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(1). The Academia Sinica Invention Disclosure Form
(2). Application Form for Study at Shanghai University of Foreign Trade
(3). For the purpose of patent application to maintain the novelty of your findings, please o not publish any of your invention before application.
(4). To be completed by the applicant in Chinese or English
(5). If you have already revealed arts of the invention to the public, please write down the date and their relevance to your current invention disclosure.
(6). Financial support will be provided by
(7). The undersigned certifies that the statements herein are true, complete and accurate. The undersigned is aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject them to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties.
(8). Indicate the nature of the programme you wish to undertake in China please tick
(9). Describe the plan of study / research you wish to undertake in Shanghai Jiao Tong University
(10). By signing, the inventors hereby agree to assign, the right, title and interest in the above invention to Academia Sinica.
(11). Any other information you consider relevant to this plan Post-graduate and senior advanced students are requested to write in Chinese or English. Use a separate page if necessary.
(12). Copies of diploma and transcripts in or be translated into Chinese or English must be submitted. Documents not in Chinese or English must be accompanied by certified translations.
(13). Marketing Abstract(< 100 words of non-confidential information)Fields of Application dvantages when compared to the existing technologies
(14). Please submit two supporting letters written by associate professors or professors school principal or department head under whom you have studied. Please list their names,positions/tittles and addresses
(15). I hereby affirm that:1 All the information given in this form is true and correct
(16). I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of the school
(17). I shall accept the arrangements made by Shanghai Jiao Tong University regarding my field of study.
(18). Please submit two supporting letters written by associate professors or professors school principal or department head under whom you have studied.
(19). List in chronological order your secondary/higher education training.
(20). This form should be completed in English in BLOCK letters and returned to the Department of English, Lingnan University, Fu Tei, Tuen Mun marked M.A. by April 24, 2004.
(21). This must be identical with that on your HKID Card / Passport.
(22). At least one referee should be competent to comment on your academic potential.
(23). An application fee of HK$200 must accompany this form, payment methods as follows: All application fees paid are non-refundable
(24). Cheque should be crossedand made payable to “Lingnan University” and sent to “English Dept., Lingnan University, Fu Tei, Tuen Mun” together with the duly completed application form. Please write your name/contact no. on the back of your cheque.
(25). I declare that the information given in support of this application is accurate and complete, and understand that any misrepresentation will disqualify my application for admission and enrolment in the University.
(26). I authorize the University to obtain, and the relevant authorities to release, any and all information about my results for the public examinations and my studies in institutions in Hong Kong and elsewhere.
(27). I authorize the University to use my data to carry out checks on multiple applications and checks on records of previous studies as a student in the institution.
(28). Does he/she have any special needs e.g. allergies, etc. that need accommodation?
(29). Special request.g., Classroom preference, Enrollment date, etc.
(30). Please check/rank preference:Half Day A.M._______ Half Day P.M._______ Full Day______
(31). Do you have a child who has attended or is currently attending WMS?
(32). What are your thoughts about parental involvement in the school? What would be your involvement, if any? After 5:00 PM?
(33). Are you currently or have you been in the past involved in any volunteer/community work? if so, what? when?
(34). What talents and skills can you share with WMS? For example: cooking, sewing, music, carpentry, computer kills, driving, board experience, fundraising experience.
(35). Would you be willing to volunteer time to serve on any of the following committees?
(36). If yes, check the committee you would serve. Your response will be used in the committee selection process.
(37). Why do you want your child to attend WMS? What are your expectations from WMS for your child?
(38). How are your child’s strengths? Are there any areas for improvement?
(39). I request admission to Wah Mei School for my child. A non-refundable processing fee of $25 is submitted with my application.
(40). I have completed this application and questionnaire thoroughly and to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Admissions Committee will review my child’s application and this questionnaire for enrollment into Wah Mei School.
(41). Description of Wah Mei School parent committees
(42). Organize several small fund-raisers,organize major fund-raiser to produce $5,000-$10,000,apply for public/private grants with director
(43). Establish, update, and maintain standard admissions criteria;review and provide input for admissions of applicants
(44). Develop and revise program related policies; work with the Director in conducting annual in-house program reviews using the CA Dept. of Education’s program quality review instrument
(45). Work with the Director and staff in modifying weaknesses identified in the program reviews.
(46). Notice of Intention to Establish Incorporated Management Committee
(47). Notes:Please send the completed form to the School-based Management Section, Education and Manpower Bureauaddress: Room 1140, 11/F., Wu Chung House, 213 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
(48). Notice is hereby given that we, the sponsoring body of the under-mentioned planned school, intend to establish an incorporated management committee in respect of the school.
(49). The school is a Direct Subsidy Scheme school / a school specified in Schedule 3 of the Education Ordinance and its scheduled opening date is date.
(50). Position held in the Sponsoring Body
(51). The personal data provided in this form will be used by the Education and Manpower Bureau for one or more of the following purposes
教育统筹局会利用本表格所载的个人资料,作以下其中一种或多种用途....(please sign in for more)
(52). Registration as a manager.
办理与校董注册有关的事宜。....(please sign in for more)
(53). Failure to provide these data may affect the processing and outcome of your application.
申请人如不提供这些资料,申请的处理工作及结果或会受影响。....(please sign in for more)
(54). The personal data collected in this form may be disclosed to other government departments/ bureaux for the purposes mentioned above.
本表格所搜集的个人资料,或会向政府其它部门;决策局披露,作上文所述用途。....(please sign in for more)
(55). You have a right to request access to and correction of your personal data as provided for in Sections 18 & 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data Privacy Ordinance.
根据《个人资料(私隐)条例》第18和22条及附表1第6原则的规定,你有权要求查阅及改正你的个人资料。....(please sign in for more)
(56). Your right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of your personal data provided in this form. This is however subject to payment of a fee.
要求查阅的权利,包括要求提供本表格所载个人资料的副本,但须缴付费用。....(please sign in for more)
(57). Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this form, including making of access and corrections, should be addressed to
如欲查询有关本表格所搜集的个人资料,包括要求查阅及改正资料事宜,请联络以下人员....(please sign in for more)
(58). Please select a maximum of any 3 programmes/ streams from the list, and indicate your preferences by putting 1 in the box as your first choice, 2 as your second choice and 3 as your third choice in the appropriate boxes below.
请依志愿选择最多三项课程/主修科目,在适当空格内填写1为首选,2为次选及3为第三选择。....(please sign in for more)
(59). Enter only grades of subjects passed and only the best grade of the same subject obtained in any year; and please attach photocopies of relevant educational certificates and credentials.
只须填写成绩最好的及格科目及年份;请附有关学历证明文件副本....(please sign in for more)
(60). And understand that any misrepresentation or false information given will result in the disqualification of my application for admission to or termination of study if admitted.
并明白若填报之资料失实,本人之申请入读及修业资格将被取消。....(please sign in for more)
(61). I authorize the College to obtain, and the Hong Kong Examinations Authority and other relevant authorities to release, information about my results in HKCEE, HKALE and other public examinations and my studies in institutions in Hong Kong and elsewhere.
本人授权学院索取有关本人的香港中学会考、香港高级程度及其它在本港及外地参加之公开考试成绩及就读资料,并授权香港考试局及有关机构提供此等资料。....(please sign in for more)
(62). I authorize the College to use my information to carry out checks on matters relating to this application and records of my previous studies at other institutions.
本人授权学院使用本人之资料查询有关申请事宜及有关本人在其它院校就读资料。....(please sign in for more)
(63). I also authorize the College to transfer my information to the student record system of the University upon my admission and to carry out periodic checks on registration whereby enrolment information is exchanged among tertiary institutions in Hong Kong.
本人亦授权学院于本人被取录后将有关资料转作学生纪录,及作为本港各大专院校间注册资料交换用。....(please sign in for more)
(64). The College will consider applications and offer places on a continuation basis. Applicants are required to attend an entrance interview. Therefore applications received earlier may have a better chance of being admitted.
学院在收到填妥的申请表格及资料后,会尽快进行审核,并约见申请人以决定录取。因学位数目有限,学院建议申请人及早提交申请表,以便安排。....(please sign in for more)
(65). Applicants may submit their applications with the following items in person to the following addresses or by post to The Community College at Lingnan University, Room 112, Amenities Building, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
申请人须备妥以下的文件亲身递交至下列查询地点或邮寄至香港屯门岭南大学社区学院康乐楼112室....(please sign in for more)
(66). Duly completed application form;Photocopies of applicant’s HKID card or passport; Photocopies of relevant certificates and credentials if any; The original application fee receipt / cashier order / bank draft
已填妥之申请表格,香港身份证或护照副本,学历证明副本及推荐信如适用,入数纸收据正本/银行本票/汇票....(please sign in for more)
(67). Please read the programme brochure and notes before completing this form. This form should be completed in English BLOCK letters using black ink
填写前请细阅课程简介及注意事项,并以黑色笔及英文正楷填写。....(please sign in for more)
(68). Has the applying equipment been awarded the CB Test Certificate
申请认证的产品是否有CB测试证....(please sign in for more)
(69). If “Yes”, give the number and date of the CB Test Certificate
如果有,给出CB测试证书的编号和获证日期....(please sign in for more)
(70). Please indicate if the factory has ever obtained CCC or CCEE or CCIB certificates, if the answer is yes, then list the certificate No
说明生产厂是否有同类产品获得过CCC证书或CCEE证书或CCIB证书,如果有,请列出证书编号。....(please sign in for more)
(71). Commercial licenses and related certifications
营业执照及相关可证明材料.....(please sign in for more)
(72). For all the information and contents that declared by the applicants should be considered as the formal and valid presentation.
所有欲成为我协会会员之申请人所提交的一切资料须保证完全真实有效....(please sign in for more)
(73). To be used only for Sino American Trade Development Council communications, not for publication or distribution
以上相关信息只限于协会内部流通,禁用于公开或商业活动.....(please sign in for more)
(74). Please indicate in which way you want to receive Sino American information.
请注明希望通过那种方式得到我协会信息.....(please sign in for more)
(75). Which best describes your operations in China? please check one
请在下列选项中选出贵司在中国经营的公司性质.....(please sign in for more)
(76). Please provide the following information for publication in the Sino American Membership Directory
您所提供的相关意向信息会发布到我协会的公开列表信息之中请慎重填写!....(please sign in for more)
(77). Language proficiency Please use one of these words: excellent, good, fair, poor
语文能力请用优、良、可、差....(please sign in for more)
(78). Notarized Chinese or English translation of diploma
经公证之毕业证书中文或英文翻译本....(please sign in for more)
(79). A transcript in English or Chinese with imprinted seal by signature of the register of the issuing school
成绩单英文或中译本应经原毕业学校加盖章戳或钢印....(please sign in for more)
(80). Letters of recommendation including one by an instructor of Chinese language
密封推荐书三封包括一份中国语文教师推荐书....(please sign in for more)
(81). Statement of health condition in Chinese or English, including a report of HIV virus test report 1
健康证明书:包括人类免疫缺乏病毒有关检验报告中文或英文....(please sign in for more)
(82). Application fee: NT$ 1,500 or US Dollars of the equivalent value-Please attach the original bank telegram transfer receipt to show that the fee has been remitted to UK’s bank account by the applicant
申请费:新台币壹仟伍佰圆整或等值之美金,请检附银行电汇收据正本....(please sign in for more)
(83). I guarantee that I do not have the overseas Chinese status and do not hold a Republic of China passport.
本人保证未具侨生身分且不具中华民国国籍。....(please sign in for more)
(84). I guarantee that the diploma I am to produce for the purpose of this application has been lawfully and effectively issued by the school I attended previously.
本人保证所提供之最高学历证书为合法有效取得....(please sign in for more)
(85). The degree as reflected by such diploma at least equals to what can be granted after successfully completing any senior high school in the ROC.
该证书最少相当于中华民国高级中学授予之毕业学历证书。....(please sign in for more)
(86). I guarantee that I have never applied for admission to be a student at any other universities in the ROC in accordance with “Application Regulations for Overseas Students to Study in the ROC.”
本人保证在华从未以"侨生回国就学及辅导办法"申请入学中华民国国内大学院校。....(please sign in for more)
(87). I guarantee that I have never completed or been expelled from any academic programs in the ROC.
本人保证在中华民国未曾完成申请就学学程或遭退学。....(please sign in for more)
(88). I hereby authorize UK to undertake the necessary verification of the information I have stated above.
本人就上述所陈之任一事同意授权贵校查证....(please sign in for more)
(89). Should there reveal with reasonable proof any misrepresentation made by me, I shall have no objection to and shall comply with any decisions that may be made by UK in accordance with its relevant regulations.
如有不实或不符规定等情事经查证属实者,本人愿依贵校学则之相关规定办理,绝无异议....(please sign in for more)
(90). Such decisions may result in my expelling from UK without receiving any certificate of attendance
包括开除学籍,不发给与修业有关之任何证明文件。....(please sign in for more)
(91). Or my being ordered to return any diploma received after completing my study at UK with the accompanying declaration by UK that my degree thus received is nullified.
如于本校毕业者,除勒令缴销其学位证书外,并公告取消其毕业资格。....(please sign in for more)
(92). I understand that UK may consider taking separate legal actions against me for any such misrepresentation.
贵校另得依法律追究法律责任。....(please sign in for more)
(93). Please do not write below this line.
以下请勿填写....(please sign in for more)
(94). Reject the application to the department due to the following reason
不同意录取该生,原因....(please sign in for more)
(95). Application results didn’t meet requirement
书面初审成绩未达标准....(please sign in for more)
(96). In the following space please write a statement about 300 words in Chinese or English, stating your motivation, study plan at UK, and career plan after finishing your study. Use both sides if needed.
请以中文或英文撰写约300字,叙述个人来本校求学动机、在本校求学期间之读书计画等,以及完成学业以后之规划。如有需要,可续反页。....(please sign in for more)
(97). I agree that the recommendation I am requesting shall be held confidentially, and I hereby waive any rights I may have to examine it.
基于推荐信内容保密原则,本人同意放弃阅读本文件之权力。....(please sign in for more)
(98). How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
请问您认识申请人有多久的时间?在何种关系下认识....(please sign in for more)
(99). Please compare with others of similar age and experience and then mark in the appropriate box.
请就下列项目与相似年龄及经验者做一比较,在适当空格做记。....(please sign in for more)
(100). We would appreciate your candid assessment of the applicant’s scholarship, character, personality, and professional promise. Your statement plays an important role in our evaluation.
请您对申请人之学业、品性、个性、优点、缺点、以及可否顺利完成所欲修读之学位等,做一评估。您的说明将是我们评审之重要依据。....(please sign in for more)