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(1). Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication in that the advertiser pays the medium to deliver the message. For this payment the advertiser receives the opportunity to control the message.
(2). Within legal constraints designed to prevent deception and assure fair competition, and within standards of practice enforced by the media, the advertiser is free to say what he wants to say the way he wants to say it.
(3). Within limits set by availability, he can select the particular issue of a magazine or newspaper in which the message will run; he can also select the hour and even the minute when the message will be broadcasted in the case of radio and TV.
(4). The style of presentation usually identifies the message as an advertisement.
(5). "In some countries if the message is not readily distinguishable from a medium’ s editorial or program content, the notation ""This is an advertisement"" and the name of the advertiser or sponsoring organization are included. "
(6). Newspapers because of their big circulations are the most widely used advertising medium.
(7). Newspapers keep their readers informed of the myriad of goods and services available in the marketplace, including the apartment for rent, the house for sale, and the employment opportunity appearing in the classified section.
(8). The newspaper is an ideal medium for most retailers. Its circulation area generally conforms to the retail trading area.
(9). Retailers located in suburban shopping centres of major cities usually have access to a local community newspaper,
(10). and many major metropolitan papers offer zoned editions, whereby the circulation is split into geographic areas or zones, making it possible for a retailer to buy only that part of the circulation going into his trading area.
(11). A newspaper’s daily publication readily fits the day-to-day selling and quick action promotions that characterize most retailing.
(12). Consumers regularly turn to their newspapers for shopping information including pictures of the merchandise, product specifications, and prices.
(13). The wide range of space size and publication dates give small as well as large advertisers an opportunity to advertise profitably.
(14). Big advertisers can achieve wide coverage by using many newspapers, and they use newspapers for a special purpose: to supplement other media that provide inadequate coverage in particular cities,
(15). to concentrate efforts where there are exceptionally promising sales opportunities, to gain the support of local dealers, to counter strong local competition, or to test the introduction of a new product.
(16). The. advertising revolution in magazines grew out of the social and economic conditions of the late 1880s, when industrialization was producing a swelling flood of goods to advertise;
(17). when education, income, and leisure were rising among an increasing number of potential consumers; and when technical innovations were opening up fresh possibilities in magazine production.
(18). The classic demonstration of modern magazine economics is: as circulation rose in the initial phase of low advertising rates, money had to be poured in to meet the cost of producing more copies;
(19). but, as soon as high advertising rates could be justified by a high circulation, profitability was assured.
(20). Conversely, when high rates are maintained on a falling circulation, it is the advertisers who lose, until they withdraw their support.
(21). Once circulation figures became all-important, advertisers naturally asserted their right to verify them.
(22). From the publishers’ side, interest in circulation led them into market research.
(23). The first organization for this purpose was set up by the Curtis Publishing Company in the US in 1911, and it was designed to convince advertisers of the value of a particular medium.
(24). The popular magazine in the US, expanding with the economy, becomes a part of the marketing system.
(25). A proprietor was no longer selling a bundle of attractive editorial matter to a segment of the public; he was also selling a well charted segment of public to the advertiser.
(26). at the turn of the century, advertisements began to move forward from the back pages into greater prominence among the editorial matter.
(27). at the same time, advertising agencies were developing from mere space sellers into copy writers and designers,
(28). Their efforts to produce work of high visual appeal forced editors to make their own editorial typography and layout more attractive.
(29). There is no doubt that advertisers have not been slow to exercise their financial pressure on editorial content, what can safely be said is that the pressure as a whole has been a socially conservative force, playing on conformity,
(30). "inclining magazines to work on the principle of ""minimum offense"", and holding them back from radical editorial departures until they are clearly indicated by changes in public taste."
(31). "The cost of advertising is higher in magazines than in daily press or .on television, but it has a much greater ""recall value"", which gives it a strong fundamental position."
(32). Radio is the most ubiquitous medium, which was added during the 1920s. at first most radio commercials were indirect and there was doubt as to whether advertising would be allowed on the air.
(33). The commercial radio thrived most apparently in the U. S., where radio advertising time is sold much the same way as does television time.
(34). American radio is also primarily a local medium; retailers account for about two-thirds of all radio advertising expenditures.
(35). Now in most of the countries in the world, the radio stations either private or government owned carry advertising programmes around the clock.
(36). which offers a breakdown by sex, age, family size, income, and so forth.
(37). With the development of new technology and new ideas and new applications of radio, radio remains an ideal medium for advertising in the modern society, for more and more people are constantly on the run.
(38). "Radio audience measurements are quite the same as in television audience, the commonly used method is ""program rating"", which reveals the percentage of all households in the sample turned to the particular program; ""audience composition"","
广播听众的调查与电视观众调查一样,一种常见方法是"节目评估",它能显示在同一时间收听同一节目的家庭在取样中的百分比。....(please sign in for more)
(39). Television was a new medium , which was added to the advertising scene immediately after world war II.
电视作为一种新媒体是在二战后才开始播放广告的。....(please sign in for more)
(40). It had a spectacular growth in the U.S.; it became the second largest advertising medium after newspaper in terms of total dollars spent and the largest in the top national advertisers budgets.
在美国,电视广告得到飞速发展,在广告收入上,它是仅次于报纸的第二大媒体,而在全国最大广告客户的预算上,它则是第一位。....(please sign in for more)
(41). In most nations today, more people spend more time with television than any other medium. in the U. S., for example, during the peak viewing hours of an average winter evening over 50 percent of the households are tuned in.
今天,大多数国家的人们花费在电视上的时间比其他任何媒体都多。例如美国,冬天晚上电视节目黄金时间里,有超半数家庭观看电视。....(please sign in for more)
(42). Viewing per household averages six hours daily. Changes in the hour-by-hour activities of various members of the family influence the composition and size of the television audience.
每个家庭平均每天看电视6小时。家庭不同成员每小时的不同活动变化影响到电视观众的构成和人数。....(please sign in for more)
(43). Television advertisers buy units of time: a minute, thirty seconds, twenty seconds, ten seconds, a quarter hour, a half hour, an hour or longer.
电视广告客户以时间单位付费:1分钟,30秒,20秒,10秒,15分钟,半小时,1小时或更长。....(please sign in for more)
(44). In some countries, all commercials are placed between programs; in some other countries, they are placed both between programs and within programs.
在某些国家,所有广告在节目间隙播放;在另一些国家,广告既在节目间隙也在节目中闻播放。....(please sign in for more)
(45). The advertiser may specify the time his commercial is to be broadcast or for a lower rate he may leave its placement to the station’s discretion.
广告客户可确定广告播出时间,或让电视台决定时间,但这样费用要减少。....(please sign in for more)
(46). Program time units may be bought for exclusive sponsorship or multiple sponsorship.
节目时间单位可以独家赞助或多家赞助方式购买。....(please sign in for more)
(47). Through exclusive sponsorship a single advertiser gains the full benefit of being identified as the program’s sponsor, but he also must bear the full cost.
独家赞助可使广告客户获得作为该节目赞助商的全部收益,不过他也要承担全部费用。....(please sign in for more)
(48). Multiple sponsorship gives two or more advertisers the opportunity to be identified with a particular program while sharing the cost.
多家赞助使两家或多家广告客户成为某节目的赞助商,同时他们分担费用。....(please sign in for more)
(49). The U.S. employs by far the greatest variety of methods for measuring television audiences,
美国目前是使用观众调查方法最多的国家。....(please sign in for more)
(50). "the ""audimeter"", for instance, is an electronic device that is connected to all television sets in a representative sample of households. The device makes a record of the turning-on time, turned-to station, the dialing from one station to another."
如"音频仪",它是一种电子仪器,当其与抽样的所有家庭电视相连接时,便会记录下电视开机时间,收看某一电视台,或电视台之间的转换。....(please sign in for more)
(51). The television commercial has, at its best, become an art form in its own right.
许多优秀电视广告本身也成为一门艺术。....(please sign in for more)
(52). The purest example is the animated commercial, combining its own succinct, witty style and lightning continuity, an art born entirely of television.
一个最常见类型是动画广告,因其综合了简洁和诙谐风格及转换迅速的连续性,它便成为一种完全诞生于电视的艺术型式。....(please sign in for more)
(53). apart from the newspaper, magazine, radio, television, there are other media as well. I can name a few: direct mail, outdoor media, transit media, and miscellaneous.
除了报纸、杂志、广播、电视,还有其他媒体。我给你举几个例吧:直接信函,户外媒体,移动媒体和其他广告媒体。....(please sign in for more)
(54). By mail the advertiser can send his message directly to individual prospects. The message can take many forms: letter, folder, brochure, post card, catalog, or coupons.
广告人可用信函把广告信息直接传送给个人。信息可用多种形式表示:信件、传单、小册子、明信片、目录册或优惠券。....(please sign in for more)
(55). and mailing list is a critical factor in direct mail advertising. Frequently used sources are telephone and city directories, trade directories, professional directories, commercial rating books and so forth.
直接信函广告中收信人名单是一重要因素,通常收信人名单来自电话薄、城市指南、商业机构录、专业人员汇编、商业评估手册等。....(please sign in for more)
(56). The outdoor media include painted signs, electric displays, and printed posters, the latter being the most important.
户外媒体包括绘画招牌、灯箱展示和印刷招贴,招贴是其中最重要的一类。....(please sign in for more)
(57). The standard poster or billboard is located mainly on heavily travelled mutes, the fleeting exposure to motorists and passersby demands a brief message, one that can be seen or read in a glance.
标准的招贴或招贴栏主要处于交通要道,对乘车人或过路人来说,这种对广告的匆匆一瞥决定了广告内容必须简洁,让人能一目了然。....(please sign in for more)
(58). The increasingly used transit media include ear cards, outside displays, and station posters which reach millions of riders of public transportation.
使用得越来越广泛的移动媒体包括汽车车厢板、户外展示和车站招贴,它们会有上百万兼坐公共交通工具者做观众。....(please sign in for more)
(59). Like outdoor advertising, transit advertising offers frequent exposure to large numbers of people at low cost.
与户外广告一样,移动广告也以较小成本向大量观众传递信息。....(please sign in for more)
(60). Finally I should talk about the miscellaneous media. They usually include dealer display, theatre-screen advertising, and specialties.
最后,我要谈谈其他混杂媒体。他们有推销展示会,电影广告和其他特别广告。....(please sign in for more)
(61). Dealer displays reach consumers at the point of purchase and therefore serve as a reminder or as an invitation to immediate buying action.
推销展示是在顾客要买时出现,因此起催促或邀请其赶快购买的作用。....(please sign in for more)
(62). I know that theatre-screen advertising offers the opportunity to reach a captive audience with the impact of sound and motion pictures on a big screen.
我知道,电影广告能以大银幕上的画面和声音效果使其观众欣赏和着迷。....(please sign in for more)
(63). "and advertising ""specialties"" include calendars and other items that are imprinted with the advertiser’s name, address, and so on. "
特别广告是在日历或其他物品上印上广告商名字、地址等....(please sign in for more)
(64). They include ash tray, lighters, key chains, ball-pens, any items that are used frequently, they serve as frequent reminders and engender some goodwill.
像烟缸、打火机、钥匙链、圆珠笔等日常物件,既可作广告媒体又能传达良好祝愿。....(please sign in for more)
(65). During the past ten years the technology of computer communications has developed greatly. as a result more and more people can share the worldwide information resources and services.
近十年来计算机通信和计算机网络技术获得了飞速发展,从而使人们能共享更多的信息资源,得到更多更快的信息服务。....(please sign in for more)
(66). "With the computer communications, you can get a report from the Congress Library in U.S. within several minutes, book a ticket at home, pay bills with a credit card, or’"" everything."
你可以在几分钟内获得美国国会图书馆的一篇报告,或在家里订一张票,或用信用卡付帐…,这都得益于它。....(please sign in for more)
(67). How can a computer communicate with others? Channels and networks make it realizable.
计算机之间如何能够通信?这就要借助于通信信道和网络。....(please sign in for more)
(68). Various kinds of channels: cables, twisted pairs, optical fibres and digital microwaves, connect computers with one another, coming to a
各种各样的信道--电缆,双绞线,光纤以及数字微波等,将计算机连接起来,形成网络。....(please sign in for more)
(69). In such a network, for the purpose of transporting information efficiently and reliably, computers must implement various kinds of operations: data compression-decompression, coding-decoding, conversions of formats, error correction and routing, etc.
在这样一个网络中,为了有效地,可靠地传送信息,计算机要对信息进行压缩--解压缩、编码--译码、格式转换以及纠错、寻找路径等等。....(please sign in for more)
(70). Usually, a user computer (workstation)is connected with a limited area network(LaN)directly or a host(server)via a modem and a telephone line.
通常,网络中的用户工作站要直接连接到一个局域网(LaN)或通过电话线和调制解调器连接到一台主机上。....(please sign in for more)
(71). The LaNs and hosts are inter6onnected with each other via routers and gateways, forming campus area network ( CaN), metropolitan area network (MaN), even wide area network(WaN).
LaN和主机通过路由器或网关互连,形成园区网(CaN),城市网(MaN),甚至于广域网(WaN)。....(please sign in for more)
(72). For instance, the Internet is the most famous WaN. In the network, the computers provide public services are called servers or hosts, e.g., database servers or file servers.
例如,Internet就是著名的WaN。在网络中,提供公共服务的计算机被称作服务器,或主机。如数据库服务器、文件服务器等。....(please sign in for more)
(73). The data formats and the regulations of communications are defined as protocols. The famous TCP/IP is the protocol in Internet.
网络中的信息格式和通信方法称之为网络协议,著名的TCP;IP就是Intemet上的协议。....(please sign in for more)
(74). Recently our campus network has been connected to the Internet. We have opened an account for you.
最近我们的校园网与国际互连网Internet连通了,我们为你设立了一个户头。....(please sign in for more)
(75). But what? It’s quite simple. Let’s take Email as an example. If you send a letter or a file to somebody abroad, he will get it in a few minutes
拿E-mail来说吧,你把信件或其它文件用E-mail发给一个国外的人,对方几分钟就可以收到。....(please sign in for more)
(76). I’ve subscribed to an electronic magazine via E-mail. and it will be sent to my E-mail box every week.
我还通过E-mail订了一份电子期刊,每个星期自动发到我的邮箱里。....(please sign in for more)
(77). "You can use the ""archie"" service to find what you are interested in."
你可以使用Internet上的archie服务来检索感兴趣的东西。....(please sign in for more)
(78). "after you type the key words ""optical communication"", archie will tell you addresses of the servers in the Internet, which contain the files concerned. Then, you can use FTP to get these files."
当你键入关键词"optical communication"后,archie会告诉放有有关的资料的服务器的Internet地址,然后你可以用FTP服务取得资料。....(please sign in for more)
(79). First the archie and then the FTP---? It’s rather complicated.
先用archie,再用FTP-…"太复杂了。....(please sign in for more)
(80). Complicated? But archie, FTP, E-mil and Telnet are the most basic services after all. Besides, there are new services like Gopher, WaIS and WWW.
复杂?archie,FTP,E-mail和Telnet毕竟是Internet最基本的服务。当然罗,使用新功能Gopher,WaIS和WWW’简单得多。....(please sign in for more)
(81). Gopher? Is it a little animallike mouse in northern america?
Gopher?我记得是北美的一种老鼠似的小动物……....(please sign in for more)
(82). and they connect their holes one by one with tunnels. Bopher here is a kind of functions. It connects hosts one by one to retrieve information, according to the title ordered.
并且把自己的洞穴用隧道连起来。Gopher在这儿指一种功能,它能根据你所点到的题目自动地在一个一个主机中寻找。....(please sign in for more)
(83). What you need to do is just to click menus with a mouse. WaIS resembles Gopher in some cases. It can seek the key words not only from titles but also from contents.
你要做的事只是用鼠标点点菜单而已。WaIS类似于Gopher,但不仅仅在题目中还可以在内容中寻找关键字。....(please sign in for more)
(84). WWW has the greatest facility in seeking information. For example, the current WWW browser Netscape can seek information in the form of graphs, pictures and hypertexts.
WWW则是最方便的,例如流行的WWW浏览器Netscape,可以用图形,图像和超级文本方式帮助你检索。....(please sign in for more)
(85). I hear that many people like the News Group.
听说很多人喜欢"新闻论坛"。....(please sign in for more)
(86). Usenet is its formal name. Several decades of thousand hosts and-millions people joined it and, there are about 5000 discussion groups in it.
它的正式名称是Usenet。在Usenet中现已连人数万个主机,拥有上千万参加者。....(please sign in for more)
(87). The discussion topics involves society, culture, art, science, nature, technology and daily life, even humors and games. You can participate in the discussions but-do be polite.
在Usenet的5000多个讨论组中,讨论内容涉及社会、文化、艺术、科学、自然、技术、日常生活乃至于幽默、游戏等。你可以自由地发表意见,当然措辞要礼貌。....(please sign in for more)
(88). Can I get the services of TV, broadcasting from Internet?
那我能否从Internet得到电视和广播的服务呢?....(please sign in for more)
(89). Of course! If you access a WWW server: http://www, xingtech, corn, you will find a solution.
当然!你进入一个www服务器http:;;www.ingteeh.∞m就知道了。....(please sign in for more)
(90). The more the services you enjoy, the more bills you have to pay.
你用的服务越多,付的费也就越多。....(please sign in for more)
(91). Since the United States published NII (National Information Infrastructure: agenda of actions), i.e., the information super highway(ISHW)in September, 1993, ISHW has become one of the focuses in the world.
继美国于1993年9月提出Nil("国家信息基础设施:行动日程")即"信息高速公路"(ISHW)计划以来,"信息高速公路"成为一个热门话题。....(please sign in for more)
(92). The governments, from america, Europe, Oceania to.asia, vied with each other in presenting their ISHW schedules.
各国政府一从美洲,欧洲,大洋洲到亚洲,都争先恐后地提出自己的规划。....(please sign in for more)
(93). "The ""information super highway"" is a broad-bandwidth (high-speed)data communication network which covers the whole society and provides integrate information services,"
所谓"信息高速公路"是指一种覆盖全社会的高速数字通信网络,以及这种网络所提供的综合性信息服务....(please sign in for more)
(94). such as the transporting and processing of data files, voices and full-motion picture.
如语音、全动画图像和文档的双向传送和处理。....(please sign in for more)
(95). The peculiarities of the transporting and processing are high-speed and interaction.
这种传送和处理的特点,一是高速,二是交互式的。....(please sign in for more)
(96). Thus, apart from traditional services: telephone, television, facsimile and the network services rendered by the current Internet,
因此,"信息高速公路"除了可继续为我们提供传统的服务如电话、电视、传真以及像目前Intemet那样的网络服务外....(please sign in for more)
(97). ISHW also provides with VOD (video on demand), the retrieval of real-time multimedium references, network games, remote shopping, remote clinic, video telephone, video conference and distributed education.
还可实现点播电视VOD、实时多媒体资料检索、网络电子游戏、电子购物、电子会诊、可视电话、电视会议和分布式教育。....(please sign in for more)
(98). With ISHW, IC cards and EDI(no-paper trading)will be widely used, which makes our life and business more convenient and more efficient.
由于有了ISHW,Ic卡和EDI(无纸交易)也将得到广泛应用,这使得我们的生活和工作更为方便和有效率。....(please sign in for more)
(99). The ISHW is the agglomeration of computers, communications and multimedia technology. The key technology of ISHW is aTM and B-ISDN (Broad-bandwidth Integrated services Digital Network).
"信息高速公路"集计算机技术、通信技术和多媒体技术为一体,其核心是aTM和宽带综合业务数字网络(B-ISDN)技术。....(please sign in for more)
(100). as the day comes, your computer will be fed with the optical fibre of 155 Mbps (1.55 ~ 10s bit/per second).
当这一天来到的时候,你的计算机将馈入155Mbps(1.55×108比特;秒)光缆。....(please sign in for more)