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(1). The Communist Party should establish its third generation of collective leadership.
(2). Historically, our Party never had a mature central leadership before the Zunyi Meeting. Chen Duxiu, Qu Qiubai, Xiang Zhongfa, Li Lisan and Wang Ming all failed to form a capable central leadership.
(3). It was only after the Zunyi Meeting that the collective leadership of the Party began to take shape. That leadership was composed of Comrades Mao, Liu, Zhou, Zhu and Ren Bishi.
(4). After Comrade Bishi passed away, Comrade Chen Yun was added to the leadership.
(5). At the Eighth National Congress of the Party, the Central Committee established a Standing Committee composed of Mao, Liu, Zhou, Zhu, Chen and Deng.
(6). Later on, Lin Biao was added to the Standing Committee.
(7). This collective leadership lasted until the ″cultural revolution″.
(8). In the long history before the ″cultural revolution″, no matter what mistakes our Party made and no matter how the composition of the leadership changed, it always remained a collective leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong as the core.
(9). That was the first generation of collective leadership.
(10). At the Third Plenary Session of its Eleventh Central Committee, the Party established a new collective leadership--the second generation.
(11). Actually, it can be said that in this leadership I am in the key position.
(12). Ever since the establishment of this collective leadership, I have been arranging for my successor.
(13). Neither of the successors I chose retained their post for long, but at the time, given their experience in struggle, their achievements in work and their political and ideological level, they were the best choices I could make.
(14). Besides, people change.
(15). A collective leadership must have a core; without a core, no leadership can be strong enough.
(16). The core of our first generation of collective leadership was Chairman Mao.
(17). Because of that core, the ″cultural revolution″ did not bring the Communist Party down.
(18). Actually, I am the core of the second generation.
(19). Because of this core, even though we changed two of our leaders, the Party’s exercise of leadership was not affected but always remained stable.
(20). The third generation of collective leadership must have a core too,all you comrades present here should be keenly aware of that necessity and act accordingly.
(21). You should make an effort to maintain the core--Comrade Jiang Zemin, as you have agreed.
(22). From the very first day it starts to work, the new Standing Committee should make a point of establishing and maintaining this collective leadership and its core.
(23). As long as we have a good Political Bureau, and a good Standing Committee in particular, and as long as the committee is united and sets an example by working hard to build the country and by combating corruption, it can withstand all kinds of trouble.
(24). This incident showed that the working class, the peasantry and the Liberation Army are reliable, and so are the intellectuals, who are part of the working class.
(25). But if the central leadership had been in disarray, it would have been hard to say what would have happened.
(26). That was crucial.
(27). The destiny of the country, the Party and the people hinges on a strong collective leadership such as I have described.
(28). I told Comrades Li Peng and Yao Yilin that once the new leaders began to work in an orderly way, I would no longer concern myself with your affairs or interfere in them.
(29). I also told them that that was my decision regarding my political role.
(30). Of course, if you want to consult me, I’m not going to turn you down, but it won’t be the way it used to be.
(31). I hope that after the new Political Bureau and its Standing Committee are established, they will not announce that I am going to play any particular role.
(32). Why? Not because I am modest or anything else.
(33). But as things stand now, if I carried too much weight, it would not be good for the country and the Party, and some day it would be dangerous.
(34). Many countries base their China policies on the prospect of my illness or death. I have been aware of this for many years.
(35). It is unhealthy and very risky to base the destiny of a country on the prestige of one or two individuals.
(36). That’s all right so long as nothing happens,but if anything happens, the situation will be hard to handle.
(37). Once the new leading group is formed, you must be responsible for everything, that is, for your mistakes and for your successes.
(38). That way you can work independently, which is good because it means the new collective leadership can temper itself.
(39). After all, our old method was not very successful.
(40). I am 85 years old, and at this advanced age I should know what’s right for me to do.
(41). My chief concern is the overall interest.
(42). If a person’s presence adversely affects stability and sound development, that will be a problem.
(43). If there is something I can do, I shall be more than ready to help from the sidelines, but under no circumstances should I be given any official title.
(44). This incident has shown that the crucial question is whether we should keep to the socialist road and uphold leadership by the Party.
(45). The Western imperialists are trying to make all socialist countries abandon the socialist road, to bring them in the end under the rule of international monopoly capital and set them on the road to capitalism.
(46). We have to take a clear-cut stand against this adverse current.
(47). Because if we did not uphold socialism, we would eventually become, at best, a dependency of other countries, and it would be even more difficult for us to develop.
(48). The international market has already been fully occupied, and it will be very hard for us to get in.
(49). Only socialism can save China, and only socialism can develop China.
(50). In this connection, the rebellion has been a great enlightenment to us, it is important because it sobered us up.
在这一点上,这次暴乱对我们的启发十分大,十分重要,使我们头脑更加清醒起来。....(please sign in for more)
(51). China would have no future if it did not follow the socialist road.
不走社会主义道路中国就没有前途。....(please sign in for more)
(52). China is a poor country, so why is it that people regard it as forming the ″great triangle″ with the United States and the Soviet Union?
中国本来是个穷国,为什么有中美苏“大三角”的说法....(please sign in for more)
(53). Because China is an independent country.
就是因为中国是独立自主的国家。....(please sign in for more)
(54). Why do we say we are independent?
为什么说我们是独立自主的....(please sign in for more)
(55). Because we are trying to build socialism, a socialism suited to our own conditions.
就是因为我们坚持有中国特色的社会主义道路。....(please sign in for more)
(56). Otherwise, we should have to act in accordance with the will of the Americans, or of people in other developed countries or in the Soviet Union.
否则,只能是看着美国人的脸色行事,看着发达国家的脸色行事,或者看着苏联人的脸色行事....(please sign in for more)
(57). How much independence would we have then?
那还有什么独立性啊!....(please sign in for more)
(58). At the moment, the media worldwide are putting pressure on us; we should take it calmly and not allow ourselves to be provoked.
现在国际舆论压我们,我们泰然处之,不受他们挑动。....(please sign in for more)
(59). Nonetheless, we should manage our own affairs well,this incident has really revealed enough of our mistakes!
但是,我们要好好地把自己的事情搞好,这次事件确实把我们的失误也暴露得足够了。....(please sign in for more)
(60). We have indeed made mistakes. And they are not minor ones.
我们确实有失误呀!而且失误很不小啊!....(please sign in for more)
(61). Next I want to talk about what work we should do in the near future.
下面谈谈最近抓什么工作的问题。....(please sign in for more)
(62). We cannot wait until we have completely quelled the rebellion.
不能等暴乱完全平息....(please sign in for more)
(63). We should, on the one hand, work to do that and, on the other hand, sort out the mistakes we have made, find ways to remedy them and identify the urgent problems.
现在就要一面抓彻底平息暴乱,一面清理一下我们过去究竟失误在哪些方面,如何改正,以及现在急迫需要解决的是些什么问题。....(please sign in for more)
(64). We cannot deal with everything at once.
要统统抓、全面抓是不可能的。....(please sign in for more)
(65). If at this time we start a discussion on a theoretical question, such as the market and planning, not only will it not help stabilize the situation but it will delay our work.
如果在这个时候开展一个什么理论问题的讨论,比如对市场、计划等问题的讨论,提出这类问题,不但不利于稳定,还会误事。....(please sign in for more)
(66). Right now we should concentrate on doing some things to satisfy the people.
现在需要聚精会神地做几件使人民满意、高兴的事情....(please sign in for more)
(67). At the same time we should quickly address the problems that prevent us from moving ahead.
同时要赶快注意那些对我们前进不利的事情。....(please sign in for more)
(68). First, economic development should not slow down.
第一,经济不能滑坡。....(please sign in for more)
(69). We should work hard to achieve as high a growth rate as possible.
凡是能够积极争取的发展速度还是要积极争取....(please sign in for more)
(70). Of course, the rate should not be so high as we originally planned.
当然不要求像过去想的那么高。....(please sign in for more)
(71). At present, the main problem is that our basic industries are weak and that we don’t have enough electricity and raw and semi-finished materials.
现在主要是我们基础工业薄弱,缺少电和原材料。....(please sign in for more)
(72). Moreover, small enterprises have used up materials that should have been allocated to large ones.
而在原材料的分配中,小企业吃了大企业....(please sign in for more)
(73). As a result, the state has suffered heavy losses.
结果国家损失大。....(please sign in for more)
(74). When we address the question of economic slowdown this time, we should sort out the urgent problems and solve them without hesitation.
这次解决经济滑坡的问题,要清理一下急需解决哪些问题。应该解决的问题要加快解决,要用快刀斩乱麻的办法解决,不能拖。....(please sign in for more)
(75). Hesitation causes delay.
当断不断,要误事。....(please sign in for more)
(76). We should quickly set about doing everything that we are sure is correct and that helps us develop.
看准了的,积极方面的,有利于发展事业的,抓着就可以干。....(please sign in for more)
(77). We should try to expand the economy at a satisfactory speed in the next 11 and a half years.
要在今后的十一年半中争取一个比较满意的经济发展速度。....(please sign in for more)
(78). When we have redoubled the GNP in real terms, the people will see that our country and our socialist cause are flourishing.
如果再翻一番,没有水分的翻一番,那时候人民就会看到我们的国家、我们的社会主义事业是兴旺发达的。....(please sign in for more)
(79). The Central Committee and the State Council must be capable and must have authority.
党中央、国务院应当是有权威的,有能力的。....(please sign in for more)
(80). How can they function without authority?
没有权威不行啊。....(please sign in for more)
(81). I propose that a body be established to study the strategy and programme for development in the first 50 years of the next century, in particular to work out a plan for developing basic industries, communications and transportation.
我建议组织一个班子,研究下一个世纪前五十年的发展战略和规划,主要是制定一个基础工业和交通运输的发展规划。....(please sign in for more)
(82). Measures should be taken to ensure steady and sustained development.
要采取有力的步骤,使我们的发展能够持续、有后劲。....(please sign in for more)
(83). As I said earlier, after this incident, as long as we conscientiously review our past and consider our future, the country will develop not only in a better, more stable way but also faster.
我曾经讲过,经过这次事件,我们只要认真总结过去,考虑未来,我们的发展也许不但更稳、更好,而且可能会更快一点。....(please sign in for more)
(84). It is possible for us to turn this bad thing to good account.
这件坏事变成好事的可能性是有的。....(please sign in for more)
(85). That body should also study the problem of agriculture, which may eventually be solved through science.
农业问题也要研究,最终可能是科学解决问题。....(please sign in for more)
(86). Science is a great thing, and we should recognize its importance.
科学是了不起的事情,要重视科学。....(please sign in for more)
(87). Second, we should do some things to satisfy the people.
第二,做几件使人民满意的事情。....(please sign in for more)
(88). There are chiefly two things,one is to carry out the reform and opening to the outside world with greater daring, and the other is to move swiftly to punish corruption.
主要是两个方面,一个是更大胆地改革开放,另一个是抓紧惩治腐败。....(please sign in for more)
(89). The work related to opening to the outside world should be done mainly by the State Council.
开放方面的工作主要是国务院来做。....(please sign in for more)
(90). The Council should make its determination to open wider known abroad, it has to have the courage to do that.
要把进一步开放的旗帜打出去,要有点勇气。....(please sign in for more)
(91). In general, it should allow enterprises to make less profits and should not be afraid of losses.
现在总的是要允许吃亏,不怕吃亏....(please sign in for more)
(92). It should be prepared to do anything as long as it is in our long-term interest.
只要对长远有益就可以干。....(please sign in for more)
(93). It should do more to facilitate reform and opening to the outside.
要多做几件有利于改革开放的事情。....(please sign in for more)
(94). Joint ventures involving foreign capital should be set up, and local areas should be allowed to establish development zones.
外资合作经营要搞,各地的开发区可以搞。....(please sign in for more)
(95). If we absorb more foreign capital, it will surely benefit foreign businessmen, but we too shall benefit eventually.
多吸引外资,外方固然得益,最后必然还是我们自己得益。....(please sign in for more)
(96). For example, we can collect taxes, introduce professional services for foreign-funded enterprises and establish some profitable enterprises ourselves.
税收方面可以收一些税,为外资服务的行业可以搞一些,我们自己也可以在那里搞一些有利可图的企业....(please sign in for more)
(97). In this way our economy will be invigorated.
这样就可以搞活。....(please sign in for more)
(98). Since foreigners are afraid that we shall close our doors again, we should do some things to demonstrate that our policies of reform and opening to the outside world will not change but will be further implemented.
现在国际上担心我们会收,我们就要做几件事情,表明我们改革开放的政策不变,而且要进一步地改革开放。....(please sign in for more)
(99). The highest objective of our political restructuring is to keep the environment stable.
在政治体制改革方面,最大的目的是取得一个稳定的环境。....(please sign in for more)
(100). I have told Americans that China’s overriding interest is in stability.
我跟美国人讲,中国的最高利益就是稳定。....(please sign in for more)