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(1). The “Provisions on the Administration of the Publications Market”, which were adopted at the 2nd working conference of the State Press and Publication Administration on July 16, 2003, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on September 1, 2003.
(2). For the purpose of regulating the publication distributing activities as well as the supervision and administration thereof
(3). Setting up a unified, open, competitive and orderly market system of publications nationwide, as well as developing the socialist publishing industry.
(4). The present Provisions are formulated in accordance with the “Regulation on the Administration of Publication” and other relevant laws and administrative regulations
(5). The present Provisions shall apply to the publication distributing activities as well as the supervision and administration thereof.
(6). “Publications” mentioned in the present Provisions means newspapers, periodicals, books and electronic publications, etc.
(7). “Distribution” mentioned in the present Provisions includes the activities of general distribution, wholesale, retail, lease, and sales exhibitions, etc.
(8). “General distribution” mentioned in the present Provisions means exclusive sale of publications by an entity engaging in general distribution of publications.
(9). “Wholesale” mentioned in the present Provisions means sale of publications to other publication operators.
(10). “Retail” mentioned in the present Provisions means sale of publications directly to consumers.
(11). “Lease” mentioned in the present Provisions means provisions of publications to readers by means of charging rent.
(12). “Sales exhibitions” mentioned in the present Provisions means concentrative exhibition, sale or subscription of publications at a fixed place or by a certain means within a time.
(13). The State applies a system of permit to the distribution of publications. Without a permit, no entity or individual may engage in the activity of distributing publications.
(14). A lawfully established publication distributing entity or an individual approved to engage in the publication distributing business may be engaged in publication distributing activities in accordance with the law
(15). And no entity or individual shall interfere without complying with legal provisions.
(16). The State Press and Publication Administration shall be responsible for supervising and administering the publication distributing activities nation-wide
(17). And be responsible for making the development planning of the publication distributing industry nation-wide.
(18). The administrative department of press and publication of a province, autonomous region or municipality shall be responsible for supervising and administering the publication distributing activities within its own jurisdiction
(19). And making the planning for its own jurisdiction on the development of the publication distributing industry.
(20). The administrative department of press and publication under each people’s government at the provincial level or below shall be responsible for supervising and administering the publication distributing activities within its own jurisdiction.
(21). The State Press and Publication Administration and the administrative departments of press and publication of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government
(22). Must, before making the planning on the setup of publication distributing network, have it scientifically demonstrated, and comply with the principles of being lawful, impartial and practical, and of promoting the development.
(23). The planning made by the administrative department of press and publication of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government on the set up of publication distributing network
(24). Must be examined and consented by the State Press and Publication Administration, and be submitted to the people’s government at the same level for approval
(25). And then be announced within its own jurisdiction, otherwise such planning shall not be considered as the basis for approving publication distributing entities.
(26). Whichever entity or individual establishes an enterprise engaging in general distribution of publications or any other entity engages in the general publication distributing business, shall meet the following conditions
(27). Having a definite enterprise name and a well-defined business scope; Considering the distribution of publications as its/his main business
(28). Having distribution professionals suitable for the general publication distributing business, with its legal representative or principal responsible person holding the occupational qualification to be a senior publication distributor or above
(29). And each of its distributors holding the occupational qualification to be a primary publication distributor or above
(30). Having equipment suitable for the general publication distributing business and a fixed business place of not less than 1,000 square meters
(31). Having no less than 20 million Yuan of registered capital; Having corresponding computer management conditions and improved management systems.
(32). Whichever entity or individual applies to establish an enterprise engaging in general distribution of publications or any other entity that applies to engage in the general publication distributing business
(33). Must submit the application documents prescribed in Paragraph 2 of the present Article to the State Press and Publication Administration
(34). And the State Press and Publication Administration shall, within 60 working days as of receiving the application documents, make a decision on whether or not to grant the approval, and inform the applicant in writing.
(35). If the application is approved, the State Press and Publication Administration shall issue the “Permit for Running Publications”
(36). And the applicant shall bring the “Permit for Running Publications” to the administrative department for industry and commerce to lawfully obtain the business license; if the application is not approved, the reason thereof shall be stated.
(37). The application documents shall include the following written documents
(38). A letter of application, which states the entity’s name, address, or the name and domicile of the legal representative or principal responsible person, the sources and amount of capital, etc.
(39). The organizational structure and articles of association ;the proof of credit on registered capital
(40). Information on the business place and the proof on the right to use it; identification certificate of the legal representative or principal responsible person
(41). Occupational qualification certificates of the legal representative or principal responsible person and of the distribution professionals; documents of proof on corresponding computer management conditions.
(42). Whichever entity or individual intends to establish a publication wholesaling enterprise or any other entity intends to engage in the publication wholesaling business, shall meet the following conditions
(43). Having a definite enterprise name and a well-defined business scope
(44). Having distribution professionals suitable for the publication wholesaling business, with its legal representative or principal responsible person holding the occupational qualification to be an intermediate publication distributor or above
(45). Having equipment suitable for the publication wholesaling business and a fixed business place
(46). With the single store entering the wholesale market no less than 50 square meters, and the independently set up business place no less than 500 square meters
(47). Having no less than 2 million Yuan of registered capital;Having corresponding computer management conditions.
(48). Whichever entity or individual applies to establish a publication wholesaling enterprise or any other entity that applies to engage in the publication wholesaling business
(49). Must submit the application documents prescribed in Paragraph 3 of the present Article to the local administrative department of press and publication at the prefecture or city level
须向所在地地市级新闻出版行政部门提交本条第三款规定的申请材料....(please sign in for more)
(50). And the administrative department of press and publication at the prefecture or city level shall, within 15 working days as of receiving the application documents
地市级新闻出版行政部门自收到申请材料之日起15个工作日内提出审核意见....(please sign in for more)
(51). Render its opinions from examination, which shall be submitted together with the application documents to the administrative department of press and publication of the province for approval.
连同申请材料报省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版行政部门审批。....(please sign in for more)
(52). The administrative department of press and publication shall, within 30 working days as of receiving the application documents, make a decision on whether or not to grant the approval, and inform the applicant in writing.
新闻出版行政部门自收到申请材料之日起30个工作日内做出批准或者不予批准的决定,并书面告知申请人。....(please sign in for more)
(53). If the application is approved, the administrative department of press and publication of the province, autonomous region shall issue the “Permit for Running Publications”, and report to the State Press and Publication Administration for record.
批准的,由省、自治区新闻出版行政部门颁发《出版物经营许可证》,并报新闻出版总署备案。....(please sign in for more)
(54). The applicant shall bring the “Permit for Running Publications” to the administrative department for industry and commerce to lawfully obtain the business license. If the application is not approved, the reason thereof shall be stated.
申请人持《出版物经营许可证》到工商行政管理部门依法领取营业执照。不予批准的,应当说明理由。....(please sign in for more)
(55). The application letter, which states the entity’s name, address, or the name and domicile of the legal representative or principal responsible person, the sources and amount of capital, etc.
申请书,载明单位的名称、地址、法定代表人或者主要负责人的姓名、住址、资本来源、资本数额等....(please sign in for more)
(56). The articles of association of the enterprise;the proof of credit on registered capital
企业章程;注册资本信用证明....(please sign in for more)
(57). Information on the business place and the proof on the right to use it; identification certificate of the legal representative or principal responsible person
经营场所的情况及使用权证明;法定代表人或者主要负责人身份证明....(please sign in for more)
(58). Whichever entity or individual intends to establish a publication retailing or leasing enterprise or any other entity or individual who applies to engage in the publication retailing or leasing business, shall meet the following conditions
设立出版物零售、出租企业或者其他单位、个人从事出版物零售、出租业务,应当具备下列条件....(please sign in for more)
(59). Having a definite name and a well-defined business scope; The business operator shall hold the occupational qualification to be a primary publication distributor or above
有确定的名称和经营范围;经营者应当具有初级以上出版物发行员职业资格....(please sign in for more)
(60). Having a fixed business place suitable for its/his business.
有与其业务相适应的固定的经营场所。....(please sign in for more)
(61). Whichever entity or individual intends to establish an enterprise engaging in chained operation of publications or any enterprise engaging in other chained operation that intends to engage in chained operation of publications
设立出版物连锁经营企业或者其他连锁经营企业从事出版物连锁经营业务....(please sign in for more)
(62). Having definite enterprise name and articles of association; Having the organizational form and operational method conforming to chained operation
有确定的企业名称和章程;符合连锁经营的组织形式和经营方式....(please sign in for more)
(63). Having no less than 3 million Yuan of registered capital, or no less than 10 million Yuan of registered capital in case of chained operation nationwide
注册资本不少于300万元,从事全国性连锁经营的,注册资本不少于1000万元....(please sign in for more)
(64). Having corresponding computer management conditions and improved management systems.
具备相应的计算机管理条件和健全的管理制度。....(please sign in for more)
(65). A chain store does not need to apply for the “Permit for Running Publications”
直营连锁门店不需单独办理《出版物经营许可证》....(please sign in for more)
(66). And may, after bringing a photocopy of the “Permit for Running Publications” of the headquarters of the entity engaging in chained operation of publications
可以凭出版物连锁经营单位总部的《出版物经营许可证》复印件....(please sign in for more)
(67). To report to the administrative department of press and publication under the people’s government at the county level
报门店所在地县级人民政府新闻出版行政部门备案后....(please sign in for more)
(68). Where the store is located for record, go to the administrative department for industry and commerce to lawfully obtain the business license.
到工商行政管理部门依法领取营业执照。....(please sign in for more)
(69). If an entity engaging in chained operation of publications opens a non-chain store, the store must go through the formalities for approval in accordance with the relevant provisions in Articles 10 and 11 of the present Provisions
出版物连锁经营单位开设非直营连锁门店,连锁门店须按照本规定第十条、第十一条的有关规定办理审批手续....(please sign in for more)
(70). Unless it has already held the “Permit for Running Publications”.
已具有《出版物经营许可证》的除外。....(please sign in for more)
(71). Whichever entity or individual establishes a Chinese-foreign joint venture enterprise, Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprise or wholly-owned foreign enterprise that engages in distributive sale of books, newspapers or periodicals
设立从事图书、报纸、期刊分销业务的中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业....(please sign in for more)
(72). The applicant shall comply with the “Measures on the Administration of Foreign-Funded Enterprises Engaging in Distributive Sale of Books, Newspapers, Periodicals” formulated by the State Press and Publication Administration.
按照新闻出版总署制定的《外商投资图书、报纸、期刊分销企业管理办法》办理。....(please sign in for more)
(73). An enterprise engaging in general distribution of publications or a wholesale enterprise may engage in publication distributing business through Internet or other information network without any approval.
出版物总发行企业、批发企业可以通过互联网等信息网络从事出版物发行业务,无需审批。....(please sign in for more)
(74). Entity applies to establish an enterprise that engages in the publication distributing business through Internet or other information network that applies to engage in the publication distributing business through internet or other information network.
申请设立通过互联网等信息网络从事出版物发行业务的企业申请通过互联网等信息网络从事出版物发行业务。....(please sign in for more)
(75). Whichever entity or individual applies to establish a book friends association, book club or other similar organization that absorbs members within the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government
申请设立在本省、自治区、直辖市内发展会员的书友会、读书俱乐部或者其他类似组织....(please sign in for more)
(76). Or a publishing entity applies to establish a book friends association, book club or other similar organization that distributes publications of the current edition, shall comply with Articles 10 and 11 of the present Provisions.
出版单位申请设立发行本版出版物的书友会、读书俱乐部或者其他类似组织,按照本规定第十条、第十一条的规定办理。....(please sign in for more)
(77). Whichever entity or individual intends to establish a market for wholesale of publications shall meet the following conditions
设立出版物批发市场,应当具备下列条件....(please sign in for more)
(78). Having enough fixed place for the wholesale entities to carry out their concentrative operation, and the operation area shall be no less than 5,000 square meters
有充足的供批发单位集中经营的固定场所,营业面积不少于5000平方米....(please sign in for more)
(79). The operation entities entering the wholesale market must be publication distributing enterprises with the power to wholesaling publications
进入批发市场的经营单位必须是具有出版物批发权的出版物发行企业....(please sign in for more)
(80). Having an improved market administration office, as well as improved rules and systems
有健全的市场管理机构和规章制度....(please sign in for more)
(81). Having basic facilities for office work, storage, traffic and communication, and being able to provide the operation entities with necessary services
具备基本的办公、仓储、交通、通讯设施,能为经营单位提供必要的服务....(please sign in for more)
(82). The market administration office and the operation entities can all be under uniform computer management
市场管理机构及经营单位能够全部实行计算机统一管理....(please sign in for more)
(83). Other conditions prescribed in regulations and rules.
法规、规章规定的其他条件。....(please sign in for more)
(84). If the wholesale market exceeds the limit prescribed by the State Press and Publication Administration
批发市场超出新闻出版总署规定限额的....(please sign in for more)
(85). It shall be, after being approved and consented by the administrative department of press and publication of the province submitted to the State Press and Publication Administration for approval.
由省、自治区、直辖市新闻出版行政部门审核同意后,报新闻出版总署批准。....(please sign in for more)
(86). A distribution enterprise reformed from a publishing entity’s distributing department may engage in the general distribution of publications of the current edition, provided it must go through the formalities in accordance with the present Provisions.
出版单位的发行部门改制的发行企业可以从事本版出版物的总发行,但须按照本规定第六条、第七条的规定办理手续。....(please sign in for more)
(87). If a publication distributing entity intends to modify its name or business scope, or merges another publication distributing entity
出版物发行单位变更名称、业务范围,兼并其他出版物发行单位....(please sign in for more)
(88). If a publication distributing entity newly established after merger or division intends to modify its address in excess of jurisdiction of the approval department, it must go through formalities for approval in accordance with the present Provisions.
因合并、分立而设立新的出版物发行单位,超过批准部门行政区域变更地址,须依照本规定办理批准手续。....(please sign in for more)
(89). After going through corresponding formalities in the administrative department for industry and commerce that handled original registration
到原登记的工商行政管理部门办理相应手续后....(please sign in for more)
(90). If a publication distributing entity intends to modify other registered particulars, it shall report to the administrative department of press and publication that granted the approval for record.
出版物发行单位变更其他登记事项,向批准的新闻出版行政部门备案。....(please sign in for more)
(91). If a publication distributing entity terminates its operation due to closure of business, revocation, bankruptcy or due to any other reason
出版物发行单位因歇业、被撤销、破产或者因其他原因终止经营的....(please sign in for more)
(92). It must make cancellation registration in the administrative department of press and publication that granted the approval, and have its permit taken back.
须向批准的新闻出版行政部门办理注销登记,缴回许可证。....(please sign in for more)
(93). No organization or individual may distribute any of the following publications
任何组织和个人不得发行下列出版物....(please sign in for more)
(94). Forbidden publications containing any content prohibited by Article 26 or 27 of the “Regulation on the Administration of Publication”
含有《出版管理条例》第二十六条、第二十七条禁止内容的违禁出版物....(please sign in for more)
(95). Publications discretionally published, printed or reproduced without approval, publications published in a forged or disguised name of a publishing entity or newspaper, the book number, serial number or publisher’s code, and so on
包括:未经批准擅自出版、印刷或者复制的出版物,伪造、假冒出版单位或者报刊名称出版的出版物,非法进口的出版物,买卖书号、刊号、版号出版的出版物等....(please sign in for more)
(96). Publications explicitly prohibited by the administrative department of press and publication from being published, printed, reproduced or distributed.
新闻出版行政部门明令禁止出版、印刷或者复制、发行的出版物。....(please sign in for more)
(97). Internally circulated publications must be handed out free of charge within the division, industry or entity concerned, and no organization or individual may distribute them.
内部资料性出版物须在本系统、本行业或者本单位内部免费分发,任何组织和个人不得发行。....(please sign in for more)
(98). An entity or individual engaging in the publication distributing business must abide by the following provisions
从事出版物发行业务的单位和个人,必须遵守下列规定....(please sign in for more)
(99). It/he shall not purchase publications from a non-publication publishing or distributing entity; It/he shall not participate in the trading of book numbers, serial numbers or publisher’s codes in any form
不得从非出版物出版、发行单位进货;不得以任何形式参与买卖书号、刊号、版号....(please sign in for more)
(100). It/he shall not undertake operation in excess of the business scope or business place approved by the administrative department of press and publication
不得超出新闻出版行政部门核准的经营范围、经营地点经营....(please sign in for more)