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(1). The following opinions are put forward in order to offer more services and support to foreign trade, to create a good business environment and to promote the development of foreign trade of Guangxi.
(2). To abolish the examination items concerning “the stub of verification and writing-off form that an export entity shall submit to the Administration of Foreign Exchange within 60 days from the day when a customs declaration is submitted.”
(3). To abolish the examination and approval items concerning “down payment and subordinating expenditures under border barter trade”.
(4). The enterprises shall directly handle the matters in the banks upon the strength of relevant materials
(5). And the banks shall report the Administration of Foreign Exchange about those exceeding US $ 50, 000 of purchase and payment in foreign exchange for down payments or subordinating expenditures for archival purposes in time.
(6). To establish and perfect the bank settlement mechanism for border areas The commercial banks in border areas shall establish agency relationship with those in the border areas of the neighboring countries
(7). Shall open direct bank settlement channels, shall provide convenient and fast settlement services for border enterprises and shall guide them to integrate small amount of border trade settlements into bank settlement channel.
(8). To increase the bank purchase prices of foreign cashes, and allow different places to float within the prescribed scope.
(9). When determining the posted rate, each bank may let it float within the prescribed scope of the state in light of the local market situation.
(10). To adopt flexible verification and writing-off policies for small amount of border trade, lift the restrictions on the verification and writing-off form in RMB or foreign cashes.
(11). Where the export in small amount of border trade is settled in RMB, no matter what is the amount
(12). The border trade enterprises are allowed to go through the verification and writing-off formalities upon the strength of the customs declaration forms of the exported commodities
(13). The verification and writing-off forms for the foreign exchange collected in export, the entry declaration forms for carrying cashes in RMB upon verification and check of the customs or the certification for inward remittance of RMB.
(14). The designated foreign banks may open convertible currency settlement accounts or RMB settlement accounts for the enterprises or other business institutions of neighboring countries engaged in border trade with the border trade enterprises of our country.
(15). All commercial banks may appropriately increase networks for the settlement and sales of foreign exchange, making it accessible for enterprises and individuals to handle operations of settlement and sales of foreign exchange.
(16). To relax the requirements for the opening of RMB accounts
(17). The new Administrative Measures for the RMB Bank Settlement Accounts shall be implemented as of September 1, 2003.
(18). Foreign citizens, foreign institutions within China, the institutions of the other provinces within this Autonomous Region are allowed to open settlement bank accounts
(19). Making it accessible for the investors and enterprises and public institutions of all provinces and cities to carry out economic activities in Guangxi, to liquidate the funds and to accelerate the flow of funds.
(20). To start the large amount payment system, to accelerate the flow of funds of the enterprises
(21). From September 20, 2003 Nanning City, Congzuo City and the 13 counties (cities of county level)subordinate thereto shall start the real-time large amount payment system, realize real-time transfer of funds.
(22). To adopt flexible and diverse lending forms and interest rate adjusting methods to support the development of the enterprises engaged in foreign trade and economic cooperation
(23). Commercial banks may extend loans on credit to the enterprises engaged in foreign trade and economic cooperation with good credit standing, which have ever been appraised as quality customers
(24). The interest rate of the loans extended to the honorable export enterprises may float downward within the reasonable range – not exceeding 10% – on the basis of that announced by the People’s Bank of China.
(25). It may, upon its own examination and decision, extend close-ended loans to the state-owned loss-incurring enterprises with order forms, yield from production, export or foreign contracted projects under the precondition of effective prevention of risks.
(26). To innovate new financing forms for trade in light of the export characteristics of export in Guangxi
(27). On the basis of the former packaged loans on export deposit exchange, processing of materials of overseas clients and contracted projects
(28). The commercial banks shall start operations such as trust loans for export rebate accounts, bid invitation guarantees for overseas contracted projects, performance guarantees and pre-payment guarantees, forfaiting and international factoring, etc.
(29). To improve services, strengthen the supervision and control, increase the efficiency of customs clearance
(30). To deepen the reform of the operational rules for customs clearance
(31). Nanning Customs Office shall push forward the port to implement the convenient customs system-“One-step declaration, check and release”, to provide the import and export enterprises with best services at least costs and shortest time.
(32). To enhance service quality, create quality environment for customs declarations
(33). Nanning Customs Office shall implement a “round-the-clock, no-holiday” duty and 24-hour appointment customs passage system
(34). Shall practice convenient customs clearance measures such as “filing customs declarations ahead of the scheduled time, filing customs declarations through networks, fast transfer
(35). Visiting check and release, urgent customs declaration passage, guaranteed check and clearance and consultation priority,” etc.
(36). For the enterprises with good credit standing, lawful operations and certain scale
(37). Shall publicize the procedures for the handling of affairs and time limit, and shall ensure the smoothness of complaint telephones and consulting hotlines.
(38). To perfect the facilitation measures for trade
(39). You shall accelerate the construction of “e-customs” and “e-port”, expand the pilot scope of no paper customs passage and the applicable range of convenient and rapid customs passage
(40). Popularize the online customs declarations, online tax payments and other reform measures.
(41). You shall give an impetus to the reform of the administrative examination and approval system of customs, transfer the powers of examination and approval to the lower levels
(42). Carry out the work of pre-categorization and pre-examination of price, strengthen the supervision on and analysis to the efficiency of customs passage and shall promote the continuous increase of efficiency of customs passage.
(43). To perfect the mechanism of handling the emergencies on the spot of customs passage
(44). From 2003 on, the customs of all levels shall implement a system that the leaders shall take personal charge on the spot, study and handle the hard problems in export customs passage in time
(45). Shall conduct “door-to-door” supervision over the special export containers of fresh and live and perishable commodities
(46). Shall intensify the cooperation with the inspection and quarantine departments, and shall accelerate the speed of the customs passage for fresh and live products.
(47). Perfect the supervision model over processing trade
(48). You shall establish online supervision over the processing trade adapting to the actual situation of Guangxi
建立适合广西实际的加工贸易联网监管....(please sign in for more)
(49). And implement a new “big handbook” processing trade management and supervision model for the processing trade enterprises that meet the supervision requirements of customs clearance.
对符合海关监管条件的加工贸易企业实施新的“大手册”管理加工贸易监管模式。....(please sign in for more)
(50). You shall develop a network platform for the online examination and approval of the relevant items concerning processing trade, simplify the procedures for the examination and approval of processing trade
开发加工贸易网上审批的网络平台,简化加工贸易审批手续,....(please sign in for more)
(51). Deduct the examination and approval links, accelerate the examination and approval and increase the efficiency of customs clearance.
减少审批环节,加快审批速度,提高审批效率。....(please sign in for more)
(52). Improve border trade supervision methods
改进边贸监管方法。....(please sign in for more)
(53). The border customs shall keep on reforming the customs clearance operations concerning border commodities, perfect the supervision model of categorized management and the fast customs mechanism for border trade products.
边境地区海关继续进行边贸货物的通关作业改革,完善分类管理的监管模式和边贸产品快速通关机制。....(please sign in for more)
(54). The customs shall strengthen the communication and cooperation with the locality and shall handle the issues emerging during the course of the development of border trade.
海关要加强与地方的联系沟通和协作配合,及时解决边境贸易发展过程中出现的问题。....(please sign in for more)
(55). To put more investments into the infrastructure construction of ports
加大口岸设施投入。....(please sign in for more)
(56). The local governments and the relevant aspects shall put more investments into the infrastructure of the ports and supervision offices, and shall improve the port administration conditions and enhance the commodities pass capacity of the ports.
地方政府和有关方面要加大对口岸、监管点基础设施的投入,改善口岸管理条件,提高口岸物流通过能力。....(please sign in for more)
(57). To strengthen the information services of the customs
加强海关信息服务。....(please sign in for more)
(58). Nanning Customs shall further perfect the construction of public information network and the development of its application projects, shall intensify the development and use of the statistical data and the analysis to the import and export
南宁海关要进一步完善公共信息网建设及其应用项目的开发,加强统计数据的开发和使用....(please sign in for more)
(59). Shall voluntarily report and submit the trends and information of the foreign trade and economic cooperation to the local government organs and the relevant departments
加强对进出口贸易情况的分析,主动向地方政府机关及有关部门报送外经贸动态和情况....(please sign in for more)
(60). Shall provide quality information services for the enterprises, and shall give full play to the statistics’ pre-warning supervision and decision-making roles.
为企业提供优质的信息服务,发挥统计的预警监测和决策辅助作用。....(please sign in for more)
(61). To rectify and regulate the import and export order
整顿和规范进出口秩序。....(please sign in for more)
(62). You shall keep on taking strong measures against smuggling, deepen the comprehensive control of anti-smuggling, strike against various activities of smuggling
保持打私高压态势,深入开展反走私综合治理,打击各种走私违法活动....(please sign in for more)
(63). Shall crack down the acts of infringing on the imported and exported commodities and protect the intellectual property.
打击进出口侵权货物的行为,保护知识产权。....(please sign in for more)
(64). To intensify and improve the work of entry and exit inspection and quarantine
加强和改善出入境检验检疫工作....(please sign in for more)
(65). To change the inspection, quarantine and supervision model
转变检验检疫监管模式。....(please sign in for more)
(66). The focus shall be shifted from product inspection and quarantine to the manufacturing process, from quality inspection to the inspection of the safety, sanitation, health and environmental protection.
从重最终产品检验检疫转向重生产过程的监管,从重品质检验转向重安全、卫生、健康、环保的检验把关。....(please sign in for more)
(67). Help the export enterprises to establish and perfect the quality guarantee body, and increase the quality of export products.
帮助出口企业建立和完善质量保证体系,提高出口产品质量。....(please sign in for more)
(68). For the export commodities, attention shall be paid to the inspection and quarantine in the place of production, combining the inspection and quarantine in the place of production with the port inspection
对出口商品实行以产地检验检疫为主、产地检验检疫与口岸查验相结合....(please sign in for more)
(69). And combining the self-control of the enterprises (the owners of the commodities)with the control of the entry and exit inspection and quarantine institutions
企业(货主)自控和出入境检验检疫机构依法把关相结合的监管办法....(please sign in for more)
(70). Pursuant to the law so as to raise the efficiency of customs clearance under the precondition of strictly implementing the port check and inspection system.
在严格执行口岸查验制度的前提下提高通关效率。....(please sign in for more)
(71). To push forward the categorized management of inspection and quarantine. Credit services shall be offered to the enterprises, which have acquired the management qualifications of Categories I and II.
推行检验检疫分类管理。对获得一、二类管理资质的企业,在报检、和通关验放中给予信誉服务。....(please sign in for more)
(72). On the basis of categorized management, the pilot work for the products exempt from inspection shall be carried out.
在分类管理的基础上,开展出口免验产品的试点工作。....(please sign in for more)
(73). Guidance and help shall be given to the enterprises in handling the inspection exemption procedures for the export products, and the scope of the export commodities exempt from examination shall be expanded gradually.
指导和帮助企业申请办理出口免验手续,有步骤地扩大广西出口商品的免验范围。....(please sign in for more)
(74). To implement the system of “Green Passage” for export commodities
推行出口货物“绿色通道”制度。....(please sign in for more)
(75). For an enterprise with perfect quality guarantee body for the export products, stable quality and high credit standing, its export products shall be exempt from inspection at the ports if they are qualified upon examination in the place of production.
对出口产品质量保证体系健全、出口产品质量稳定、诚信度高的企业,出口产品实行产地检验合格后,在口岸免于查验。....(please sign in for more)
(76). The relevant departments shall help the local places to foster a batch of leading export enterprises in line with the requirements for “Green Passage”, establish fast customs clearance for their products.
帮助地方培育一批符合“绿色通道”条件的龙头出口企业,使其产品快速通关。....(please sign in for more)
(77). Establish and perfect the pre-warning mechanism for the export commodities
建立健全出口商品的预警机制。....(please sign in for more)
(78). To collect and study foreign technical regulations, which shall be timely announced to the relevant websites of Guangxi and notified to the relevant export enterprises, to help the enterprises break and surmount foreign technical barriers
收集和研究国外技术法规,及时在广西有关网站上发布和通知有关出口企业,帮助企业打破和跨越国外技术壁垒。....(please sign in for more)
(79). To put into more funds to perfect the risk pre-warning and fast response mechanism for the harmful creatures and poisonous and harmful substances, and ensure the smoothness of the risk pre-warning and fast response information.
加大资金投入,完善广西有害生物和有毒有害物质的风险预警及快速反应机制,确保风险预警及快速反应信息畅通。....(please sign in for more)
(80). To help the enterprises to increase the quality of the export products in the aspects of safety and sanitation
帮助企业提高出口农产品的安全卫生质量。....(please sign in for more)
(81). You shall perfect the monitoring body of agricultural export products, give guidance to and help the enterprises to establish agricultural export bases in accordance with the safe and sanitary standards of the state
完善出口农产品检测体系,指导和帮助企业按照国家安全卫生规范建立农产品出口基地....(please sign in for more)
(82). Set up a number of export and production bases of characteristic fruits and vegetables, and further open up the international markets of agricultural products.
建立一批特色果蔬和畜禽出口生产基地,进一步开拓农产品的国际市场。....(please sign in for more)
(83). To do well the publicity and guidance work of making use of the General System of Preferences (GSP)and the registration of the mark of origin
做好利用普惠制、原产地标志注册的宣传和指导工作。....(please sign in for more)
(84). You shall help the enterprises to overcome the difficulties emerged in the course of making use of the GSP, shall offer guidance to the enterprises to carry out production and export under the scheme of GSP.
帮助企业解决利用普惠制过程中遇到的困难,引导企业按照给惠国普惠制方案的要求进行生产和出口。....(please sign in for more)
(85). You shall make full use of various media to publicize the roles and importance of the origin mark protection, shall offer guidance to and help the export enterprises to apply for the registration of origin marks
充分利用各种媒体广泛宣传原产地标记保护的作用和意义,指导和帮助出口企业申请办理原产地标记注册....(please sign in for more)
(86). Promote the work of origin mark registration and support the export of famous products.
推动原产地标记注册工作,扶持名牌产品出口。....(please sign in for more)
(87). To strengthen the computerized construction of inspection and quarantine
加强检验检疫信息化建设。....(please sign in for more)
(88). You shall accelerate the process of e-application for inspection, e-transfer of application forms and e-visa, realize region-wide and nationwide network.
推进电子报检、电子转单、电子签证的进程,实现全区、全国联网。....(please sign in for more)
(89). You shall forge ahead with the appointment service mechanism and provide 24-hour services.
全面推行预约服务机制,提供24小时的服务。....(please sign in for more)
(90). You shall facilitate the foreign trade enterprises by adopting measures such as holiday appointment inspection application, telephone inspection application, fax inspection application, advance inspection application, clockwise wait for inspection
实行节假日预约报检、电话报检、传真报检、提前报检、全天候检、急事急办、特事特办等便利外贸企业的措施。....(please sign in for more)
(91). To Accelerate the Export Tax Rebate Process
加快出口退税进度....(please sign in for more)
(92). The departments of state taxes shall enhance their service awareness, increase the transparency of the export tax rebate work
国税部门要增强服务意识,提高出口退税工作的透明度....(please sign in for more)
(93). Publicize the export tax rebate (exemption)policies, provide the export enterprises with necessary consultation and inquiry services and help the export enterprises to better grasp and make full use of the aforesaid policies.
宣传国家出台的出口退(免)税政策,为出口企业提供必要的咨询和查询服务,帮助出口企业更好地了解掌握、用好用足出口退(免)税政策。....(please sign in for more)
(94). The departments of state taxes shall forge ahead with the electronic export tax rebate management system, shall increase the efficiency of the export rebate work and accelerate the tax rebate process.
全面推行出口退税电子管理系统,提高出口退税工作效率,加快退税进度。....(please sign in for more)
(95). Within the export tax rebate (exemption)plan of the state, the tax rebates meeting the relevant requirements shall be handled as it is promised that the examination and approval formalities shall be completed within 20 working days.
在国家下达的出口退(免)税计划内,对符合条件的退税业务,严格履行在20个工作日内办结审核、审批手续的承诺。....(please sign in for more)
(96). Owing to the limited export tax rebate (exemption)plan, the departments of state taxes shall not relax the examination and approval work
在出口退(免)税计划有限的情况下,不放松审核、审批工作....(please sign in for more)
(97). And shall issue necessary qualification certification to the enterprises when the enterprises apply for trustee loans, do your utmost to decrease the fund flow pressure on the enterprises due to inadequacy of the export tax (exemption)plan.
并为企业申请出口退税账户托管贷款出具必要的资质证明,最大限度地减少由于出口退(免)税计划不足而给出口企业带来的资金周转压力。....(please sign in for more)
(98). To establish Guangxi Foreign Trade Development Promotion Fund
建立广西外贸发展促进资金....(please sign in for more)
(99). The Autonomous Region shall establish Guangxi Foreign Trade Development Promotion Fund, which shall be mainly used in the foreign trade export.
自治区建立广西外贸发展促进资金,主要用于促进外贸出口。....(please sign in for more)
(100). The relevant specified administrative measures shall be formulated by the Finance Department and the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.
由自治区财政厅、外经贸厅制定资金的具体管理办法。....(please sign in for more)