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经济学人:传统社会 不绕弯子

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(1). Traditional societies
(2). No beating about the bush
(3). America’s best-known geographer shows what there is to learn from early man
(4). The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies?
(5). 1: 1 JARED DIAMOND has made a name for himself explaining why some societies do well and others do not. ||2: In “Guns, Germs and Steel”, his 1997 bestseller, he brushed aside the arrogant view that ascribed Europe’s dominance to human biology, stressing instead the continent’s environmental advantages, notably its native wheat and barley and its easily domesticated animals. ||3: He followed this up eight years later with “Collapse”, another exhaustive study, this time about how certain societies caused their own demise by ruining the environs that sustained them. ||4: Read together, these are civilisation-scale books about survival.
1:贾雷德戴蒙德因为分析了一些社会运行良好一些社会难以为继的原因而名声大噪。||2: 他执笔的《枪炮、病菌与钢铁》是1997年的畅销书。书中,他对 “欧洲社会之所以运行良好,是因为其主导了人类生物学领域” 这一自负论断不屑一顾,在他看来,欧洲大陆的昌盛是因为欧洲优越的环境特别适合种植小麦、大麦以及饲养家畜。 ||3:八年后,他奉献了耗时良久的又一力作-《崩溃:社会如何选择成败兴亡》。书中主要内容是介绍一些人类社会是如何毁掉自己赖以生存的周遭环境,进而导致自己灭亡的。||4:两本书都是文明层面上有关人类生存的书籍。
(6). 1: But they cover only a small portion of the human story. ||2: In his new book Mr Diamond, a geographer at UCLA, points out that life on this scale is a recent phenomenon. ||3: For most of history human beings lived in small groups as hunter-gatherers. Agriculture began 11,000 years ago; state government not even half as recently. ||4: But Mr Diamond, who has spent years studying in the jungles of Papua New Guinea and learning from local tribes people, argues that mankind retains important links to its distant past and can still learn a thing or two from traditional societies.
(7). 1: Mr Diamond writes, for example, that most societies have held on to some form of religion as a way of maintaining social order, comforting the anxious and teaching political obedience. ||2: Tribal societies in New Guinea rarely, if ever, fight over religious matters. ||3: These societies also tend to be more multilingual, helpful for diplomacy perhaps, and as it turns out, also a way of protecting against Alzheimer’s. ||4: There are 1,000 different languages in New Guinea alone. ||5: Traditional societies resolve disputes by making do entirely without the state. ||6: In stark contrast to the American criminal-justice system, the leopard-skin-draped chief of Sudan’s Nuer people has no role in settling disputes but works to facilitate mediation and calculate traditional forms of compensation.
1: 比如,戴蒙德教授在书中就这样写到:大部分人类社会都保留了某种宗教形式,用于维持社会治安、安抚社会急躁情绪、 维持政治统治。 ||2: 不过, 新几内亚的部落居民却从未因为宗教事务发生过冲突。 ||3: 这些原始的部落使用的语言不止一种, 或许这样有助于人们交往。事实上证明,使用多种语言也是防治老年痴呆症的好方法。 ||4:单单在新几内亚就有1000多种语言。||5:传统社会一般在没有国家机器的状态下,就能解决所有冲突。||6:与美国刑事司法系统截然不同的是,苏丹身穿豹纹皮的努尔部落首领没有权力解决纠纷,但是可以采用传统的计算方法核算补偿,从中进行调停。
(8). 1: Other things have changed, not all of them for the better. ||2: The gluttonous industrialised world could benefit from a more Palaeolithic diet. ||3: Traditional societies have hardly a trace of the West’s main non-communicable diseases, such as heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and many forms of cancer—the hallmarks of a diet rich in salt and saturated fat. ||4: Thanks to a cuisine of mainly low-sodium bananas, Brazil’s Yanomamo Indians consume only 50 milligrams of salt a day. ||5: One Big Mac would give them a month’s worth. ||6: Tribespeople who adopt a sedentary lifestyle and eat processed food show a sharp increase in the same diseases that afflict Westerners. ||7: A third of urbanised Australian aboriginals suffer from type-2 diabetes, and among the Wanigela in Port Moresby, New Guinea’s modern capital city, the figure is closer to 40%.
(9). 1: Mr Diamond is at his most impressed when it comes to tribal family life. ||2: He writes of missionary children who prefer the playgroups of traditional societies that bring together children of different ages to the solitary fixation on video games that are common back home. ||3: Raising children is a communal affair in which the elderly are deeply involved, unlike what happens in most Western countries. ||4: He cites studies that show that an African Aka pygmy infant, for example, is looked after by at least seven people and babies in the Efe tribe by as many as 14. ||5: At the same time, he writes, children in traditional households seem to enjoy more autonomy. ||6: In the Kalahari the !Kung do not resort to physical punishment; instead children are allowed to slap and insult their parents. ||7: And New Guinea Highlander children are encouraged to play with knives and with fire, precisely so that they are able to learn from their mistakes.
1:最让戴蒙德教授印象深刻的是部落的家庭生活。||2:他书中写到,比起一回到家一律死盯着电动游戏的孩子相比,传教士的孩子更喜欢在传统社会的操场上玩,在那里,不同年纪的孩子能在一起嬉闹追逐。||3:与大....(please sign in for more)
(10). 1: In all this, the author’s argument is not that we should abandon our modern way of life—he certainly has not—nor does he romanticise traditional people as earth-loving peaceniks. ||2: A tribal life can, after all, be nasty and brutish. ||3: Few people live past the age of 50, mostly because of curable diseases. ||4: For the !Kung, infanticide has been permitted in order to preserve resources in lean times. ||5: Bolivia’s Siriono Indians abandoned their elderly once they became a burden. ||6: North American Crow Indians encouraged them to commit suicide. ||7: Tribal warfare may kill far fewer than 21st-century mechanised versions, but there is still a constant fear of raids and revenge killings. ||8: And a higher percentage of the population dies fighting.
1:作者这么写,不是说人们应该放弃现代生活方式,他也没有这层意思。他也没有把传统社会生活的人们美化成和平分子。||2:毕竟,部落里的生活是不文明而且残酷的。||3:部落里的人很少有活过50的,大部分死....(please sign in for more)
(11). 1:Nor is subsistence living for the faint- hearted.||2:Shortages can mean starvation.||3:Taro, a tropical-root vegetable, is the staple food of the Kaulong people of New Britain, an island off Papua New Guinea.||4:But in the dry season they are forced to scour the forest for insects, snails and unpalatable plants.||5:Toxic wild nuts must be soaked in water for days to leach out the poison.
1:书中,他也没有说胆小鬼有生存的可能。||2:物资短缺可意味着要挨饿。||3:巴布亚新几内亚群岛附近的一座名为新英格兰的岛生活着卡隆民族,他们的主食就是热带根茎蔬菜芋头。||4:但是一到旱季,他们就....(please sign in for more)
(12). 1:Mr Diamond’s book is mostly a fascinating survey of a rapidly fading world.||2:Only when it tries to pose as a handbook for tribal living does it fall flat.||3:Comparing traditional strategies for maximising crop yields with modern ways of managing financial investments is more banal than original.||4:Our forebears have been around for a lot longer than we have; learning how they did so should be lesson enough.
1:很大程度上来说,戴蒙德教授的新书是对快速消亡世界的一次引人入胜的探寻。||2:如果把这本书当成部落生活的手册,那么这本书就完全算不上好书。||3:把最大程度上提高收成的传统方法与现代金融投资管理方....(please sign in for more)