料,也可以申请人民检察院、人民法院收集、调取证据,或者申请人民法院通知证人出庭作证。....(please sign in for more)
(93). With permission of the People’s Procuratorate or the People’s Court and with the consent of the victim, his near relatives or the witnesses provided by the victim, defence lawyers may collect information pertaining to the current case from them.
辩护律师经人民检察院或者人民法院许可,并且经被害人或者其近亲属、被害人提供的证人同意,可以向他们收集与本案有关的材料。....(please sign in for more)
(94). Article 38 Defense lawyers and other defenders shall not help the criminal suspects or defendants to conceal, destroy or falsify evidence or to tally their confessions, and shall not intimidate or induce the witnesses to modify their testimony or give false testimony or conduct other acts to interfere with the proceedings of the judicial organs.
第三十八条 辩护律师和其他辩护人,不得帮助犯罪嫌疑人、被告人隐匿、毁灭、伪造证据或者串供,不得威胁、引诱证人改变证言或者作伪证以及进行其他干扰司法机关诉讼活动的行为。....(please sign in for more)
(95). Whoever violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.
违反前款规定的,应当依法追究法律责任。....(please sign in for more)
(96). Article 39 During a trial, the defendant may refuse to have his defendant continue to defend him and may entrust his defence to another defender.
第三十九条 在审判过程中,被告人可以拒绝辩护人继续为他辩护,也可以另行委托辩护人辩护。....(please sign in for more)
(97). Article 40 A victim in a case of public prosecution, his legal representatives or near relatives, and a party in an incidental civil action and his legal representatives shall, from the date on which the case is transferred for examination before prosecution, have the right to entrust agents ad litem.
第四十条 公诉案件的被害人及其法定代理人或者近亲属,附带民事诉讼的当事人及其法定代理人,自案件移送审查起诉之日起,有权委托诉讼代理人。....(please sign in for more)
(98). A private prosecutor in a case of private prosecution and his legal representatives, and a party in an incidental civil action and his legal representatives shall have the right to entrust agents ad litem at any time.
自诉案件的自诉人及其法定代理人,附带民事诉讼的当事人及其法定代理人,有权随时委托诉讼代理人。....(please sign in for more)
(99). The People’s Procuratorate shall, within three days from the date of receiving the file record of a case transferred for examination before prosecution, notify the victim and his legal representatives or near relatives and the party in an incidental civil action and his legal representatives that they have the right to entrust agents ad litem.
人民检察院自收到移送审查起诉的案件材料之日起三日以内,应当告知被害人及其法定代理人或者其近亲属、附带民事诉讼的当事人及其法定代理人有权委托诉讼代理人。....(please sign in for more)
(100). The People’s Court shall, within three days from the date of accepting a case of private prosecution, notify the private prosecutor and his legal representatives and the party in an incidental civil action and his legal representatives that they have the right to entrust agents ad litem.
人民法院自受理自诉案件之日起三日以内,应当告知自诉人及其法定代理人、附带民事诉讼的当事人及其法定代理人有权委托诉讼代理人。....(please sign in for more)